Sunday, August 12, 2007

Corey Taylor Insult

Duration: 39 seconds
Upload Time: 06-09-21 21:30:43
User: DonJoe888
:::: Favorites

HAHAHA! Owned.

DonJoe888 ::: Favorites
Yeah because badass people going around kidnapping babies and murdering the elderly. Fucking dolt.
07-08-01 03:00:33
DonJoe888 ::: Favorites
Don't deny it. You love the cock.
07-08-01 04:11:06
Delthryn ::: Favorites
Bruce Dickinson's cock, yeah.
07-08-01 09:56:19
Atreyusrocker ::: Favorites
ROFL!!!!!! hes hilarious XD
07-08-02 18:15:11
hellboy9224 ::: Favorites
Cory is (Sic).
07-08-03 16:28:27
Shimon8080 ::: Favorites
who is he meaning to?
07-08-04 15:09:07
Levi0814 ::: Favorites
he looks as if he's visiting the fans and someone asked him to 'give a shout out' to his friend
07-08-07 04:39:16
Shimon8080 ::: Favorites
07-08-07 05:03:53
xxSugarCube ::: Favorites
awh .. corey is so cute ^^'
07-08-09 08:53:17
Zsancicyca ::: Favorites
He's mind!!I'm fucking love you corey,,,,but it's got have got children......wife,,,,,:-(I LOVE YOU
07-08-10 04:09:36

Dog Massacre in South Korea

Duration: 460 seconds
Upload Time: 07-08-10 02:41:10
:::: Favorites

Dog Massacre in South Korea

robotkilla538 ::: Favorites
u make me want to cry these insocent dogs are people too
07-08-12 00:54:32
Lalapeya ::: Favorites
Actually, I'm glad I saw this video. I have a korean ex, and he was always going on about how much better south korea was then america, and how good there economy, pollution control, humanity, and everything else was better them america. That ungreatful wretch deserves to see this. Anyhow, dogs aren't any worse then pigs... pigs are actually more intellegent. People in India worship cows and think americans are terrible for eating them.
07-08-12 00:57:43
kiet96 ::: Favorites
dude thats motherfucking cruel
07-08-12 01:03:59
fergie6543 ::: Favorites
same here thats just messed up
07-08-12 01:04:43
Distractivcom ::: Favorites
Fuck all thos asian people. I hate them, suck miserable people.
07-08-12 01:05:21
rice4567 ::: Favorites
my friend went to jail beating the fucking shit out of a guy who did this stuff.
07-08-12 01:15:43
humma22 ::: Favorites
well yeah i think its messed up..... i am an Aussie... but you can`t say all asians are fucked up.... some of my best friends are asian..... be careful of stereotypes. this vid represents a minority............probably like .001% of the population. b careful of stereotypes people. peace.
07-08-12 01:20:07
JustAlanna ::: Favorites
Oh dear lord, that was terrible. That's so cruel.
07-08-12 01:46:01
toskipali ::: Favorites
You can't seriously say that, just look at American meat prosesing and production. It is just equally as brutal. Or look at foi gras. You torture the goose for months. Yet it is still considered a fine food here.
07-08-12 01:51:22
cumshtr ::: Favorites
Dogs are man's best friend people in the U.S. said why don't do anything about it.
07-08-12 01:53:55

guzzanti - tremonti

Duration: 312 seconds
Upload Time: 07-03-03 08:32:01
User: clouzio
:::: Favorites

