Tuesday, September 18, 2007

P.J. Harvey "You Said Something" (2001)

Duration: 03:25 minutes
Upload Time: 07-05-27 00:36:03
User: GhostVid
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intracoast ::: Favorites
Really good. I didn't notice there was a sound problem. Great song. Maybe her best pop song?
07-09-13 22:30:07
briaphillips ::: Favorites
what is tosser.
07-07-13 13:55:21
jimnemb ::: Favorites
oh seasick, why are you so sick with anger; and you have such a limited vocabulary to express it with also. Maybe it is something bad in your childhood still bothering you? There are people that can help you know.
07-07-11 02:11:41
seasick1600 ::: Favorites
Yeah real easy to insult people over the internet, if you actually read my comment you would understand why you are an absoulute tosser. I would say it to your face all day long you tosser.
07-07-11 02:04:04
JeffGuidry ::: Favorites
I agree about the sound. I remember seeing this performace on Letterman, and the subtle reverb added greatly to the expansive sound, which is mostly blurred out on this clip, removing much of the mood.
07-06-29 09:02:43
jimnemb ::: Favorites
easy to insult people over the internet isnt it? you wouldnt have said that if you were stood in front of me so dont say it here. pr*ck.
07-06-25 03:03:11
seasick1600 ::: Favorites
Find this song with better quality sound then you petty little wingeing twat!
07-06-24 04:39:56
briaphillips ::: Favorites
I love her voice.
07-06-23 12:55:05
jimnemb ::: Favorites
ahhh! my favourite song ever! shame the sounds not great.
07-06-21 11:24:13

Harry Truman on fighting international threats...

Duration: 01:07 minutes
Upload Time: 06-09-15 01:18:17
User: eblumrich
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I'm sure the right-wingers will refute this as an arcane artifact, but hey- doesn't it give you a shiver, listening to a guy long dead describing what we see happening, before our very eyes?

Piquichi123 ::: Favorites
Catch that: "right-wing totalitarian" vs. "left-wing totalitarian threat." Both sides equally dangerous, equally complicit. This is not an indictment of our present political circumstances no matter how much some may want it to be.
07-09-16 20:13:14
nakedjanet ::: Favorites
once again, shalowLawn completely distorts things. shadowLawn deeply admires marx and darwin, yet never studied the Torah. shadowLand is not educated. JESUS is a fake phony fraud. shadowLand mocks christians. debating with shadowLawn is a waste of time, because he argues not with facts but feelings, resorting to lies and name-calling, the refuge of the ignorant
07-09-02 16:53:22
nakedjanet ::: Favorites
shadowLawn cannot get facts straight even when it is written in front of him. shadowLawn knows nothing about the very same Torah he loves to hate. shadowLawn warps the facts to suit his ill considered ideas. the dhimmicrat party caused the greatest economic crisis in american history. history and truth reveals shadowLawn's utter lack of knowledge
07-09-02 16:53:10
shadowlawn3761 ::: Favorites
Once again you distort completely what I said. I do not deeply admire Marx or Darwin, I've read them, as should any educated person. I'm am not anti-Torah and while YOU call Jesus a fake, phony, fraud (such a gift for writing you have) you accuse me of mocking christians. Debate with you is a waste of time because you argue not with facts but feelings and resort to lies and name-calling, the refuge of the ignorant.
07-09-02 14:28:00
shadowlawn3761 ::: Favorites
Naked you cannot even get a fact straight when it is written in front of you. I stated very clearly that I was not a biblical scholar, but as with everything else you warp the facts to suit your ill considered ideas. The Republicans were in the White House and in control of the Congress long before the start of the Great Depression, so just how did the Democratic Party cause the greatest economic crisis in our history? History and truth reveal you utter lack of knowledge.
07-09-02 14:22:25
nakedjanet ::: Favorites
read Free to Choose by Milton Friedman, Basic Economics by Thomas Sowell, and Roosevelt by David Horowitz. shadowLawn claims to be a Biblical scholar. shadowLawn deeply admires darwin, marx, and any other anti-Torah thinker. marxism and darwinism are flawed philosophies. JESUS was a fake phony fraud. too bad shadowLawn and others feel the need to constantly mock American christians (most especially fundamentalists)
07-09-01 19:45:00
nakedjanet ::: Favorites
again shadowLawn lays bare his ignorance. the Great Depression was caused excessive governmental interference in the economy abetted by dhimmicrat policies. FDR gave the nation nothing but empty words and economy-destroying socialism, increasing unemployment and lengthening the Depression. the New Deal extended the Great Depression by more than a decade. fascists and communists, two sides of the same socialist coin, always jealously threaten violence against free-market capitalist economies
07-09-01 19:44:47
shadowlawn3761 ::: Favorites
Where did the study of the Torah come into this dialogue??? I said I've read the Bible 3 times, I've never claimed to be a Biblical scholar. As with Darwin and Marx I feel that one should acquainted with all ideas. Marx and the Bible are interesting, if somewhat flawed philosophies. I do think Christ's sermon on the mount is about as good as they get however. Too bad Christians (most especially fundamentalists) don't follow his teachings.
07-09-01 19:09:38
shadowlawn3761 ::: Favorites
Again janet you are laid bare in your ignorance. The Great Depression was caused by corporate greed abetted by Republican policies. Roosevelt, as I said, gave the nation hope and put it back work. Without the New Deal there would have been a violent revolution by both Fascists (Father Couglin) and Communists proponents. Read Crisis of the Old Order and Coming of the New Deal. Also Roosevelt by Conrad (hardly a liberal).
07-09-01 19:01:13
nakedjanet ::: Favorites
shadowLawn is a marxist-darwinist dittohead. the study of the Torah takes a lot more than a cursory reading of it using faulty translations
07-09-01 12:20:49

