Sunday, August 19, 2007

Highlights [ AC Milan - PSV eindhoven ]

Duration: 03:49 minutes
Upload Time: 07-08-04 10:30:24
User: kakaoOo1
:::: Favorites

Friendlies 2007/2008 Penalty AC Milan 3-4 PSV

mmm7680 ::: Favorites
Forza Rossoneri
07-08-04 12:21:37
Danielsanraya2 ::: Favorites
Forza PSV
07-08-04 20:56:02

No Friend Of Mine

Duration: 04:44 minutes
Upload Time: 07-03-23 08:51:17
User: phunkydiskoboy
:::: Favorites

Tempamental Featuring Michael Jackson

Christmas with Bluntmation (2002) - with intro

Duration: 09:12 minutes
Upload Time: 06-04-18 06:58:01
User: Blunty3000
:::: Favorites

Christmas with Bluntmation from 2002 with bonus video intro from the Bluntmation dvd

Tezzzer ::: Favorites
rofl that was funny
06-12-28 00:57:08
fjfan ::: Favorites
These are all great, man. Because of these I'm now working on my own. It'll be nothing compared to yours, but it's still funny IMO. BTW, I went to your site and there was like nothing on there.
07-01-17 14:40:15
samxma ::: Favorites
ur great plz tell me were u get ur lego
07-02-12 14:49:37
sanke3128 ::: Favorites
spiderman :D
07-02-16 18:43:35
DrDoomRox ::: Favorites
well done
07-03-10 16:41:11
giacomand ::: Favorites
lol nice dancing
07-03-31 01:10:50
XxgodismyrockxX ::: Favorites
awesome work...again
07-05-06 19:21:55
redhatentertainment ::: Favorites
i love all the random characters in the background and for some reason, i like the metallica & trans-siberian orchestra carol of the bells...
07-06-04 16:05:41
jimm2daslim ::: Favorites
i like that version of Carol of the Bells too :]
07-06-15 01:39:35
Sabby321 ::: Favorites
This a great video blunty!!!
07-07-14 17:26:03

Seedorf skills [ AC Milan 3-1 Cagliari ]

Duration: 00:7 minutes
Upload Time: 07-04-22 18:30:52
User: kakaoOo1
:::: Favorites

calcio 2006/2007 milan-cagliari

10ROBINHOO ::: Favorites
thanks and nice skills
07-04-22 19:22:51
airbik ::: Favorites
07-04-29 01:32:11

Challenge a Ninja

Duration: 04:03 minutes
Upload Time: 06-07-12 06:32:50
User: Blunty3000
:::: Favorites

some kind of ramdonmess... Challenges and a NINJA!

FireFixesSociety ::: Favorites XD Nice, blunty. I got a laugh out of the glass bit. lol
06-07-16 00:02:25
witherthell ::: Favorites
optimists are just plain scary...when is the grass EVER greener? or rather the other vodka bottle stronger than the one you'v just stolen...?
06-07-16 12:22:52
Lavmus ::: Favorites
Ei. I don't know if someone has told you this yet.. Or if it's just me because I'm weird, but you look something like Scott Patterson, Luke, from Gilmore Girls. ^^
06-07-18 02:22:05
Jackpwnz ::: Favorites
You remind me of the cartoon character on the show Mission Hill..The mexican guy, his neighbor.
06-07-21 01:16:20
NotEvsie ::: Favorites
I still don't know if having a lego starship Enterprise is REALLY sad... or actually quite cool
06-07-21 18:39:36
Whonnock ::: Favorites ar you gay?
06-08-08 09:51:59
CrimsonMoonAlchemist ::: Favorites
That's so very true...
06-08-10 16:46:39
youble ::: Favorites
stealing my drink! ha lol
07-05-08 23:46:33
jackstickley ::: Favorites
i just threw up a little...
07-06-08 01:21:13
Popupkille ::: Favorites
My oppinion of the half full or half empty. If you have just poored liquid into it, its half full, If you're in the process of drinking, its half empty. :)
07-07-16 12:27:54

Scissor Kick

Duration: 00:58 minutes
Upload Time: 06-12-08 19:59:03
User: obsoccerplaya02
:::: Favorites

