Saturday, August 4, 2007

Inside Story-Syria cracks down on Opposition-13May07-Part 1

Duration: 587 seconds
Upload Time: 07-05-14 02:51:39
User: AlJazeeraEnglish
:::: Favorites

Two prominent opposition activists are sentenced to three years in prison

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danthg ::: Favorites
personally i think syria's action is justified, given US threat of invasion, and past US exploit of opposition groups in Afghanistan and Iraq
07-05-14 13:42:33
Yarimoutha ::: Favorites
Danthg, those guys are liberal syrians, very well educated looking for democracy and freedom. Those guys are way better than this current regime. I'm syrian and i know what i am talking about ... please don't tell me because of us threat of invasion will jailed an inocent people.
07-06-04 19:55:49

People & Power - Iraqi refugees - 25 Apr 07

Duration: 664 seconds
Upload Time: 07-04-29 03:39:52
User: AlJazeeraEnglish
:::: Favorites

People & Power looks at the plight of Iraqi refugees in Jordan.

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Game Theory, Erica's Word (1985)

Duration: 243 seconds
Upload Time: 06-08-29 17:12:52
User: angrylambie
:::: Favorites

Game Theory plays Erica's Word at the San Francisco I-Beam(1985). Video recorded on I-BEEM's system used to project images on screens, and not designed to make high-quality videos.

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JANGLEPOP1 ::: Favorites
Thanks angrylambie for another video of the superb Game Theory. All your efforts associated with this band are really appreciated, especially as I will never have the chance to see them live. Nice performance of a classic song.
07-06-17 15:40:26
almanac1951 ::: Favorites
Any idea whatever became of Suzi Ziegler, GT's bassist from this period? She and I were pals when we both worked for Bill Graham Presents in San Francisco in the early-to-mid 80s, and I was always sorry to have lost touch with her.
07-06-19 06:53:11
angrylambie ::: Favorites
a few years back someone found internet references to suzi playing with other bay area(?) musicians but, no, no direct contact since late 80s, that I know of - she was pretty cool and i loved her playing style - she rocks big shot chronicles!
07-06-19 23:40:34
almanac1951 ::: Favorites
I think I remember hearing from a mutual friend that Suzi relocated to Oregon (or somewhere in the Northwest), and I also vaguely recall having heard of her playing on an album by someone up that way (whose name escapes me at the moment). But that was all some time ago, so I have no idea of her current whereabouts/musical activities or whatever. Ah well, if anyone who's in touch with Suzi happens to see this -- or if Suzi herself stumbles across it -- her ol' pal Gary from Wolfgang's says hey!
07-06-19 23:58:15

Huey P. Newton Interview

Duration: 284 seconds
Upload Time: 06-10-11 18:32:24
User: Praylu
:::: Favorites

An audio interview featuring Huey P. Newton of over four minutes accompanied by video and pictures as well. By Praylu Productions