un buon video

Dave982 ::: Favorites
Non riesco a smettere di ridereeeee
07-05-06 08:41:45
mrfree2ita ::: Favorites
che dire... guzzanti è un genio :)
07-05-25 04:38:34
GiammyThePraetorian ::: Favorites
w w w fascismo e liberta it
07-06-04 19:06:38
Cocash1 ::: Favorites
praetorian??.. hai rotto veramente le ballee!!! ...GUZZANTI SEI UN GENIO!!!!!
07-06-24 18:51:52
ibozzinfronte ::: Favorites
07-06-28 13:26:53
luketor87 ::: Favorites
guzzanti è un genio. po@ca pu##ana e po@ca t@oia.e smettiamola di insozzare sto sito con queste porcherie.vero praetorian fascista del belino????
07-07-02 11:12:22
TakeshiKitano83 ::: Favorites
un grande un grande un grande
07-07-04 14:48:03
luc485 ::: Favorites
figurarsi che è stato un ministro della Republica...pietà! GRANDE CORRADO!
07-07-05 20:51:29
rscolera ::: Favorites
Grande Guzzanti :D
07-07-23 18:53:20
macialberto ::: Favorites
Fascisti è morte!
07-08-04 17:40:54

Scrubs-Safety Dance Music Video

Duration: 216 seconds
Upload Time: 07-05-05 14:23:59
User: jdonfireproductions
:::: Favorites

A collection of the best clips of Scrubs as Turk gets lost in a Men without hats song For relavance: Scrubs Scrubs Scrubs Scrubs Scrubs Scrubs Scrubs Scrubs Scrubs Scrubs

pandpK315 ::: Favorites
this is amazing
07-07-30 18:06:46
Robertish93 ::: Favorites
doug why are u hiting me! cuz i thougt u were dead xD so funny^^
07-08-01 16:01:04
KerimK15 ::: Favorites
Great song, first clip is good, you should've put more dance clips though.
07-08-01 23:41:27
bobroolz ::: Favorites
i did the ring of fire once, ill never be the same again.
07-08-04 03:07:02
rhalas ::: Favorites
07-08-04 23:14:55
Zeke1950 ::: Favorites
Thank you. I would have given it 6 stars if I could.
07-08-06 02:22:51
GirfieXGir ::: Favorites
lmao! Amazing! "WHY ARE YOU HITTING ME?" "I thought you were dead."
07-08-08 17:00:48
KrazyCay9 ::: Favorites
gburgan took the words right outta my text. >:P
07-08-08 17:28:41
jumsgirl ::: Favorites
AAAHhhhhhhh DOUG, WHY?????
07-08-11 04:36:57
sazquach ::: Favorites
This safety dance is marginal at best. Saftey Dance protocol calls for midgets to dance in total glee. Where the hell is the Safety Dance Midget?
07-08-11 10:37:30

Huu - Apologize Cover

Duration: 166 seconds
Upload Time: 07-06-30 15:39:46
User: lunazian
:::: Favorites

Apologize by One Republic/Timbaland =) Enjoy and hope u'll have a great time and sorry...bad sound&video quality! :s Tabs.// CAPO 1 Chords i Use ----0--2--0--- -3--0--3--2--- -2--0--2--2--- -4-----0--2--- -2--3-----0--- --------------

Jens1Lehmann ::: Favorites
Hmm..yep! Definitely in my favorites. Awesome voice bra.
07-08-03 20:05:01
booyagramma05 ::: Favorites
do you by any chance have tabs for this? I get the chords but Id like the single finger picking parts...
07-08-05 19:45:08
RyanFigo ::: Favorites
I had never heard this song until just now and I must say, "AWESOME!"
07-08-08 12:44:28
lespoiretreve ::: Favorites
wow, nice. you certainly put a twist to the song and made it your own!
07-08-09 00:06:21
KareenCasey ::: Favorites
awwh i love your accent its cute:]
07-08-09 16:08:14
kelpuma ::: Favorites
awe how cute you have that little accent and like you made the song like your thing haha how adorable
07-08-09 17:57:31
tM1Hoops ::: Favorites
where'd you get the tab?
07-08-10 13:41:39
BgirlXaigon ::: Favorites
cuuuute accent
07-08-11 19:13:52
itschinyo ::: Favorites
i like it. :]
07-08-12 01:32:22
ChinicuaINC ::: Favorites
omg you made this song yours, the way you changed the runs and such, loved it!
07-08-12 02:13:38

The Munchies Part 1

Duration: 184 seconds
Upload Time: 07-03-26 14:26:19
User: Maximum40
:::: Favorites

The good old summer days, and one of our best videos. We already had this done for quite some time; we were just waiting for the right time to release it. We had more parts but we ran out of time and Carlos, who was scripted to be a main character moved away. We also needed to redo a lot of parts. So unfortunately there are great scenes that will never be seen. -Written by Neil Clancy & Josh Sideris, respectively.