Giuly Scissor kick

soccerkjr ::: Favorites
06-12-17 20:19:47
joshthegreat1 ::: Favorites
i've done a nicer one. but not at that level of play
06-12-30 20:36:26
madhattersad ::: Favorites
joshthegreat?you sure sound full of your self...
07-05-23 10:50:25
BigNeems ::: Favorites
that was beautiful
07-06-14 21:32:05
LosAztecas ::: Favorites
Very nicely executed.
07-07-10 08:40:49
Sachiko16 ::: Favorites
07-07-19 13:59:41
iwatchutubevids ::: Favorites
07-07-29 23:59:16
Harregarre ::: Favorites
07-08-04 21:27:31
6YourPrettyFace9 ::: Favorites
Perfectly executed
07-08-13 19:44:14

Clip From 24 Season 6 Premiere -3-

Duration: 00:41 minutes
Upload Time: 07-01-03 04:43:21
User: ea186
:::: Favorites

Small Clip from 24 Season Six Premiere released by FOX Buchanan signs for the release of a homeless man. Wait... that's Jack Bauer

holls26 ::: Favorites
This is right, they were Karate outfits with dragons on them; I've seen it.
07-03-27 14:31:46
Easterino ::: Favorites
marks on his backs aswell, whips. you dnt think it hurts? hurt Jesus, im sure it hurt Jack. and the hand, looks like acid burns more than 3rd degree. think of SAW3 wen she puts her hand in the acid. i agree, this seasons storyline is completely unrealisitic and is a big letdown, but cmon, dnt judge a Jack by his hand. p.s. i dont even wanna know what theyv done to his penis.
07-04-13 18:44:38
susybunny ::: Favorites
can you please tell me where can I find free downloads for episodes 6-14 (season 6)? Tkxxx
07-05-11 04:31:22
Jellybell91 ::: Favorites
Spoiler: Jack Kills Curting Manning in 4 Episode :)
07-05-17 21:09:04
Draco495 ::: Favorites
You are all daft
07-06-07 13:25:49
Draco495 ::: Favorites
You are all daft. Human rights in america and China you are having A laugh. Do you not read whats going on in the world. China has mobile gas chambers to get rid of the massive prison population that have been convicted of nothing more than smoking pot!!! Dont get me started on Guantanamo bay!!!
07-06-07 13:30:12
jazzieirene ::: Favorites
I LOVE 24!!!!!!!!!
07-06-13 15:44:50
jazzieirene ::: Favorites
you suck. it's a frieken t.v. show! its make beleive! gosh what is your problem? i happen to love this show so you should shut up.
07-06-13 15:48:03
jimmydushku ::: Favorites
Awesome! 5 stars all the way. 24 rocks!!
07-07-04 12:24:59
elonoresmallbroaddp ::: Favorites
Check out some hot girl videos at CAMAZONCAMS dot COM
07-07-28 20:01:55

Heroes - S01E16 - Unexpected - Special Clip

Duration: 01:14 minutes
Upload Time: 07-02-13 12:35:18
User: ea186
:::: Favorites

Episode Clip from the Next Episode of Heroes which will air on February 19th. Shows a new hero with a cool ability and also Sylar

wbslnger2004 ::: Favorites
Sylar looks creepy in this
07-02-14 09:32:48
laurie826 ::: Favorites
He ALWAYS looks creepy anyway !
07-02-14 10:47:22
alicstone ::: Favorites
holy crap!!! she can hear his heart beat!!! WOW!!!
07-02-16 03:57:53
hillsyde ::: Favorites
Sylar is a Stocker for brains.
07-02-16 19:23:35
AgentCross420 ::: Favorites
Heh, Sylar isn't nervous. He just can't wait to take off that fat chicks head, eat part of her brain, and get a new power.
07-02-17 05:08:53
Sepharite ::: Favorites
You know how your heart races when you're horny? Well, Sylar is freakin' horny for her*! YUMMMY YUMMY. *brain
07-02-18 23:03:11
lokebrandon ::: Favorites
he doesn't eat brains. Just figures out how it works and takes there power.
07-02-19 14:20:35
daBoje ::: Favorites
I always see Adam from Fox 24 instead of Sylar. Sylar doesnt scare me at all
07-02-19 18:05:40

July 16, 2006 Sunday Snapshot

Duration: 05:22 minutes
Upload Time: 06-09-26 14:06:21
User: thehotline
:::: Favorites

