Monday, December 3, 2007

Name Something Muhammad

Duration: 03:20 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-12-02 02:11:01
User: CapnOAwesome
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I'm doing Muslims a favor, if they actually want to get along with people in this world, they need to get used to the fact some of us recognize their religion as a piece of shit.


notjustforfun ::: Favorites  2007-12-03 02:20:31

you are an asshole
drryot ::: Favorites  2007-12-03 02:28:58

Will0Wisp ::: Favorites  2007-12-03 02:36:33

I just had to go #2 and when I wiped my butt, Muhammads face was crystal clear on the paper! Beard and ALL! Allah O ackbat! I swear! Too bad about the no poo poo policy or I would show and tell.
DaBigMouth ::: Favorites  2007-12-03 02:58:11

Hey all you Muslims! I have a gerbil named Mohammad that lives in my anus.
Skeptikmind ::: Favorites  2007-12-03 02:59:54

Nobody wants to eat a vagina named Muhammed. Think people!
WeToddEd049 ::: Favorites  2007-12-03 03:01:23

Actually, I think Sudan has a large Christian population too.
rowsdowersavesus ::: Favorites  2007-12-03 03:09:40

what's funny is Muhammed the teddy bear is named AFTER THE CHILD!
Keenah93 ::: Favorites  2007-12-03 03:09:54

Im a muslim and its actually not funny at all. But I wont even go off and say things that I shouldnt bkuz Im supposed to be peaceful. Now, ppl say stuff about why should we respect your religion and you're bombing places up or whatever, but why should anyone respect your religion when you're bashing others? Thats just one place with a certain group of ppl. Not all muslims are like that and honestly this just makes irritates me. Im only 14 and this is disrespectful.
doyle6315 ::: Favorites  2007-12-03 03:16:27

Muslims are illiterate barbarians. Stoning a woman because she has the misfortune to be raped! Stoning anyone who resists their cruel and merciless laws. Amputation for a child who steals a toy. Dowse the lot, stick them in a rocket and fire it into the sun. As for Allah - an IMAGINARY being like Father Christmas. Can you imagine imprisoning a teacher for calling the class bear Nicklaus?
doyle6315 ::: Favorites  2007-12-03 03:20:25

There's more. Muhammad was a bigamist (11 wives), a pedophile (had sex with Aisha when she was only 9) and a psychotic (heard voices from an imaginary angel). This man was in dire need of a labotomy, ECT and clozapine. His transcriptions of these voices - the Quran - is clearly a pile of bollox. And I shit on it - piss on it - puke on it - and wank on it. Muslims fuck off back to the third world.
rowsdowersavesus ::: Favorites  2007-12-03 03:25:13

I name my penis Muhammed
doyle6315 ::: Favorites  2007-12-03 03:27:19

There's even more. Can anyone name a single muslim who was won an academic award such as a Nobel Prize? No! In fact the people they persecute - the Jews - have made contributions in all human endeavors (sciences, arts, politics) and the number of Jewish Nobel prize winners (160) far exceeds the percentage of Jews in the world's population.
7789902 ::: Favorites  2007-12-03 03:33:02

"Jackass" is a word used by southern know, the banjo playing retards. Sorry, but I live on the west coast and that word is very very very uncool. And what's with the "hellaja" bs? Does everything have to revolve around some fairy in the sky? Are you that brainwashed by your parents that you are incapable of realizing that there is no such thing as Gods or goblins? How old are you anyway? Ummm....hate to break it to you but Santa Clause isn't real either.
7789902 ::: Favorites  2007-12-03 03:38:02

Wow, and your 47 years old and still talk that way? Considering I'm talking with a Christian American (right-wing-sect), let me propose something to a dude who believes that the 1200 sq mile sized craft (HMS Heaven) is gonna float down and allow you to board it. Have you considered the possiblility that, and as outrageous as it sounds, that the Muslims who took out the WTC are now getting a bj by 21 virgins? Think about it.
KobyBrandt ::: Favorites  2007-12-03 03:42:44

May a wild and well-endowed camel rapeth you savagely while you sleep! Alalalalalallah!

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