I want it that way - Backstreets boys

Duration: 04:31 minutes
Upload Time: 07-04-12 22:30:14
User: jtwr80
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I want it that way

KetchupAvenger ::: Favorites
lol *claps* .. love the distant pensive gazes hahaha :] <3
07-09-13 01:20:03
elegiu ::: Favorites
07-09-08 19:03:45
lolcinderellalol ::: Favorites
corr, fitties
07-09-07 12:56:54
shortstuff908 ::: Favorites
right has a big nose
07-09-04 16:38:11
feliciatiana ::: Favorites
hola!!! el chico de azul esta que ........ hay hay eres muy sexy guapo.chaoooo
07-09-04 13:03:39
pussystar13 ::: Favorites
very cute ;)
07-09-04 05:51:36
apoo122 ::: Favorites
vous ete big les gars pi vous en naver en sal des video moi je penssais que vou en navier juste faite 1 fuck non
07-09-02 23:07:48
fantasydeath ::: Favorites
one on right look wierd
07-09-02 12:11:51
cutestuff9212 ::: Favorites
vous du cote gaunche, vous etes sexy quel est le nom?
07-08-31 23:09:03
lilihernan ::: Favorites
hey dude eres muy narison.
07-08-30 02:38:17

Derren Brown "instant conversion" part 2

Duration: 06:29 minutes
Upload Time: 06-10-12 04:54:29
User: mddawson1
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First important point here: Derren Brown in an atheist and ultra skeptic. He is against all kinds of magical thinking. Second point: the thing that makes him so brilliant to watch is that it is unlikely that he uses confederates or stooges. And before we get too carried away here, the tricks Derren has used in all three videos are nothing other than those used by the average stage hypnotist. What makes it look so amazing is the presentation; it is made to look like magic, but then the man himself then debunks the explanation. He is nothing other than a charlatan, which he openly admits. In fact, he carries out these displays of magic so he can use psychological trickery and sleight of hand to show that charlatans can, indeed, dupe people so easily. The tools at work during the conversions are a combination of compliance, obedience, expectation and simple hypnotic suggestion The first thing we need to remember is that the participants were responding to an advertisement for a discussion on spirituality: they were therefore already interested in the subject whether they agreed with it or not; it could be that they were not quite as skeptical as we are lead to believe, but I don't think that variable is as important as it might first seem. It is very easy to gather personal information about people who apply for tickets to a show, which can then be used in the show itself (remember the first two conversions are very different in nature); this is a trick used by evangelists such as Peter Popoff. We are already aware of people falling back during a conversion; this image is indelibly linked with religious conversion. Additionally, before the presentation, Brown has already made people aware that he can convert people with touch. In other words, his audience is primed even before the presentation has begun. The correct ambience is created by the carefully controlled lighting (known to increase suggestibility) and the fact that he is standing at the front above the audience behind a makeshift pulpit (thus becoming an authority figure). Anybody who is aware of the work of Stanley Milgram will see how powerful obedience is: we can very quickly abandon our morality and existing beliefs under pressure from an authority figure. What makes Brown more authoritative is the presence of the evangelist, who leaves in shock halfway through the presentation, sending out signals to the audience that something scary is going on, thus inadvertently playing into Brown's hands. Listen very carefully to the second conversion, where he tells the participant that he will catch him: by doing this, he is giving him a suggestion that he will fall backwards that is harder to resist because it is indirect. He also creates fear in the participant by telling him he will not be hurt, therefore using what is known in hypnotism as a "negative suggestion": putting an idea