Hotline's weekly summary of the Sunday political talk shows. This episode: Mideast, Plame, Stem Cells Guests: George Allen, Chris Dodd, Robert Novak, Jane Harman, Richard Haas, Trent Lott, Dianne Feinstein, Dan Bartlett, Madeleine Albright, Condoleezza Rice, Joe Biden, Newt Gingrich

daysout ::: Favorites
The skies don't need to be 'defended' they aren't under attack. Who would dare attack the 'skies'. Only the dumb fuck Yankees who have military presence all over the world would believe that other countries are threatening them. God almighty, get real. You are armchair savages.
07-05-15 05:10:58

WESTWOOD in Homelands pt2

Duration: 09:18 minutes
Upload Time: 07-06-20 10:36:41
User: timwestwoodtv
:::: Favorites

Westwood hangs out in Homelands with Jazzy Jeff, Grandmaster Flash, Dizzee Rascal & Ty

24 Season 5 Deleted Scene 6

Duration: 00:39 minutes
Upload Time: 06-12-12 14:41:47
User: ea186
:::: Favorites

1PM - 2PM Jack wraps Inessa in a towel.

saitoghost ::: Favorites
you have got to gave jack a clap on the back for haveing a huge heart
06-12-16 09:57:10
Naked45 ::: Favorites
Through he battles terrorism, he does have a compassionate soul.
06-12-21 22:44:36
pukeachu ::: Favorites
And scenes revealing Bauer more complex than a human killing machine are cut why, exactly?
07-05-14 06:03:59
joeanngymnastbroadqd ::: Favorites
One night stands and no strings sex at > FLINGDATINGSITE dot COM <
07-08-05 21:21:20

Special Comment: Vote Democrat & Die

Duration: 08:08 minutes
Upload Time: 07-04-25 21:40:53
User: MyLeftNutmegger
:::: Favorites

Olbermann's Special Comment from 4/25/07.

Ngirl26 ::: Favorites
God Bless Keith.
07-04-29 17:01:56
trdguy82 ::: Favorites
Olbermann is the Ann Coulter of the democrats.
07-05-19 11:16:06
douggill ::: Favorites
great insight, tardguy82
07-05-24 20:32:58
Evolvelution ::: Favorites
"If our objective is to defeat Islamic terrorism, wouldn't it be more effective to enlist anti-terrorist Muslims who represent the majority? For every innocent Muslim we kill in this so-called "War on terror," we create another 100 Ben Ladens." Terrorism = killing innocent civilians: 3000 innocent Americans of 9/11 = terrorism 650 000 innocent Iraqis = terrorism Join the evolution impeachforpeace(dot)org Vote Ron Paul - Texan Republican
07-06-02 00:25:04
talktal ::: Favorites
i'd rather see mccain get the republican nomination than giluiani. giuliani is more corrupt than cheney.
07-06-05 18:38:29
dookerbaby ::: Favorites
wow, brilliant speach.
07-07-01 09:41:21
Dread58 ::: Favorites
Who would the terrorists vote for. The democrats..
07-07-23 16:17:32
MyLeftNutmegger ::: Favorites
Actually this little foray into Iraq is the best al Quaeda recruiting tool ever. Ever wonder why bin Laden shows up before every election?
07-07-25 20:06:52

Un hombre contra un jurado. Factor X. Los castings

Duration: 02:13 minutes
Upload Time: 07-05-16 17:58:15
User: cuatro
:::: Favorites

Más videos de los castings en No todos saben aceptar el veredicto del jurado, los hay que se lo toman muy mal y este es el resultado... Factor X. Los castings, todos los días después de Noticias Cuatro