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chrometoyadome ::: Favorites
o yea and i like how mentioned tupac getting in shootouts with police, which he did not! but say...didnt someone else do that..HUEY NEWTON maybe....hhahahadhha hahahhhahaahh wow listen to leader of hipocrasy peeps.
07-07-13 04:00:55
chicago2005 ::: Favorites
CTYD, you are 16 telling me about history! You lied about you age on your page and now you speak of morals! You are confused! This being the case, it is easy to see why you would think 2pac was non-violent, and make him your hero. You aren't even old enough to have an opinion!
07-07-13 04:53:50
chicago2005 ::: Favorites
Cdumb, go study the Reconstructive Era is what I meant to say. It matters not because you knew nothing about the first electoral scandal of 1876 that changed everything for blacks! There has not been a black Senator since then, and Ford faced racist ads last year that rivaled racist ads about blacks last century. When you are old enough to go to college, I advise a class in Afro-American History because you are dead wrong, and your thought process reeks of historic white training!
07-07-13 06:38:20
paterson12 ::: Favorites
chicago2005 you speakas if you are truly aware of things that most people are not . if possible i would love to have an in depth chat with you . i am a 24 year old black male from jersey is there somewhere we can chat
07-07-13 15:45:13
chicago2005 ::: Favorites
P12, what is the deal? I live in MN and I'm 34 years old. There is so much out there my man, and it would be my pleasure to chat with you. I consider myself a truth seeker in every way. This would include ethnicity, politics, and theology. Blacks have been lied to for so long, and so many of us are trained to think certain ways without even knowing it! I will be out of town for a while on vacation with my son. Send me an E-mail, and we can talk when I return. Take care.
07-07-14 01:31:23
kidjoker187 ::: Favorites
chrometoyadome, you need to watcch MLK"s speech on economical empowerment. the i have a dream speech is shown and talked more than any of his other speaches because because it hand a calm. LISTEN TO MLK'S OTHER SPEECHES HOMIE AND YOU WILL SEE HIM AND MALCOLM WAS EXTREMELY SIMILAR IN VIEW. ASLO READ ABOUT MARCUS GARVEY AND KWAME NKRUMAH!!!!
07-07-22 01:32:24
chicago2005 ::: Favorites
P12, I am back, and it truly sucks! Waking up to Lake Superior every morning almost eradicated the memory of the racist ASSCLOWNS I engage on youtube. Hit me up whenever you like friend. I like what KJ187 had to say. Marcus Garvey was the first black man to tell us to be proud of who we are and the fact we come from powerful people! I will say it again and again, I LOVE that man and those that paved the way for us all. ONE
07-07-27 06:15:00
ss4gg092 ::: Favorites
im glad someone has huey on here i love him.the only thing the gov't understands is taking something by force like they took this land from the natives c'mon they where scared of the panthers why do you think they elminated them? Bcuz they where black ppl with organiztion, intelligence, and stuck together not against each other and nothing scares white men more then black ppl like that
07-07-28 09:57:52
ephemerol ::: Favorites
truly inspiring, thank you.
07-07-29 16:52:34
carlomtz ::: Favorites
Huey Newton is awesome
07-08-01 20:38:35

trampoline jump

Duration: 12 seconds
Upload Time: 07-05-30 09:17:26
User: 93daniel
:::: Favorites
Description: jumpin and jumping and jumping jumpin and jumping and jumping jumpin and jumping and jumping jumpin and jumping and jumping jumpin and jumping and jumping jumpin and jumping and jumping

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subscribers1000 ::: Favorites
nice lol
07-05-30 09:33:48
matman55555 ::: Favorites
lol thats kinda cool
07-05-30 17:39:00
pfaffanator ::: Favorites
i taped a video of me go-karting, i haven't put it on my page though.
07-05-30 23:59:45

Middle Eastern, Individual Voices ~

Duration: 196 seconds
Upload Time: 07-06-24 14:48:49
User: MysterEy1
:::: Favorites
Description: These are excerpts from interviews that I am collecting. Proving that there is no good reason why people do not get along, when in fact they can, they can start this moment, be in the present and live their lives in harmony. These various different types of people are all the same, so similar. Actually it leads to the realization that we are all the same and only in unity will the human race continue. This is what God wants. But we need to use our free will to collectively make that choice. Otherwise we will make separate selfish choices as we have been making. Continuing down the road to Hell that we've been traveling for a long time. Even so, there are leaders who are the ones that mislead all of us and we keep falling for their deception. I challenge all the leaders to change, be humble, listen to the people's needs and find out it is the same everywhere. And short of that, I challenge you to debate, then you shall cease to be leaders, captains on the ship of fools.