in his head that he might be hurt by stating the opposite. Easy to reproduce: if I say: "don't think of a pink elephant", you think of a pink elephant. So, by invoking an emotional reaction, he has already exerted control over his participant. This will increase his suggestibility. The statement he makes to the first participant is "you don't believe in anything", accompanied with body language deliberately designed to appear judgmental. Never underestimate the importance of non-verbal communication. Note how he doesn't mention God at this stage: "you don't believe in anything." He is very sneakily amplifying her skepticism to look like cynicism, thus embarrassing her. And he does this so casually, in a way that makes it look like he was talking about God. This is a very powerful technique used by barristers and attorneys to catch defendants and witnesses off guard. Additionally, she may think that the rest of the audience are already converts (we know from watching the clip that they were not, but individual members did not appear to know each other). This would then make her feel even more uneasy. This brings in the final variable: compliance. Notice how the whole crowd falls after seeing the first guy do it. In the 1950s, Asch showed just how powerful compliance is (even more powerful than obedience). Have you ever wondered why we change when we get into a crowd? How a bunch of respectable people with successful careers suddenly turns into a mob of violent and dangerous hooligans at a football match? Compliance is an inordinately powerful phenomenon. To conclude, Brown is using a combination of tried and tested psychological techniques combined with hypnotic suggestions. It is easier than you think to do this kind of thing, hence the prevalence of scumbag evangelists and mediums. So, although there is nothing magical going on here, there's nothing fake about the psychological techniques: the Chinese thought reform program used precisely the same these techniques to convert people to Communism. By Simonmaal - James Randi forums

SurvivorsIndiana ::: Favorites
Godlessness and socialism are both bad by themselves. Even worse together.
07-09-18 01:45:45
mddawson1 ::: Favorites
That is the fault of socialism, not the godlessness.
07-09-17 23:16:07
SurvivorsIndiana ::: Favorites
Godless socialism has always resulted in huge disasters
07-09-17 22:31:32
calum6371 ::: Favorites
that curt guy is rude! lol if some1 invited u personally to this thing wuld u leave with the other tards? lol
07-09-16 11:49:23
mddawson1 ::: Favorites
Derren watches him. He has planted the idea to fall back "I will catch you when this happens". The guy would also be familiar with this stunt in pentecostal churches. Derren watches, waits then when the guy starts to fall pulls his hand back.
07-09-14 21:51:00
anthonyo99 ::: Favorites
The thing i dont get it how the guy fell back at the exact right moment w/o seeing derren
07-09-14 13:51:45
anthonyo99 ::: Favorites
That it does
07-09-14 13:43:31
mddawson1 ::: Favorites
Notice how the guys atheism is based on "bad" things happening. This is not a reason for doubting god as he is given credit for evil in Isaiah 45:7. My reason for doubting is the continual stream of logical fallicies as you read the bible - looked at logically it makes no sense.
07-09-13 22:49:39
mddawson1 ::: Favorites
The people went expecting something despite their claim of atheism. Derren using proven psychological tricks convinces 2 people (the most suggestable?). This in turn convinces nearly all the others. This works because most people can be manipulated in the same ways, eg advertising.
07-09-13 22:45:20
Makron5 ::: Favorites
How does this work without plants? I want to know how the hell this works without plants and who was a plant.
07-09-13 20:57:34

Three Days Grace - Adam's Fav. snak lol

Duration: 00:39 minutes
Upload Time: 07-06-05 22:52:51
User: hotwheelguy
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this is a video of TDG while Adam is having a little snack before his turn to speak after Neil.