fanes ::: Favorites
pos el tio cantaba bien , aunke se corte el video , cuando dice te canto otra , lo que canta me parecio que cantaba bien el tio.
07-07-25 15:57:04
hackshield ::: Favorites
Vaya cara de PUTA que tiene la tia esa. ahi, ahi, esa tele manipulando bien los videos !!! si la tele te irrita, es hora de apagarla !!
07-07-27 06:56:31
nanodarkness ::: Favorites
Hijos de puta del jurado ojala se muera toda buestra puta familia y vostros incluidos mientras os montais una orgia
07-07-28 21:59:44
KITO111 ::: Favorites
k idiotas los del jurado.. pues yo creo ke el tio cantava bien.. ya les gustaria al jurado tner 1 voz kmo ese tio...
07-07-31 10:05:18
toslosnicktanpillaos ::: Favorites
El Miqui Puig es un flipao,yo he escuchado un par de canciones de su grupo "Los sencillos" y es basura.
07-08-04 16:41:30
ana1512 ::: Favorites
el gordo del jurado no tiene ni idea, solo hay que ver la cara de anormal que tiene ¬¬
07-08-07 10:46:11
ariesnomu25 ::: Favorites
trio de jueces de puta mierda babosos y peor el gordete ese cara de marikon y ella cara de puta barata hasta cantaba bien el pintor
07-08-11 04:17:37
audie32smooth ::: Favorites
Find a hot date at >>>> FLINGDATINGSITE dot COM <<<<
07-08-13 09:48:14
michiyomustang ::: Favorites
put@ gord@ horrible cerdo infeliz mal viviente.. pinche joto siempre hace sus putos chistes y hace sentir mal a la gente es un pendejo
07-08-17 02:06:47
kellytfe ::: Favorites
que se callen que Miqui es el mejor que ustedes que sabran was... como si lo conocieran mira tu los machangos estos acomplejados tssss que se creen
07-08-17 19:00:56

Monique Cuttin' Up In Soul Plane

Duration: 01:25 minutes
Upload Time: 07-04-10 00:54:57
User: phunkydiskoboy
:::: Favorites

Comedian Monique in a clip from the film "Soul Plane"

miltoncat ::: Favorites
You short and stupid! Ha!
07-06-03 10:05:00
angieknipp05 ::: Favorites
Luv it! Wish the "drop them drawls...Denzel" part was on here though.
07-06-04 17:29:48
gigglefeather801 ::: Favorites
you know i don't give a f**k if its yo birffday!!lol
07-06-21 23:20:49
nedasilyah ::: Favorites
Monique..I love her! Loni Love is pretty funny too :)
07-06-25 21:54:59
aldiazaldiaz ::: Favorites
"Straight down with the get down"lol!!!
07-07-03 14:04:37
Lee3nn12 ::: Favorites
07-07-08 18:43:08
tejadiamond ::: Favorites
U look like my Ex - SHORT n STOOPID!! LMAO
07-07-12 23:24:09
HinataHyuuga82 ::: Favorites
i aint slaped a B***H in 2 weeks
07-07-13 09:34:40
buprup ::: Favorites
LOL!!! Monique is amazing!
07-08-05 21:15:01
VidelAndGohan4Ever ::: Favorites
07-08-12 03:35:56

Heroes - S01E13 - The Fix - Episode Clip -5-

Duration: 00:41 minutes
Upload Time: 07-01-24 18:38:42
User: ea186
:::: Favorites

Episode Clip from the Next Episode of Heroes which will air on January 29th.

February 18, 2007 Sunday Snapshot

Duration: 06:37 minutes
Upload Time: 07-04-03 15:26:02
User: thehotline
:::: Favorites

Hotline's weekly summary of the Sunday political talk shows. This episode: Iraq and the Race for the White House 2008 Guests: Carl Levin, Newt Gingrich, Richard Lugar, Joe Biden, Mitt Romney, Tony Snow, Bill Richardson, Mitch McConnell, Chuck Hagel, Jack Reed and Harry Reid Sunday Snapshot uses interviews from Meet the Press, Fox News Sunday, This Week, Face the Nation, Late Edition and Washington Week

goal aubameyang - AC Milan 1-1 Flamengo

Duration: 01:09 minutes
Upload Time: 07-08-08 10:51:31
User: kakaoOo1
:::: Favorites

Champions Youth Cup 2008

XtremePedrinhO ::: Favorites
07-08-16 14:46:41
mryck79 ::: Favorites
07-08-17 13:04:17

Milan skills [ AC Milan 2-1 Livorno ]

Duration: 00:47 minutes
Upload Time: 07-03-22 03:21:01
User: kakaoOo1
:::: Favorites

calcio 2006/2007 milan-livorno in sansiro

High Noon - with intro

Duration: 03:12 minutes
Upload Time: 06-04-18 09:40:54
User: Blunty3000
:::: Favorites

High noon with bonus video intro from the Bluntmation dvd

jameslapatate ::: Favorites
How come nobodys commented on this video lol
07-04-17 18:51:41
tubeymcdee ::: Favorites
i did
07-04-23 19:06:42

Robot Chicken Michael Jackson

Duration: 02:59 minutes
Upload Time: 07-05-21 21:11:53
User: WillMandy
:::: Favorites

dont ask... cant belive this crap gets honors...

