Friday, August 10, 2007

Re: My last video for YouTube

Duration: 113 seconds
Upload Time: 07-08-08 20:10:03
User: Delaypat
:::: Favorites

We will miss you Dax!!!!!

sum1562 ::: Favorites
lol I FOUND WOLVERINE!...who knew a english pothead would turn out to be the one and only mutant killer..
07-08-09 15:40:52
bobdole ::: Favorites
nobody cares.
07-08-09 16:00:55
Delaypat ::: Favorites
Ouch maybe I should have stayed out of this...
07-08-09 17:36:38
Sidious099 ::: Favorites
Get the girl to show her tits
07-08-09 17:47:16
NaslundOwns ::: Favorites
that ur girlfriend?
07-08-09 19:35:13
Delaypat ::: Favorites
07-08-09 21:13:32
Delaypat ::: Favorites
07-08-09 21:13:57
badbokoji ::: Favorites
damn ur girl look hot to bad she have a dick to fuck u in the ass u gay faget.
07-08-09 21:15:41
NaslundOwns ::: Favorites
Oh ok cool. Tell her we need moar tits pl0x.
07-08-09 21:49:26
Delaypat ::: Favorites
Get some spelling lessons. Holy shit man. Is this what public school is teaching? Hi my name is badbokoji and I'm retarded and hate myself thats why I post mean comments. GET A LIFE NERD!!
07-08-09 23:42:11

MC Hawking - What We Need More Of Is Science

Duration: 209 seconds
Upload Time: 07-02-13 17:13:55
User: therealmchawking
:::: Favorites

The official video for the song "What We Need More of Is Science" by MC Hawking from the album "A Brief Histroy of Rhyme"

FortunaNoctis ::: Favorites
The tools of science, medicines, biochemistry, engineering, all benefit human beings. It takes politicians and religious ideologues to turn those tools into weapons. There isn't a coherent scientific movement on Earth that desires to create weapons; what you're talking about is the creation of killing machines by individuals who stand to gain power and money. Such is the behavior of generals, defense contractors, and politicians, not scientists.
07-08-04 07:13:31
FortunaNoctis ::: Favorites
In the event of "incurable" disease, faith shrugs its shoulders and says well at least now we can turn to our fantasies for comfort. But science says, "no, we can do better. If we work harder, stay up later, work the models, take the data, and improve the technology we can cure these diseases." I see a huge difference between those two worldviews and anyone who is thinking can as well. Faith is about feeling good. Science is about solving problems in the real world.
07-08-04 07:15:21
FortunaNoctis ::: Favorites
Only soldiers and fundamentalists carry out wars; only zealots or politicians use science as weapons. And religion encourages hate, homophobia, fear, and greed far more than it encourages love. Science helps people in a time of depression thanks to psychology and neurophysiology; and without biochemistry and agriculture there would be no world outreach, no clean water, no food, no medicines. And no deity has ever been in an operating room, holding the scalpel. Scientists called doctors do that.
07-08-04 07:42:43
nethernovas85 ::: Favorites
"The tools of science, medicines, biochemistry, engineering, all benefit human beings. It takes politicians and religious ideologues to turn those tools into weapons." - Well said FortunaNoctis. Science has always stood for aiding humanity and (with downfalls along the way) aiding in preservation of the environment.
07-08-04 12:29:41
nethernovas85 ::: Favorites
Religion??? You mean the reason our country will not give AIDS ridden countries condoms?? You mean the reason millions of people have been killed in the name of someone's god? Or killed for "holy" land? Fundamentalists & religious extremists < George Bush < Cavemen < (insert your god here) < MC Hawking ;-)
07-08-04 12:31:48
apathyboi ::: Favorites
You really must be as ignorant as I intially excpeted. whenever i have illustrated a postive aspect of religion or faith whihc cannot be denied for the goos that it does all you have done is said "well but..but science does this and this" You think i dont know what sicence does? You think i sit in a fucking cave chanting hymns or something? AS have already said...
07-08-05 07:05:32
apathyboi ::: Favorites
You really must be as ignorant as I intially excpeted. whenever i have illustrated a postive aspect of religion or faith whihc cannot be denied for the goos that it does all you have done is said "well but..but science does this and this" You think i dont know what sicence does? You think i sit in a fucking cave chanting hymns or something? AS have already said...
07-08-05 07:06:51
apathyboi ::: Favorites
there is no reason why people cannot accept the good value of both as oppose to bad mouthing the aspects of each others that they dont like/dont understand.Dont attempt to patronise these people by saying theyre are not thinking just because they dont think the same way as you; thats ignorance.
07-08-05 07:10:37
apathyboi ::: Favorites
people solve problems and relate to problems in differnt ways and religion answers some questions for people that science could never give them the answer for, and if that does make them feel good whether it be "fantasy" or not, you and no-one else on this planet are in the postion to tell them otherwise
07-08-05 07:11:08
gijs14 ::: Favorites
07-08-05 20:26:21

Dolphin Massacre in Japan

Duration: 196 seconds
Upload Time: 07-01-26 14:05:35
User: ulledettam
:::: Favorites

This video illustrates how japanese kills dolphin to eat their meat. It's terrible!