JuggernautProduction ::: Favorites
yo siiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiick movie yo.  The climax was the best!!! I can't WAIT to see how this turns out lolol. GJ man keep up the astounding work!
07-03-26 21:16:54
martinmor93 ::: Favorites
I think you made a mistake going up against HP. good luck though. vid was ok
07-03-26 23:47:51
Shooter333888 ::: Favorites
hahah 4 months ago u said dont go up againts HP now look at maximum40 they are way passed HP!
07-07-30 17:20:17
JVic1992 ::: Favorites
as a true critic in the intention of further improving your work, i can only give you a 3
07-03-27 01:26:57
dankwilliams ::: Favorites
kinda wack yo!
07-03-27 10:56:09
janie800 ::: Favorites
this is very very funny i love it !
07-07-22 15:39:53
megzoxx ::: Favorites
ii wuldnt be able to make videos without laughing ii cant be serious lol yu guys r awesome
07-08-10 15:06:04

America, Meet My Arse

Duration: 123 seconds
Upload Time: 07-07-18 04:12:39
User: seanbedlam
:::: Favorites
Description: I'm not saying Americans can't think for themselves, I'm saying that when you're a member of a cult it doesn't matter what you think, because you're always going to find a way to support your cult membership. No-one wants to leave a cult until the moment they can't take the shit anymore. Americans are addicted to their flag. They can't make a movie without putting the rag in there somewhere. To the cult-member the sight of this object causes pleasurable feelings in the chest area. In the rest of the world the feelings tends to be centred more around the region of the bowels. All around the world, people have learned to fear America. It will hear no discussion of solutions to global problems, unless the solution is America. America is the answer to it's own question and no-one else can get a fucking word in edgeways. Americans wonder- while they meddle in the history of the world and fuck it up- why people don't like them. They're the ultimate do-gooder missionaries, here to save the world. These fuckers invented the idea of saving the world. Or stole it from the Catholic Church- which is the kind of irony Global Villagers long ago gave up trying to explain to the People of The Chino. Why do we hate America? You're lucky we don't! But it's time for you to stop getting away with murder, guys. I know you think you're helping, but you're like Mormons who won't stop knocking on our door. Fuck off and we'll be in touch, okay? It's not all about you.

bleaux42 ::: Favorites
LOL I'm so scared to tell you that I agree with you only because, you know, free speech over here is only free so long as you agree with what they say. Thank you for the video.
07-08-01 00:25:09
gratex ::: Favorites
ohhhh no, you're thining of Satan! step back into the light!!!
07-08-01 05:06:27
debstef ::: Favorites
I'll take the cult of America anytime! Absolutely. I know your fine country well and I know you belong to the cult of Muscle Shirt With No Muscles.
07-08-01 07:30:47
broadjumper1 ::: Favorites
Truly moronic. Yeah, we're a cult. That's why our leaders have some of the lowest approval ratings of all time, 'cause we drunk all the koolaid and believe we're on the right track...another European without a clue about America.
07-08-01 23:37:31
uberbot89 ::: Favorites
actually that guy was Austrailian dude, but ya he was umm a bit harsh
07-08-03 19:53:33
RubiconJohn ::: Favorites
lol...gotta love the wit of the yanks.
07-08-03 23:01:19
debstef ::: Favorites
Really! Everybody seems to hate the country they all want to be in! We are the free(barely)
07-08-04 07:35:11
broadjumper1 ::: Favorites
Doesn't really matter does it? An Aussie is just an Englishman with a criminal in his family tree. His opinion is still shite.
07-08-04 14:31:27
handsarehard ::: Favorites
I know some Aussies that go to school here in the states, and if not for the accent, you couldnt tell them from Americans. They wear the same clothes, like the same music, love to party, and love just about anything here, except the war (which most Americans dont support either)
07-08-04 21:10:52
gogoyojimbo ::: Favorites
the problem with most (pretty close to all) americans is they cross their arms and put a pout of their faces and say "i hate war" but then turn around and do fuck all about yeah america is a cult, and the saddest thing is the main powers of the country are banking on your apathy. you're playing right into their hand :D
07-08-09 09:58:48