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DoctorMetropolis ::: Favorites
I love when truth kicks propaganda in the ass. It's so easy to do and you do it well.
07-06-24 15:30:00
MysterEy1 ::: Favorites
Thanks. Yeah I found what I'm good at, coz I cant do anything else.
07-06-24 16:32:00
PeaceProfit ::: Favorites
The deepest truth, rest beneath the most shallow deception . . . BL*M
07-06-24 15:47:12
MysterEy1 ::: Favorites
With hindsight, thats what it seems.
07-06-24 16:32:20
MysterEy1 ::: Favorites
07-06-24 16:26:09
MysterEy1 ::: Favorites
Certainly agree with you on a lot of those points. There are a lot of those who want the conflict to go on - even though they may say otherwise through their spin doctors... I don't care about that anymore. Their time is coming to an end. seriously. Forgiveness time is waning. Judgement is coming. No conflict between sides can be taken by TAKING a side. No matter how many sides there are. The central view is basically omniscient.
07-06-24 16:31:22
MysterEy1 ::: Favorites
From Stroopinator Re the other video/emails: I don't diss Jesus. I'm actually one of the few people who can lay claim to having read the ENTIRE Bible. The teachings of Jesus are wonderful - they teach tolerance, acceptance, charity, and understanding of another Human Being, as creations of a mysterious and not well-understood God-type-being.
07-06-24 16:28:10
MysterEy1 ::: Favorites
con't.: I diss religeon. I diss men in royal purple robes laying claim to divine communication and interpretation. I diss leaders who invoke the names of deities to kill other Human Beings. SO as far as ANY religeon or government goes, they can all kiss my ass. Except maybe Holland.
07-06-24 16:28:28
hondo1188 ::: Favorites
07-06-24 17:04:12
MysterEy1 ::: Favorites
Your interest is welcome.
07-06-24 21:05:33
yorgathecroat ::: Favorites
quite interesting i must say.
07-06-24 18:57:05
MysterEy1 ::: Favorites
Thanks yorga, glad you watched it.
07-06-24 21:05:23
modernoracle ::: Favorites
Fantastic vid brother!!
07-06-24 21:10:30
MysterEy1 ::: Favorites
Thanks bro. Are you featuring the Utubia song video?
07-06-24 22:57:16
modernoracle ::: Favorites
Yessir! Its a Video Log feature, next week but perhaps we'll have to get our friend SS on the Audio Prophecy show soon too!
07-06-24 23:06:13
MysterEy1 ::: Favorites
yeah i'm sure you have a lot of talented musicians gathered up. but he's really good. I still enjoy his "Youtube Nation" anthem.. even though he mentions LisaNova. lol
07-06-25 00:00:55
modernoracle ::: Favorites
BWA HAHAH! Its an awesome anthem for sure dude! He's got great talent.
07-06-25 00:31:31
MysterEy1 ::: Favorites
I'm very eager to do that video. I'm going to prepare for that this week.
07-06-26 09:45:54
PeterAppleseed ::: Favorites
Why all the confusion and chaos in this world? Don;t these people want to be around each other?
07-06-25 03:16:18
MyzzTy ::: Favorites
This is a very important theme.
07-06-26 07:22:40
MysterEy1 ::: Favorites
I do contend that it is important. You have to look at this conflict from an individual level. Get to know the individuals from all sides of the conflict from your own individuality. That is slightly different from the nation vs. nation, religion vs. religion perspective. I believe one day people will get along. Because we are all the same. We are all the same.
07-06-26 09:45:08

Re: Spider Pig

Duration: 57 seconds
Upload Time: 07-07-17 09:17:59
User: ricardothegreatest
:::: Favorites

Response to "Spider Pig"

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pixiesinger7 ::: Favorites
so so so so so so funny!!! i watched this 15 times and i was still cracking up!!
07-08-03 21:05:18
fedex95 ::: Favorites
hahaha good job. i like this
07-08-03 21:22:52
EMkaEL7 ::: Favorites
I hate spiderpig! worst joke evar!!
07-08-03 21:44:03
woopdoggy ::: Favorites
haha funny has!
07-08-03 22:09:25
Tetris1040 ::: Favorites
lol that was so funny
07-08-03 23:34:17
flamariiQe7 ::: Favorites
jajajajajajaajajajajajaja XD
07-08-03 23:51:38
kylekrauskopf ::: Favorites
you can see spider mans hands lol nice video
07-08-04 00:27:53
animalcrossing1fan ::: Favorites
LOL funny this made me laugh I vote 5 stars for spiderpig
07-08-04 01:16:16
Acidman12345 ::: Favorites
Great job its funnier than funny
07-08-04 01:53:54
HeartlessArchAngel89 ::: Favorites
Oh I love this video! Really funny!!! :D
07-08-04 01:53:57

Rebuilding Afghanistan's airforce - July 14 2007

Duration: 114 seconds
Upload Time: 07-07-14 07:10:10
User: AlJazeeraEnglish
:::: Favorites

In Afghanistan, many government agencies lack proper funding and equipment. And the Afghan Air Force is no exception. Its weaponry is dated and its pilots not properly trained. But the Afghan government has promised to expand the airforce - to make it less reliant on foreign air power. James Bays reports.