07-09-17 21:47:17
jessi014 ::: Favorites
haha .. this is funny .. i like this one .. adam is so adorablee ! i love him ! ♥
07-08-05 22:16:35
bubblegirl001 ::: Favorites
I'm getting ready to show this to my mom! She's always telling me to stop biting my nails. This otta make her laugh!
07-07-26 22:13:55
poundingonthedoor ::: Favorites
Little Adam is adorables <3 ha-ha!! :P
07-07-10 10:21:57
xPumpkinxQueenx ::: Favorites
This Is Funny' I bite mines just like Adam!! Awesome x3 &hearts;
07-07-03 22:50:44
AnimeFangirl2477 ::: Favorites
LOL!! I bite mines just like Adam!! Awesome x3
07-06-11 23:23:30
vetstar05 ::: Favorites
Haha! This would be one to show my mother, especially since she tries to use that you don't see celebrities/adults biting their nails (in public) to convince me not to bite mine. As a compulsive nail biter, this was very, very amusing.
07-06-09 15:29:48

Made You Click

Duration: 03:29 minutes
Upload Time: 07-06-04 18:03:02
User: bladelite
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me chaz n zi cwalking very nice very nicee =] u can c isaac being hard gay xD Song: This Letter~VibeKingz F/Maliq

aznboii159 ::: Favorites
alright nigga i'll meet u up anywhere u want bitch., wassup then.
07-07-15 16:33:32
darkzealot07 ::: Favorites
aznboii niggah i'll fucking fight u anyday u fucking want bitch dont be actin like u da shit niggah, u aint nothin bitch call me a lil pussy? i'll fucking fight u, i was just being nice and not wanna start shit, but if u wanna be a lil bitch, then w/e bitch
07-07-06 18:58:02
r00tbeer112 ::: Favorites
y the hell are there so many coments. lol most viewed and most hated video in ray's account rofl
07-07-01 21:28:03
aznboii159 ::: Favorites
w/e lil pussy
07-06-25 16:13:18
darkzealot07 ::: Favorites
azn boii i told nobly already, ask her
07-06-12 19:52:27
aznboii159 ::: Favorites
darkzealot07 u shud know thewonson then. i'll see ur ass onetime and if u aint telling me who the fuck is wonson then ur fuck too nigga better be prepare of seeing me anytime nigga anytime
07-06-12 18:54:09
ahhJULiE ::: Favorites
damn, fucking haters. &starting shit over a fucking video? grow up.
07-06-09 21:42:09
darkzealot07 ::: Favorites
haha nobly, ye but he dont wanna fight no more he said he'd stop and lao kow, im the one cwalking lol, not thewonson got dat? haha :D
07-06-09 03:00:59
darkzealot07 ::: Favorites
DUDE, IM ZI, THE WON SON ISN'T ZI NIGGAHHHHH =.= wat's wrong wit u... lol
07-06-09 02:54:49
aznboii159 ::: Favorites
well i dont care. sup wonson? ready to fight me or what bitch?? im ready for you anytime fucking wonton. if u dont want to go to centerville then dont trip. i'll come to your skool cuhz. anytime anytime
07-06-08 01:28:36

Crank that Soulja Boy Ft. Keeks & Lil Wyt Lie

Duration: 02:10 minutes
Upload Time: 07-07-14 09:22:39
User: naomikiara
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Crank that Soulja Boy Ft. Keeks & Lil Wyt Lie..... This is how we do in AUS!!!

Braylee33 ::: Favorites
yall cant dance
07-09-17 11:28:21
JohnnyLegend ::: Favorites
hahaha. Yall killed that shit. Nice
07-09-16 15:26:51
705709 ::: Favorites
lol da person who said she look lil jon yall wrong 4 dat!!!! yall did it but not as good as me!!!
07-09-08 21:23:42
trinasosexy4u ::: Favorites
i thought yall was black for a min till yal hoods came off yall was good even though i know yall practiced for along time
07-09-06 23:26:32
sexygal558 ::: Favorites
yup yall killed it...keep up da gud work
07-09-06 00:41:07
bettymary24 ::: Favorites
omg u people do it good. i thought u were black n the girl with the blue swetter is really good keep it up!!!
07-09-05 19:32:56
DaLo3aT1AD ::: Favorites
Very GooD .. KeeP iT Up .. i LuV iT
07-08-28 06:34:29
CarmelDip94 ::: Favorites
damn yall killed it ta be white. good job
07-08-22 17:58:15
tdn122 ::: Favorites
I thought yall were black for minute..I guess white peoplel do have rhythm! Good shit!
07-08-22 14:34:08
browniessayz ::: Favorites
lmao i didnt take yall serious at first but turned out yall did it
07-08-22 14:23:03