Red vs Blue - Halo 3 - Ep 1 of 5

Duration: 163 seconds
Upload Time: 07-07-31 12:19:07
User: Gamerawr
:::: Favorites

More at

0speedbit0 ::: Favorites
lol thet moded needler :P
07-08-09 15:37:09
Lewis125 ::: Favorites
god blue vs red series rocks and so does the new needler lol :)
07-08-10 09:40:33
supasiik23 ::: Favorites
Yes, Red vs. Blue, god I missed it.
07-08-10 13:14:56
XNAXItachi ::: Favorites
Close enough to it. That thing is powerful now, half a clip and you've killed someone.
07-08-10 15:53:39
hottub11 ::: Favorites
this is so awesome...
07-08-10 16:01:13
PurpleBadgerino ::: Favorites
soooo! AWSEM
07-08-10 18:57:24
ImmortalSilentSlayer ::: Favorites
07-08-10 19:47:42
pianistofsymphonia ::: Favorites
lol either they really modded or just paused it and threw a grenade under it
07-08-10 21:51:41
shadowrunner4 ::: Favorites
awesome i'm going on a duel welding rampage with the neddler
07-08-11 02:25:31
Ragnar150 ::: Favorites
Covenent controler! LOL
07-08-11 17:35:10

Christopher Hitchens on Charlie Rose 04-May-07 (Part 1)

Duration: 599 seconds
Upload Time: 07-05-28 07:53:19
User: berkeleyguy0
:::: Favorites

(Part 1 of 3) A conversation with author and journalist Christopher Hitchens about his book "god Is Not Great: How Religion Poisons Everything". Part 2: Part 3: Please let me know if you like the Christopher Hitchens videos. Thanks! - BerkeleyGuy