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liamsijm ::: Favorites
Another Excellent Report from the balanced news channel, Al Jazeera English. WELL DONE! EXCELLENT!!
07-07-14 17:50:31
RanchoCoral ::: Favorites
I have to practice what I preach and that is to not be blinded by ignorance. nice reporting
07-07-14 20:47:55
RanchoCoral ::: Favorites
and Peace to all
07-07-14 20:48:54
CelticVengeance14 ::: Favorites
This is Murdoch Fox News style reporting , why don't you tell the truth , the Fascist Zionists will not leave Afghanistan because they need the proceeds from the Poppy fields and want to poison more people with cocaine.
07-07-14 23:13:17
win094 ::: Favorites
Surprisely, Al Jazeera sounds more and more like Voice of America now. What's wong with it?!
07-07-15 22:43:55

Introduction to Triadic Dualism

Duration: 68 seconds
Upload Time: 07-05-14 03:34:30
User: innuinvu
:::: Favorites

This is a one minute introduction to concept of design that I discovered.

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Samsung A900 Review

Duration: 231 seconds
Upload Time: 06-03-23 03:14:06
User: phonescoop
:::: Favorites

Phone Scoop's review of the slim A900 for Sprint. Designed to take the RAZR head on, this sleek metal phone is packed full of high-end features. More at

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Mr. Safety, THANK YOU!

Duration: 42 seconds
Upload Time: 07-02-19 18:14:29
User: katalina2007
:::: Favorites

A thankyou for Mr. Safety for organizing our Saturday, February, 17, 2007 AS ONE Youtube event! FUN and great friends--GOOD TIMES:) YOU ROCK!

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NutCheese ::: Favorites
It was so nice to meet you :D
07-02-20 01:02:43
katalina2007 ::: Favorites
It was GREAT meeting you, too--Kelley! I love how you used the scarf to drape around DUMMY NALTS neck--CLever! And, obviously, MaryAnn loved it too--I like that vid--I am STILL working on uploading our vid---It is 5 mins. long and I have NO EDITING skills whatsoever--Fred will help me try to upload it tonight!
07-02-20 12:27:34
katalina2007 ::: Favorites
Thank you, Reid--I love your pup!
07-02-22 12:06:01

Hibiya on the O New Sekai Concet (bou's last live) part 14

Duration: 300 seconds
Upload Time: 07-07-27 12:48:50
User: Asahina
:::: Favorites

13. Pxxy'n Pudding

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wind10miko ::: Favorites
omg thanks! I wanted to watch Bou's last concert!
07-07-28 11:40:46
Xxtenten15xX ::: Favorites
omg!!! miku kissed bou!!!!!
07-07-31 21:34:29
NarikoKun ::: Favorites
This song is dirty. xDD Thanks so much! Ne? And the fanservice! *squeal* Yay!
07-08-02 11:11:49


Duration: 307 seconds
Upload Time: 06-06-28 20:52:19
User: x5lover
:::: Favorites


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Brazileirinha24 ::: Favorites
I Love Amr Diab, love this song! Great!! He should come to Brazil one day to make us happy here
07-08-01 13:57:16
mantoneroj482 ::: Favorites
Great video. Try <B> _CAMZHOME.COM_ </B> for pretty cam girls
07-08-02 17:22:30
fungis1979 ::: Favorites
indians just good in copy other people songs instead of sing the own song.for me diab is the best stop being jealous
07-08-02 17:25:26
2sweet2b4got10 ::: Favorites
excuse me,,jealous of what??!!
07-08-02 19:39:43
2sweet2b4got10 ::: Favorites
what the hell are you talking about?
07-08-02 19:40:47
hazem34238 ::: Favorites
guys stop arguing about amr diab tamer hosny is the king now.
07-08-02 19:56:39
marilenna ::: Favorites
Sorry...but Tamer Hosny will never be a be honest...a king was just one-Amro...what will next will be just bad copyes...Just the frustrated people can say that the next one will be a king...Tamer Hosny it's just a shaddow...the people will realise that as soon as they will be borred of looking for something new...Amro it's stunning...Open your eyes...and you will see that ,,hazem34238''!
07-08-03 07:40:40
marilenna ::: Favorites
Good comment!
07-08-03 07:44:14
marilenna ::: Favorites
You right!Agreed with you.
07-08-03 07:45:39
odelehugewifexb ::: Favorites
One night stands and no strings sex at  > FLINGDATINGSITE dot COM <
07-08-03 11:42:17

