Monday, October 15, 2007

Let's Get Married;Naley

Duration: 04:50 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-08-31 23:30:15
User: LaCandace
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nathan&haley's relationship & how they both love each other & decide to get married. all clips from all 4 seasons. this is what i call my "testvid" to see if it would save. comment & rate please. let's get married-jagged edge


littlemac ::: Favorites
great video well done
07-09-09 12:02:38
LaCandace ::: Favorites
thanks : )
07-10-09 00:36:49
othislove ::: Favorites
so cutee <3 song fits for them .
07-09-02 22:28:10
LaCandace ::: Favorites
thank you
07-09-02 23:16:22
mary1209 ::: Favorites
I loved this! great editing! :)
07-09-02 15:03:34
LaCandace ::: Favorites
07-09-02 16:34:08
brookcty ::: Favorites
that was so sweet, loved it
07-09-02 02:36:47
LaCandace ::: Favorites
07-09-02 03:11:25
LaCandace ::: Favorites
thank you!
07-09-01 16:30:04
LaCandace ::: Favorites
07-09-01 16:29:56

Tsawb Yaj--Koj Ncaim Kuv Mus--

Duration: 04:22 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-09-14 13:39:19
User: teemtaub
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suab nkauj hmoob


z7z7o0o0 ::: Favorites
good sing i am yaj tooo
07-10-03 18:06:46
z7z7o0o0 ::: Favorites
very nice
07-10-03 17:03:03
nkaujhmoob08 ::: Favorites
nice lovely minor song
07-09-24 23:12:58

North Tower Collapse From Distant Northest

Duration: 00:7 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-09-11 07:08:01
User: 911NeverForget
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title says all.


ArmchairRevolution ::: Favorites
It's great that they love free speech, ain't it?
07-10-14 18:17:22
911NeverForget ::: Favorites
heh...agreed. ;)
07-10-14 22:03:51
911NeverForget ::: Favorites
creating different accounts show how idiotic you are.
07-10-07 00:52:11
DictatorDubyaWannaBe ::: Favorites
OBSERVE *how much time* the LYING SHILLS like this creep spend "debunking" (they'd like to think) the obvious fact 9/11 was an INSIDE JOB. You will QUICKLY REALIZE that THE 9/11 COVERUP IS IN PROGRESS when there is SO MUCH EFFORT and so much of it is OUTRIGHT LIES AND DISINFORMATION. It looks like Karl Rove stays pretty busy managing his band of right-wing flying monkeys for Bush. Could be part of why Rove left the White House, to devote more time to propping up the coverup.
07-10-07 00:48:11

Wow Umm Heh....

Duration: 00:55 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-09-13 00:33:56
User: BrentTheGirl
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Me, My brother Jeff, and my friend Nicole. we were having fun lol. making a fool out of ourselfs. this is when I first got my camera lol. same day i did the strippers video. but yeah I also sped it up lol. SUBSCRIBE!!!


gaspatthedisco ::: Favorites
Ha! I never watch this video all the way through. So, I did. &wow.
07-09-27 15:01:28

Boise Police Department

Duration: 04:18 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-09-01 23:29:33
User: jasonsli2
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An introduction to the Boise Police Department

The armies of Iraq: Security forces - 05 Sept 07

Duration: 03:27 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-09-05 04:42:35
User: AlJazeeraEnglish
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In the remote desert areas of Iraq, US soldiers are training Iraqi recruits to form the nation's new army and police force. But outside the cocoon of a training camp, the newly graduated security forces must tackle one of the most challenging environments in the world. The US is currently allied with some tribes in its fight against al-Qaeda. Incorporating Sunnis would ease some of the sectarian tensions. But the main question remains: When will the security forces be really able to deal with the challenges of Iraq?