mjn76 ::: Favorites
Hitchens claimed that secularists would not destroy a building?! Communists annihilated 100 million innocents and its official credo was very much atheist.
07-08-05 01:59:48
mjn76 ::: Favorites
Charlie Rose interrupts Hitchens only 100 times in the first 8 minutes. What a pompous dork.
07-08-05 02:08:29
rubenchosan ::: Favorites
Agree 110% with Hitches...I was in Iraq and got the full image of it in Hussaybah, AlQaim, Al Asad,Ramadi, Baghdad, Waleed...etc. GOD DOES NOT EXIST, otherwise what the hell is the bastard doing? RDC, PhD.
07-08-07 14:58:19
rubenchosan ::: Favorites
Agree 110% with Hitches...I was in Iraq and got the full image of it in Hussaybah, AlQaim, Al Asad,Ramadi, Baghdad, Waleed...etc. GOD DOES NOT EXIST, otherwise what the hell is the bastard doing? RDC, PhD.
07-08-07 14:59:32
richardthripp ::: Favorites
And what would dear Hitch replace religion with? Pragmatism? Sun worship? Science? Shall the devout pray to Edison or Einstein's visage? Humans are spiritual, it separates us from tree-swinging primates.
07-08-08 13:01:17
nubiancerebra ::: Favorites
"I always ignore the diversionary intellectual gibberish of blaming God & religion for all the ills of human beings (Hitchens isn't even original in this), as if atheists don't also massacre MILLIONS over ideology. Yet blaming all such ills on atheists would be just as fallacious." The war in Iraq, like all wars, is a political war about land, resources & power and who gets to have it, the invaders or the invaded, where often both sides claim as a moral rally that God is on their side.
07-08-09 08:51:53
nubiancerebra ::: Favorites
Hitchens heartily supported an imperialist & neocon war that has turned into a military fiasco. There were no flowers thrown at the feet of U.S. soldiers & no dancing in the streets (except when a humvee was blown up). So, instead of blaming the policy he heartily supported (in spite of the fact that he knew it was based on LIES), he's blaming God or Islam. His UNORIGINAL book is an ex post facto ruse to divert blame for a foreign policy fiasco, yet still 'justify' the war.
07-08-09 09:05:56
nubiancerebra ::: Favorites
Hitchens BOLDLY, BLATANLY, UNABASHEDLY & UNAPOLOGETICALLY *TRUMPETED* before and at the start of the war: "YES! BLOOD FOR OIL! WHY *NOT*!!?" (Ask him whether he still says that now -- even after Abu-Ghraib, Guantanamo, secret prisons, state kidnappings & disappearances, torture by the U.S., sexual humiliation, rapes, murder of entire families, religious humiliation, mass sweeps & detentions without charges, trial or access to attorneys. Sounds a lot like Saddam.)
07-08-09 18:08:59
NorthernStorm8 ::: Favorites
Replacing superstition with reason is progress. It is reason that seperates us from the tree swingering primates.
07-08-10 17:49:45
richardthripp ::: Favorites
But reason's not enough. It was reasonable to assume in 1990 that 17 yrs. hence young men WOULD NOT be walking about in public with their pants worn 6 inches below the belt-line, same for piercings and a myriad of stupid, illogical things that mark this point in time. The U.S.S.R. replaced religion with a worship of the collective state. They are now defunct.
07-08-10 17:55:09

You don't call back

Duration: 177 seconds
Upload Time: 07-04-14 18:09:10
User: thechurchofdave
:::: Favorites

Another love song by Scary DAve

bacons10101 ::: Favorites
great idea
07-06-24 03:23:04
TheOneTheOnlyTheBob ::: Favorites
Well...I hope that helps...LMAO! What the Hell have you done today to help a midget Dave? Hahahahahaha!!!
07-07-03 23:00:06
thechurchofdave ::: Favorites
hotme25A : Actually I have never hit a woman in my life. I have only hit men who hit me first and then would not allow me to walk away. (Sorry about those hospital bills guys :( The only people I ever pointed a gun at are still alive and unharmed (by me) but did spend some time in jail. I like to think I am pretty reasonable ;)
07-07-04 20:15:58
thechurchofdave ::: Favorites
TheOneTheOnlyTheBob : I do have carnival knowledge of a red headed little person who is now a porn star ;) Does that count? Wasn't today though lol
07-07-04 20:17:51
imitson ::: Favorites
We'd all like to think so wouldn't we lol
07-07-17 15:16:10
Oddsweb ::: Favorites
The sweat...down left ball....rofl..Oh god I need my nappy watching your vids... so great!!
07-07-22 11:53:29
pixl8edkat ::: Favorites
kewl song!! luv the lyrics, and the tune.. "big hairy balls" LMAO
07-07-27 13:38:39
TheOneTheOnlyTheBob ::: Favorites
We're both going to Heaven someday Dave! Wait and see Bro! BTW, God loves midgets too! Well, I hope that helps! Later gator.
07-07-27 20:49:28
dragonhair71 ::: Favorites
Sent this to my of the shop! Love ya SCARY DUDE!!!
07-08-02 22:33:37
hotme25 ::: Favorites
Hmm... 'Boy Friend To Burn' Sooo Violent
07-08-03 17:31:46