Monsters Inc. Music Video

Duration: 05:30 minutes
Upload Time: 07-03-31 22:31:24
User: csimons1220
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This is an idea that I conceived for a music video when I first heard Matchbook Romance's "Monsters" when it first debuted coming to life! I figured, "hey why not combine the song with Monsters Inc. clips". I really think these two go well like PB & J.

vanessagalz ::: Favorites
sooo cute!!!! i agree wz u abt the vid.
07-08-22 09:11:52
MyPinkStaple ::: Favorites
That was good. Cute at the beginning, sad at the end. I always thought that movie was depressing, though. Haha, anyway, great video. I figured someone would do that song.
07-08-05 18:23:37
xxNoriexx ::: Favorites
I have always loved Boo! Shes so adorable! Great Work!
07-07-30 22:08:39
jan529677 ::: Favorites
i like boo ! she's cute ! >333
07-07-28 08:51:22
555Kamikaze ::: Favorites
07-07-27 12:37:00
ILoveMyPets07 ::: Favorites
love boo i got bunni called boo. mainly from this disney movie. :) "kitty"
07-07-05 19:22:01
mumble28 ::: Favorites
her name is boo and isnt she darlin! :)
07-07-04 12:23:37
fallingxxforxxyou ::: Favorites
i like the song and the vid omg boo is so cute! i love her lol!...they should make a number 2 lol!
07-06-09 05:16:57
TiesareHot ::: Favorites
great vid! awesome song. XD
07-06-08 02:22:09
chibiDurza07 ::: Favorites
heh heh...poor Randall. nice vid!
07-06-03 18:32:05

filippo adriano su footbal mundial live in massa

Duration: 07:08 minutes
Upload Time: 07-08-13 17:58:54
User: ilbiagio1989
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affermato talento del calcio mondiale concede un'intervista ai microfoni di football mundial