Adelaide1200 ::: Favorites
It's a joke to ask Iraqis to except a Shabbos Goy government. Keep the resistance going until its inevitable end.
07-09-05 09:26:14
jimmycater2 ::: Favorites
they already did a story about Shia death squads so why are they showing this again?
07-09-05 07:03:58
ItWasBill ::: Favorites
I feel that the last two reports have been fair, however, I feel there is a stronger emphasis on the sectarian divide in these reports than in the Sunni report. In the Sunni report, torture is only mentioned as an al-Qaeda tactic, while it is mentioned broadly in both of the last two reports.
07-09-05 06:52:43
ReinerTorheit ::: Favorites
Chuck Graner & Lindee England are doing the "training"...
07-09-05 05:13:05
JoeMomma2002 ::: Favorites
They are in jail.
07-09-07 15:43:04
Qeeyroo ::: Favorites
why should they have to 'create' generals and officers? Saddam had the one of the strongest ground forces in the world.
07-09-05 04:59:44
andrmike ::: Favorites
because they were obsolete soviet tactics that don't work in an insurgency
07-09-06 23:19:00

Magaly Medina también 'se engancha' al Fútbol

Duration: 10:04 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-09-12 13:18:16
User: sheenny
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Magaly Te Ve Edición: 10-11/09/2007 'Los Urracos' estuvieron presentes en el partido de Masters (Perú Vs Chile) e interceptaron a Bam-Bam Zamorano. Magaly comenta sobre las entrevistas realizadas al DT de la Sub-17: JJ Oré y al delantero Reimond Manco en el programa de Jaime Bayly para responderle a Phillip Butters por las críticas que de él recibiera ('Jotitas Girls'). También aprovecha en comentar sobre las incidencias del partido benéfico Perú Vs. Colombia (otro de los tantos) relacionados con 'El Bombardero de los Andes' y 'El Depredador' por el tema de las anfitrionas y 'los cariñitos' con el jugador colombiano.


eaOH44240 ::: Favorites
Mas que moral y buenas costumbres es la edad de las personas con quien la Sra. Magaly se mete. Perfecto que ella haya aclarado explicitamente que era una broma. Perfecto; La virginidad o actividad hormonal de estos jugadores es cosa personal de ellos y no creo que sea tu "business" Sra. Magaly
07-10-09 00:12:46
arnaldo1124 ::: Favorites
07-10-06 14:39:04
ZackBcn2007 ::: Favorites
Qué te has puesto en la cabeza Manco? la marca nike te debe pagar un apasta por eso
07-09-23 19:02:37
huaracagrande ::: Favorites
negra fea conchasumadre, siempre con la misma huevada, da pena esta huevona.
07-09-23 01:40:04
cientificodelruido ::: Favorites
07-09-22 07:37:48
1Froic5 ::: Favorites
jajaj buenísimo - Zamorano quedó PLOP :D
07-09-18 21:54:00
sheenny ::: Favorites
Sí.. siempre se resistió a temas del fútbol y le doy la razón cuando menciona lo del rating puesto que la semana pasada arrancó otra serie popular en su mismo horario.
07-09-17 08:35:00
sheenny ::: Favorites
Redixman.. No es por defender a Magaly Medina pero sí recuerdo que Rosa María Palacios (Programa Prensa Libre) corroboró que 'La Urraca' tenía mayor audiencia en el nivel 'A' y 'B' "de lejos" -Sentenció-.
07-09-17 08:30:36
Karwamaka ::: Favorites
Es como dices, recién "se enganchó" al deporte rey en la etapa tardía de su vida... por el rating.
07-09-16 09:14:18
lpam1990 ::: Favorites
puta q ascoo m da magalyyy ia da coleraaa cada vz q la ezcuxo dbrian d sakrla dl airee
07-09-15 22:53:28

Torrey Pines

Duration: 10:51 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-08-27 03:22:22
User: axezen
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The armies of Iraq: Shia militias 04_SEP_07

Duration: 04:31 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-09-04 08:37:54
User: AlJazeeraEnglish
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The conflict between Iraq's Shia rivals has been ongoing since 2003. The Jaish al-Mahdi, or Mahdi Army, is loyal to Shia leader Muqtada al Sadr. Said to have 60,000 men in its ranks, it is by far the biggest militia in Iraq.