Norah Jones Live Dont Know Why

Duration: 239 seconds
Upload Time: 06-07-31 18:32:53
User: somebod
:::: Favorites

norah jones live

randyw41 ::: Favorites
I saw a video of her in concert, and they did a close up of her hands while she was playing. It looked like her right hand had some kind of bad scarring on it. Was she injured as a child or something? It almost looks like some kind of burn...
07-08-07 08:32:58
franlatinguy ::: Favorites
Type in Search: Fran Centeno Lascano, and tell me what u think about my voice....
07-08-08 23:23:06
Steph103090 ::: Favorites
07-08-10 00:00:45
L8nitedave ::: Favorites
Saw her playing an upright in a small jazz bar in Dallas before she got famous. She was great way back.
07-08-10 12:52:57
potatosama ::: Favorites
holy crap. She is one of the few who are VERY good live!
07-08-10 14:04:10
animehearts1993 ::: Favorites
ah, i love her! she's so good!
07-08-10 18:43:35
j4clayto ::: Favorites
07-08-10 21:41:40
garyanddebbiegumm ::: Favorites
Love Norah Jones, Have written a song ,I would like you to sing it! Give feedback Give it your touch-You could do it perfectly! Debbie Gumm
07-08-11 14:19:00
scottbos68 ::: Favorites
ive always known this girl can sing this was exactly what i was in the mood to hear a saxophone wouldnt have been bad in the middle
07-08-11 18:46:42
Dog23luv ::: Favorites
Norah Jones used to go to my school long time ago.
07-08-12 01:52:45

Re: Are You Normal? #6

Duration: 115 seconds
Upload Time: 07-05-15 02:16:18
User: thechurchofdave
:::: Favorites

My musical answers to questions 1-9 to "Are you normal" episode 6

thechurchofdave ::: Favorites
(Curtsies in your general direction)
07-05-15 09:05:56
thesmiths1013 ::: Favorites
dont you just love Dave?
07-05-15 09:20:52
kenrg ::: Favorites
Normal? Around here normal is a whole different thing...
07-05-15 11:48:14
dazzfunster ::: Favorites
what the fuck was that JESUS CHRIST.. ha ha dave your the man uh huh huh.. sing like the king
07-05-15 13:36:46
Sermarfil ::: Favorites
#3 fukken slayed me
07-05-15 19:24:43
MrEARSking ::: Favorites
hahahaha funny
07-05-17 05:53:00
calilivin7 ::: Favorites
First time I saw this one, dont need the questions. The answers are great on their own.
07-06-28 05:25:10
PeaceProfit ::: Favorites
Normal is as Normal Does, Normally ;)
07-07-03 16:28:49
joebiwan ::: Favorites
How the hell did I miss this...BRILLIANT!! You Rock man! :)
07-07-14 11:10:07
Patchouli59 ::: Favorites
So who wants to be normal anyway? May you always drink deep and never thirst. :)
07-07-17 12:25:03

Minnie Riperton's High Notes

Duration: 383 seconds
Upload Time: 07-05-27 05:58:18
User: Sparks0245
:::: Favorites

Ever wondered what power and control in the whistle register sounded like??? Well every other singer had a video of high notes, so why not one for the woman who pioneered the E6 and above??? 1. Lovin' You 2. Expecting 3. Reasons 4. Could It Be I'm In Love 5. Here We Go 6. Adventures In Paradise 7. Can You Feel What I'm Saying (live) 8. Give Me Time 9. You Take My Breath Away 10. Memory Lane 11. Tale Of A Brave Ulysses 12. How Could I Love You More 13. We're Going Wrong 14. The Burning of the Midnight Lamp 15. Stay In Love 16. Lovin' You (end)