BrandonWasntHere707 ::: Favorites
how were we supposed to take over the world with a white michael jackson anyway?
07-08-03 16:39:19
crpsaiyan ::: Favorites
White?! Look at him, he still can't tell if he's black or white. Sorry, I couldn't resist the joke.
07-08-05 17:22:50
BrandonWasntHere707 ::: Favorites
lol, i agree
07-08-06 01:09:22
therccast ::: Favorites
type in robot chicken,six flags!!!!!!!!
07-08-06 15:55:49
RaheemTaha ::: Favorites
ohhhhhhh...... that's what happened
07-08-07 06:10:07
ValkyrieMoon ::: Favorites
Can anybody tell where I can learn to move myself involuntarily when I talk? Like whenever I'm having a conversation I start doing the moonwalk and flippin my leg and grabbin me crotch and stuff. I really want to learn.
07-08-09 16:06:05
ulmer5433 ::: Favorites
it's it's micheal jackson???!!? *gasp*
07-08-11 18:43:05
MysticGryffin ::: Favorites
hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! that wuz funny!!! =D
07-08-13 18:09:31
SES4L ::: Favorites
i'd actually believe him if dis happened. MJ hasn't been da same. like he's a different person.
07-08-17 16:29:12
segregator237 ::: Favorites
this is the true story of Michael Jackson! lol
07-08-18 12:00:00

Imus on Al Sharpton's radio program

Duration: 06:33 minutes
Upload Time: 07-04-10 11:55:00
User: MyLeftNutmegger
:::: Favorites

From yesterday.

iamthejake2000 ::: Favorites
"fuck hatred" but you use "fag" as an insult?
07-06-01 22:50:10
bootymannn3 ::: Favorites
aight you idiots, theres a big difference between a nigger and a nigga...imus (althought did not say this word) was disrespectful to them, nappy headed hoes? thats a racist comment...period. still msnbc is fucked up anyways, giving him 2 days on the show then firing him the next week to check their ratings, and even tho it did go up, they were getting too much heat from these black advicators, so its just w/e
07-06-03 09:07:47
bootymannn3 ::: Favorites
and sharpton really does come off as an asshole in this video, hes TRYING to get imus in trouble just to get supporters for w/e reason...did sharpton apologize to the duke players?
07-06-03 09:10:05
hj980 ::: Favorites
you are so right. white people make such a big deal about the stuff we say. It doesn't really hurt them. They're just trying to justify their racism.
07-06-15 23:00:33
hj980 ::: Favorites
so many white people claim to be religious. How is having such hatred holy? Do you really believe you are being God like when you hold such hatred for people? White people are such hippocrates. you claim to be good, holy people but you're evil. my grandmother always says if white people are going to heaven then she doesn't want to go. I can't imagine such racist, evil people going to heaven and the majority of white people are racist.
07-06-15 23:08:38
frenzyfizzykid ::: Favorites
Who told u he didnt mean it. He knew he was being racist. He just forgot he was living in a modern world where his racist actions can land him in trouble.This aint the 60's or 70's nomore where blacks will just listen to that crap.He deserves to be punished for those comments and we whites have to learn from it.
07-07-02 22:08:33
sheltiepaws1 ::: Favorites
Let me ask you a question, rappers call women bitches and ho's, as a woman I am deeply offended,who do I speak to to end their careers.
07-07-05 23:50:45
sheltiepaws1 ::: Favorites
Well Im multi-racial, I don't think it's funny, I also don't think rappers portraying women as bitches and ho's funny either. how come they still have a job?
07-07-06 00:06:06
kayhg ::: Favorites
You wan,t to point your finger at Imus when the bottom line is there is things going wrong in your own communitty you need to be focusing on that instead of Imus, what happened to Channon Christian and her boy friend was a hell of alot worse than being called nappy headed hoe, wake up Al Sharpton.
07-07-16 15:49:09
shamari2k9 ::: Favorites
As a black person, I will say I actually laughed when I first heard it. He shouldn't have gone on Sharpton's show, and he shouldn't have been fired. That's like putting OJ on Nancy Grace. He said something wrong, he made a public apology, and the whole world should just move on. I am black, and 100% against racism, and even thought it was funny, it was offensive, and because of that, he apologized. OK. Can we please move on? I'm sick of hearing about this
07-08-08 01:46:02