ilmatto89 ::: Favorites
basta ti dico sl una cs tua mamma puttana hahahahah
07-09-18 14:38:03
ilbiagio1989 ::: Favorites
poi guardatevi il video e se v'è piaciuto bene sennò non rompete il cazzo e andate fare in culo
07-09-18 09:19:28
ilbiagio1989 ::: Favorites
allora vorrei dire un pò di cose prima di tutto al matto89 non rispondere più a tutti i coglioni che passano di qua lasciali dire quel cazzo che vogliono perchè è giusto non commentare mai le cazzate che dicono gli altri, vuol dire abbassarsi al loro livello di frocetti segaioli e noi non replichiamo mai a nessuno perchè sicuri di essere i migliori
07-09-18 09:18:09
francesko800 ::: Favorites
oltretutto mia madre ha un lavoro serio e nn fa la puttana mentre la tua lo fa e nemmeno x lavoro lo fa xke gli piace prenderlo al culo un bokka e in fika anke se dp essersela fatta si tajano tt il pisello xke rimangono traumatizzati dall'esperienza ekko xke è tua madre a pagarli...sfigato del cazzo nasconditi dal mondo pagliaccio roma caput mundi
07-09-18 08:37:24
francesko800 ::: Favorites
ahahah snt ki parla in ft di sfigati uno ke prende parte a qst video del cazzo ahahah cmq nn ti konsiglio di venire a roma xke io ho passato 3 anni nell'esercito e mi sn fatto molti amici a cui piace spezzare le ossa alle teste di cazzo tipo te e i tuoi amici frocetti oltretutto tua madre nn la batte nex gia nella culla si faceva i i ditalini e ha cinque anni gia la dava a tt anke a qll di 14 anni
07-09-18 08:33:47
ilmatto89 ::: Favorites
poi tua madre è da quando è nata che lo piglia....quando era a scuola la chiamavano la puttanella!!fai un po te e poi ha battuto il record dei guinnes dei primati xche lei ha preso piu cazzi di tt le donne che esistano al mondo dammi retta tagliati la testa che è meglio!!!sfigatooooooooooo
07-09-18 07:32:35
ilmatto89 ::: Favorites
hahahaha sfotti sfotti tua madre nn la batte nessuno....xche è proprio una puttana e lo piglia da tt se tu avrai un lavoro e x lei xche la va a dare a tt e te puoi fare quello che vuoi xche è una puttana e lo sai che se veniamo a roma ti spezzo le braccia dp la mattina dv bere il latte cn la cannuccia finocchio ciao sfigato romano
07-09-18 07:27:57
francesko800 ::: Favorites
e poi tua madre fa a gare cn le mamme degli altri cojoni ke hanno fatto qst merda sekka di video a ki prende + cazzi al culo in fika e in bokka e anke a ki skopa cn + maski tt insieme e tua mamma è arrivata a 18!!qnd ha finito c'iaveva i buki ke gli fumavano e i calli alle mani!!fottiti brutta bastardo pezzo di merda roma caput mundi
07-09-18 07:01:16
francesko800 ::: Favorites
oltretutto tua madre sn anni ke si scopa i produttori dei film porno x cerkare di entrarne a far parte x mostrare il suo lato da vera e propria troia ma nn la prendono mai xke dp aver visto cm skopa rimangono traumattizati inftt tuo padre è morto x qst e x lo stesso motivo tu 6 nato bakato e rikkione
07-09-18 06:55:31
francesko800 ::: Favorites
invece c'è gente cm il matto ke skrive cazzate è un koglione di merda ke nn studia e non lavora e quindi deve farsi le seghe fisike e mentali davanti al computer oltretutto nn skopa e nn skoperà mai e x qst mankanza è diventato sl un povero folle ke si ammazza di seghe
07-09-18 06:49:22

20/20: Sick in America

Duration: 05:38 minutes
Upload Time: 07-09-06 18:31:25
User: GildersleeveDB
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John Stossel interviews Michael Moore about Cuba and his film "Sicko."

WolDerek ::: Favorites
America has good health care, it is not the health care fault if it is not good healthcare.
07-09-18 13:42:17
n172ar ::: Favorites
Really? The USPS is a for profit enterprise now. Do you really want to pay a different first class rate based on the distance your mail travels? How about 30 cents for cross town and 55 cents for cross country? All so some executive can suck a little bit off the top of what you are paying in order to maintain a reasonable profit margin and please the shareholders. Dumb dumb dumb.
07-09-18 10:58:54
n172ar ::: Favorites
The BUSH Administration has kept the facts of its policies hidden just like the commies used to do. But what's worse is that we live in a free society and they are breaking the "sunshine" laws which differentiate this country from a communist country.
07-09-18 10:55:49
Jason84575 ::: Favorites
My GOD how does any AMERICAN live with themselves... spin spin spin.... 18 000 die each year because of no UHC. The ONLY developed country without it. The US pays twice as much any other country. YES 20/20...American heathcare sucks.
07-09-18 04:01:36
GildersleeveDB ::: Favorites
We should privatize the Post Office. The only reason it functions well now is because of private competition from companies like UPS.
07-09-17 22:41:15
sodie77 ::: Favorites
Michael Moore is a sophomoric retard. Government only does a few things right and even then it's slow and sloppy = Post Office, DMV, Social Security. SS which is going bankrupt and just another socialist pyramid scheme that needs a geometrically large population for it to keep its head above water.
07-09-17 21:11:46
westLAfadeaway ::: Favorites
the Cuba stuff makes up about 10% of the film but that's all Stossel has to dwell on. All he can do is question the Cuban health system because nobody can defend the American health system. I think I'll go now and watch Stossel get an open-hand slap from a guy in a Speedo. (search 'Stossel Wrestler')
07-09-17 11:20:25
Fatal616 ::: Favorites
most bogus "documentary" ever made. google "sick and sicker"
07-09-17 02:37:09
Amelior ::: Favorites
Everyone needs to see this. Thanks for the post!
07-09-16 23:42:02
girzwald ::: Favorites
If the countries healthcare system, why are you going to a private clinic?
07-09-16 22:32:46