ImHereForMary ::: Favorites
I love both. But. Minnie is clearly BETTER@ Whistle notes. she jus dont hit them at the end of songs for 2sec. she belts them for 20sec. she does. crazy rifts. and Minnie's tone is muuuuuuuuuuuuch. better. than Mariah's breathy. airy tone. i still dont believe she has a TRUE whistle register. jus sounds liek superhead. IMO.
07-08-04 18:08:10
BaByXgIrL ::: Favorites
wow! damn i respect her for that..i mean such a voice..such a range!! GOD..she does that so much longer than mariah does at the end of her songs O_o im amazed. thats what we call someone "talented" who'll forever be a true legend in our hearts. i luv that song "could it be im in luv"..amazing!!
07-08-05 18:56:15
saleema1 ::: Favorites
loving minnie and for the mariah carey fans mariah can sing but mariah would not be able to hit minnie repertons songs maybe loving you but not the others like inside me or back down memory lane sorry.minnies the queen feel me?
07-08-08 21:38:21
justme336 ::: Favorites
Not taking anything from Minnie, because she was a great singer, and she did influence many, but...there was someone who used the whistle register before her, and he hit higher notes than her, his name was Charles Kellogg, and he sang up to an A9.
07-08-09 00:14:29
justme336 ::: Favorites
Oh, and kudos on the F#7, it was beautiful!
07-08-09 00:16:41
xoxmellymelxox ::: Favorites
Why do you have Christina Aguilera in the description?
07-08-09 17:10:29
velvetvamp456 ::: Favorites
Christina could Whistle too...she's just not using it...its mariah's trademark now a christina's making her own trademark...
07-08-10 11:08:45
claziiie ::: Favorites
lol there was one point where she sounded like she was a puppy dog xD and i havent listened to alot of Minnie so...does she whistle in all of her songs?
07-08-11 20:45:56
almasi13 ::: Favorites
Minnie rip - a -tone! dang she kills it
07-08-11 23:22:48
yomega69 ::: Favorites
shes does that whistle singing in those 15 songs so i guess pretty much all of them
07-08-11 23:24:11

Mr. Mistoffelees

Duration: 353 seconds
Upload Time: 06-08-24 14:02:23
User: cindyphantom
:::: Favorites

Video Cast Admetus, Rumpus Cat - Frank Thompson Alonzo - Jason Gardiner Asparagus - Tony Timberlake Bombalurina - Rosemarie Ford Bustopher Jones - James Barron Cassandra - Rebecca Parker Coricopat - Tommi Shiden Demeter - Aeva May Electra - Leah Sue Morland Etcetera - Jo Bingham Exotica - Femi Taylor Gus The Theatre Cat - John Mills Grizabella - Elaine Paige Jellylorum - Susan Jane Tanner Jemima - Veerle Casteleyn Jennyanydots - Susie McKenna Mungojerrie - Drew Varley Munkustrap - Michael Gruber Old Deuteronomy - Ken Page Plato, Macavity - Bryn Walters Pouncival - Karl Morgan Mistoffelees, Quaxo - Jacob Brent Rumpleteazer - Jo Gibb Rum Tum Tugger - John Partridge Skimbleshanks - Geoffrey Garrat Tantomile - Kaye Brown Tumblebrutus - Fergus Logan Victoria - Phyllida Crowley Smith

Katmeow9 ::: Favorites
Im sorry to dissapoint you but John partridge is gay. I think he lives in Berlin with a partner. :(
07-07-27 07:11:46
AerisCutie ::: Favorites
hey apd2511was it like school musical or the actual movie?
07-07-27 19:07:18
grooviegurls ::: Favorites
07-07-27 21:04:08
dakotawillis ::: Favorites
i had front row seats to this play, it was AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!! i was sad when it was over!
07-07-30 13:07:35
moonoodle ::: Favorites
Love It! ~Mrs. Mistoffelees
07-07-31 00:03:51
rumplejerrie ::: Favorites
i love this song and cats is the best musical in the world
07-08-02 13:15:21
fanofdaniel ::: Favorites
07-08-04 20:07:27
superheroamy ::: Favorites
i named my rabbit mistoffelees hehe
07-08-05 17:03:18
conradtaube ::: Favorites
07-08-10 02:06:20
obviousmistake ::: Favorites
In primary school we did this scene! lol i was like p.3 and im going into 4th year and i still remember the words! it was sooo much fun! love this musical!!!
07-08-10 07:06:19