Jaipune ::: Favorites
well what u are saying is true. but it was shias who fell for the trap first, americans created an all shia army and allowed the shia militias to slaughter anti american sunnis, then americans realised that shias were more faithfull to iran than usa so now its the turn of shias to taste sunni revenge with the help of usa. foolish shias asked for it
07-10-10 13:30:51
generalwow ::: Favorites
arabs need israel as a solution
07-10-09 02:44:12
zezain ::: Favorites
gosh u are dumb, blaming shias
07-09-30 21:19:38
farookahmed04 ::: Favorites
This is a great story that is generally missed by the US media - the Iraqi Shi'ites are not monolithic (and neither are the Sunnis) and the situation is far more complex than one would be led to believe.
07-09-29 20:39:37
ArcaneKarma ::: Favorites
Sorry if some people have given you a thumbs down. I would like to know what you mean by "conflicting facts." I didn't see the conflicting facts, so please point them out.
07-09-29 06:48:59
amp23man ::: Favorites
this video has conflicting facts... it does not make sense... pure propaganda!
07-09-15 15:16:34
shiasoldier786 ::: Favorites
pureeeee propoganda
07-09-08 18:15:01
Anntink ::: Favorites
Thanks for the information. I'll have to watch it again (maybe more than once) to try to understand, but it was a great starting place - considerably more than I got from MSM in US
07-09-07 09:30:50
intelligentmuslim1 ::: Favorites
all this propaganda about shias,american is using the media now to make sunnis kill shia so their invasion of iran wud be easy,wud muslims jus open their eyes instead of gettin excited over new converts to islan whch are 100 percent mainly agents.
07-09-06 12:30:53
mottnianhunter ::: Favorites
The fact that Bush visited Anbar province seemingly unconcerned about security and the insurgents is significant. Anbar is widely considered to be the heart of the Sunni insurgency but Bush came and went without incident. The threat from Shia/Sunni Arab militant groups does not exist. The insurgency failed.
07-09-04 22:20:58

Keirc as of 15/09/07.

Duration: 02:21 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-09-15 11:59:10
User: goaliejr
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Keirc's Bank.


rOlfFafaN ::: Favorites
watch mine, alot better.
07-10-09 10:24:44
ownedpl0x11 ::: Favorites
eek 666 archery tickets
07-10-03 16:19:03
dgcnightstalker ::: Favorites
'n the marrentills!:p
07-10-01 16:07:58
dgcnightstalker ::: Favorites
m8, lemme buy the key halves^^ FIRE STARTER!!!:p
07-10-01 16:04:13
criserx ::: Favorites
kk. i am F2P but ty anyway
07-09-26 14:23:58
bradleykid99 ::: Favorites
you can only get 1 kind of cape. but you can get all three staffs if you want you just have to buy them 80k ea.
07-09-26 07:45:19
goaliejr ::: Favorites
how could they?
07-09-22 04:13:49
goaliejr ::: Favorites
It is possible, you just drop the first cape you got, and go to pray for another one.
07-09-21 23:14:27
criserx ::: Favorites
how do u haev a sara cape and a zammy staff at same tell if that is possible
07-09-21 16:35:00
twitchydragon ::: Favorites
Adoring fans following you everywhere you go! Haha! ~-~
07-09-19 00:07:03

Me singing Hey Ya (Outkast)

Duration: 01:04 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-09-07 14:01:37
User: linneaherlogsson
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Me singing Hey Ya by Outkast, I love this song.


hahaking34 ::: Favorites
you is really good. youre 15? that crazy amazing
07-10-12 15:28:02
dixiemaxwell ::: Favorites
this is beautiful you've inspired me to do a cover of this!
07-10-01 23:52:03
Bassi709 ::: Favorites
This is super! it's hard to cover but you did and i couldn't imagne better
07-10-01 12:41:25
Hogie506 ::: Favorites
Maith thú!!!
07-09-25 16:12:20
meaghanbrat1234 ::: Favorites
good job =) =)
07-09-24 16:41:25
shuichiro23 ::: Favorites
i have no clue what some people wrote, but wow...i really liked that. and you're very pretty.
07-09-22 18:43:11
poccaslolita ::: Favorites
hahahahahaha:D ge ditt nummer nea!!! han verkar het:P
07-09-22 14:23:28
HYEENAA ::: Favorites
va e detta för sjuka männsikor som skriver till dig lixom!`?
07-09-20 13:52:08
hoiikbenbert ::: Favorites
07-09-20 13:38:13
hoiikbenbert ::: Favorites
nou ophoude ze vind mij toch lekkerder
07-09-20 13:37:47

kenan imirzalioglu

Duration: 04:04 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-08-29 15:18:13
User: solyoluu
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kenan imirzaliogluuuuuuuuu


ufoabdullah ::: Favorites
çok tatlısın kenan
07-10-07 01:59:51
mirzahan200 ::: Favorites
eline sağlık. iyi olmuş.
07-09-05 16:40:45

cute part 3-DO NOT WATCH

Duration: 01:04 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-09-08 15:44:57
User: fattymagee1
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dumb but cute video of my dog shadow