GE Music Video

Duration: 267 seconds
Upload Time: 07-07-27 17:27:58
User: Rubix89
:::: Favorites

BACKGROUND INFO: I'm not in this. Those who were: Greg, Ivan, Andrew, Kyle, Rod, Jackson, Eddie, Jay, Herbie, Mike and of course Heather. Why we did this: This was made n Northridge, CA at 2:00 in the morning. There was no tv, no internet, or anything. Just us, a camera, and an iPod. So we decided to entertain ourselves. Why we chose this song: This song is just funny, but also I decided it'd be fitting since I see so many AMVs made with this song. Finally: Don't complain that I am doing this instead of AMV Comedians or videos. I was gone for 4 days, and I couldn't even work on them if I wanted to. DL: Half Quality:

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Scyfersythe ::: Favorites
07-08-02 18:16:32
Scyfersythe ::: Favorites
I wish I had that many friends. *Sniff*
07-08-02 18:16:46
HImyNAMEisMIKI ::: Favorites
that was cool full of coolness keep it up
07-08-03 00:15:57
icylink17 ::: Favorites
roflmao that was good seriously
07-08-03 04:42:31
naruto824678 ::: Favorites
lol that was crazy!!
07-08-03 15:05:08
ZippermouthDune ::: Favorites
Rubix89 may i hug you? that was seriously completely awesome!!!! may i join you guys next tym you are bored at 2 am? (even though i live in PA...)
07-08-03 15:25:05
oathkeeper97 ::: Favorites
LMFAO. That was fucking hilarious.
07-08-03 19:33:10
soccernerd47 ::: Favorites
that was hilarious. Great job
07-08-03 21:35:28
dabolivianprince ::: Favorites
what's the name of the song and the artist?
07-08-04 00:03:44
XxXReijiXxX ::: Favorites
Every Time we touch by Cascada
07-08-04 00:23:21

My Montage 7/10/07

Duration: 18 seconds
Upload Time: 07-07-10 20:00:34
User: alltimemusicvideos
:::: Favorites


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Bobby Goldstein Productions

Duration: 4 seconds
Upload Time: 06-08-10 00:54:20
User: Nanoforge1
:::: Favorites

This is the Production card for Bobby Goldstein Productions as taken from the end of "Cheats". One of my favorites for its simplistic choice in action. Not to mention I think we all have experienced what the girl in the clip has experienced.

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PoPoNellie ::: Favorites
That is pretty funny.
06-08-11 22:14:46

James complains

Duration: 64 seconds
Upload Time: 06-10-27 03:06:08
User: Triziam
:::: Favorites

August 19 11:50 pm - a snippet between flames of James complaining about the POV competition

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Gaara vs. Deidara Faint Remix

Duration: 232 seconds
Upload Time: 07-06-16 00:51:14
User: astemeric
:::: Favorites

A battle between Gaara and Deidara with the song Faint Remix by Linkin Park. Special thanks to Haruko 11262

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xARONxSMITHx ::: Favorites
dude!! this is awesome!!! the vid goes really well w/ the music!!!!
07-06-16 01:26:19
murderousangel1 ::: Favorites
That's an awsome video!!
07-06-20 16:43:15
Ruff1ez ::: Favorites
woot gaara woot
07-07-11 12:44:02
Guardian8dragons ::: Favorites
07-07-12 17:18:29

Sly Cooper 2 Glitches

Duration: 464 seconds
Upload Time: 07-08-02 11:10:26
User: 0jericurl0
:::: Favorites

These are alot of sly cooper glitches I found.Lol best watched without sound ;-)

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0jericurl0 ::: Favorites
Plz post ur commment on my vid =D
07-08-02 17:17:43
v1bby ::: Favorites
i hated it, copied from me lol jk, actually not bad but you need to work on the grafix on the titles
07-08-02 23:41:48
Mykittyisawesome123 ::: Favorites
Great! I love showing the glitches to my friends!5 stars!
07-08-02 23:46:08
0jericurl0 ::: Favorites
lol vibbys my bud helped me in makin this vid ;-)
07-08-03 08:34:36
EVPpsycho ::: Favorites
.... i think im gunna go play some sly now. thx for inspiration. :)
07-08-03 09:55:07
revengifier ::: Favorites
4:00 were u in water?
07-08-03 15:21:41