Gmod: Dark Messiah Movie

Duration: 02:36 minutes
Upload Time: 06-09-07 16:22:37
User: jackmix69
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My second movie, took about 4 hours to make, is about G-Man and his encounter of an orc shopkeeper.

gordonkris ::: Favorites
Is very funny
07-07-16 14:00:25
jackmix69 ::: Favorites
It's a problem with youtube lately :( Sorry
07-07-13 01:49:42
dudevizz ::: Favorites
it wont load!
07-07-13 01:48:35
jaca39 ::: Favorites
07-07-09 07:32:17
anton2maa ::: Favorites
07-07-09 02:40:00
moviesfan12 ::: Favorites
lol, that was funny
07-06-26 11:23:11
Alexey007 ::: Favorites
00:38 lol
07-05-06 02:23:37
Norn ::: Favorites
the gman kick was funny!!!
07-01-27 00:41:38
coolanton ::: Favorites
06-12-29 16:05:27
SubinaTub ::: Favorites
"you Gigantic bastard take this!" lol that was funny :D
06-12-02 23:17:31

(PREVIEW) Monday Morning

Duration: 00:58 minutes
Upload Time: 07-05-29 00:37:56
User: tpang21
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It's a preview to a fanvid I've been working on. SONG: Monday Morning -- Prozzak

valerie2776 ::: Favorites
Ooh! I wanna see this when it's finished. Very cool.
07-08-04 17:34:00
Titaniacy ::: Favorites
This is adorable!! Love Stephen and Jon! Please finish it!!!
07-07-30 14:40:04
freeindeed7 ::: Favorites
Like it...and the fact you include clips with John Oliver (my favorite correspondent). Please finish!
07-07-10 22:23:26
longhairedbill ::: Favorites
Can anyone please post the pizza clip and the banana one? I can't find it anywhere....
07-06-23 03:41:03
TreeFity ::: Favorites
i love your work. more colbert!
07-06-09 21:06:54
cando86 ::: Favorites
Wow- this is awesome! Please please please finish it! The song choice is brilliant, and it looks like you've got great clips already to match up to the theme. (And I love the bit with Colbert's guitar-playing to match the song!).
07-06-02 18:49:11
Eddie2Bu ::: Favorites
heh.....hate to say it...looks interesting...I like those two shows
07-05-29 21:43:06

Blondie Heart Of Glass Italian Tv Show 1979

Duration: 01:05 minutes
Upload Time: 06-09-05 16:23:31
User: ggeorge69
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Blondie Heart Of Glass Italian Tv Show 1979 not complete

lene73 ::: Favorites
yes she does look like marilyn monroe,especially when marilyn made somethings got to give.Debbie harry dosent need alot of makeup...features are there with or without.
07-08-15 14:12:36
fabiojoseph ::: Favorites
i was forgetting: that's from a hit-parade program that's why it's cut-off.
07-06-29 16:37:33
fabiojoseph ::: Favorites
that video it's from a TV Hit-parade programm i assume from 1980 (festivalbar?), they are in play-back. Debbie is almost without a make-up the clothes are not the best, not her usual but still good loking. The guys in the disco look like to be unaware they are in front of a legend. (she's a punk legend. - Joey Ramone)
07-06-29 16:35:21
ilove99returns ::: Favorites
Just because a woman has bleached blonde hair and wears red lipstick does NOT mean she looks like Marilyn Monroe. Debbie Harry looks nothing like her at all.
07-06-12 06:37:15
shnuki ::: Favorites
I remember a rumor that Debbie Harry was the secret child of Marilyn Monroe... I know it's ridiculous, but she looks a little like her.
07-05-23 02:33:18
Scolta85 ::: Favorites
ma era a canzonissima?O_O
07-05-16 06:12:18
acousticore ::: Favorites
Does anyone else think you looks like she could be Anna Nicole Smiths sister?
07-04-02 21:49:47
Melegorm ::: Favorites
Still a great song 20-odd years later!
06-12-26 11:05:25
jimooo2 ::: Favorites
Always happy to see a DH video that I've never seen before. Not near as sexy as the U.S. music video, but still vintage!
06-12-01 23:49:02
lisamajay ::: Favorites
06-12-01 05:00:57