powerhousechipmunk23 ::: Favorites
07-08-07 14:08:43
anniesoty ::: Favorites
wow this is a piece of ethnocentric crap. how biased and unsubjective is this "documentary" only idiots would believe this and then proceed to be racist about it
07-08-07 14:26:49
screamindeacon23 ::: Favorites
07-08-07 18:59:58
HelpAnimal ::: Favorites
. Don't beilieve some anti-japan's lie. This is very old video. That cruel way of killing was abolished. And those dolphins aren't endangered species. Almost all of the Japanese doesn't know the existence of dolphin eating. Of course, they have never eaten dolhpin, there is no dolphin sushi in Japan. And that capture has been the only way to survive for the fishermen, because dolphins damage a lot of fish stocks. P.S) Watch a video on my page- Dolphin & Whale Massacre in Europe .
07-08-08 05:55:50
linkaylomen1 ::: Favorites
DICK RETARD! I HATE YOU! Firstly noone gives a fuck who you hate, secondly you hate them because you watched some shitty propaganda video made by the US. lastly 3/4 of japan didnt know about this and once they did find out it was highlt opposed and stopped.
07-08-09 12:09:22
linkaylomen1 ::: Favorites
Not to mention the fact they are not endangered.
07-08-09 12:12:06
JacobsShadow ::: Favorites
Those dolphins deserved it, they attacked several fishermen in the area and even killed 1 small boy. They should die a thousand deaths for what they have done.
07-08-09 18:43:18
PooJiariya ::: Favorites
fuck japs
07-08-09 19:22:20
PooJiariya ::: Favorites
fucking japs thay copy everything by korea and china they should doe in thier little fucking island and thank god that japn is slowly sinking japanese fucking fat heads
07-08-09 19:25:50
schleefa1 ::: Favorites
wht the funking hell do you think you saying. you probaly a fucking jap who enjoys eating dolphins hope you burn in hell for even saying that.
07-08-10 00:40:06

this is a call

Duration: 234 seconds
Upload Time: 06-07-18 04:32:17
User: thewrestler2
:::: Favorites

a video Luke and I shot. It's got a message in there some where. the lyrics are good to. This song is by a band called "Thousand Foot Kruch". the album "Phenomenon".

dismounter1 ::: Favorites
so frikkin AWSOME!!!!
07-06-28 00:56:19
bakedskater1243 ::: Favorites
wow man that was frekin sweeet!!!!!!
07-06-28 14:38:18
fisheaterskid ::: Favorites
Wait that wasn't the real music video? Oh wow yeah you totally had me fooled! Wow that was an amazing video 5/5*
07-07-01 20:24:24
lostwounded14 ::: Favorites
OMG this vid my me cry because this is such a good vid
07-07-16 20:52:32
onlyonenick ::: Favorites
well informed, My name is Nick A,M. Head of Onlyonenick Enterprise and Ice Realm studios. And on behalf of my enterprise nice vid. Permission to post on my webpage under your name. Nice job perfect 100%
07-07-28 16:57:45
Scooterbug2197 ::: Favorites
this is the best video I have seen for this song yet!!
07-07-29 02:58:55
Brokenhom3 ::: Favorites
Great job ^^ I <3 THOUSAND FOOT KRUTCH ! And I love this song ! Hug
07-08-02 12:20:32
pdfied ::: Favorites
Your vid brought tears to my eyes...yes we need to see our world through the eyes of Jesus! Darren Tan Singapore
07-08-02 22:52:33
soccerbackkid ::: Favorites
that was amazing.. it was very well done..
07-08-06 04:14:23
thewrestler2 ::: Favorites
More than welcomed to! Thanks for the comment nick
07-08-07 00:45:33

Re: Things To Do In A Dark Closet

Duration: 142 seconds
Upload Time: 07-06-24 04:46:04
User: frezned
:::: Favorites

Hey Caitlin! Your video gave me a sweet idea. I HATE myself! Some of the special effects on this are really noticeable. I'm aware of it. I kinda rushed part of it and this annoys me, but... whatever. Whip-pan transition appropriated from Waverly Film's "Raffle Prize" and repurposed for cloning.

Sara161616 ::: Favorites
How have I not seen you on here yet? I subscribed!
07-06-26 10:24:26
Fichty3 ::: Favorites
why do have in every video a different hair stye?
07-06-26 14:48:53
bombstllover ::: Favorites
Do u use mac or windows for cutting ur movies and so on?
07-06-28 02:56:05
StAtIcXandLiNkInPaRk ::: Favorites
haha brill vid tom
07-06-28 16:24:20
joeyjojojimmyshabado ::: Favorites
Wow! It's like Narnia! Except, you know, shitty, and a playground. <3
07-07-05 00:20:02
punchjoel ::: Favorites
four letters: R O F L!
07-07-07 00:27:37
serpent918 ::: Favorites
whats with the two diferent guys who look exactly the same? is he yer bro tom? this questions driving me to be a dou**ebag...thats right....a complete bag of dou**e
07-07-07 06:29:00
sims2ruler ::: Favorites
camera affects he sed it in the description derrr
07-07-15 00:47:34
serpent918 ::: Favorites
no he jes said that some special effects were noticeable. dont derrrr me one whos mother was the ancient pharoah
07-07-15 03:13:12
jennifer101587 ::: Favorites
haha that was funny thanks haha
07-07-30 10:55:47

Clark and Michael: THE SERIES Preview #2

Duration: 117 seconds
Upload Time: 07-05-16 23:00:56
User: clarkduke
:::: Favorites

A(nother) preview of the new series, "Clark and Michael" Debuts WEDNESDAY MAY 23 on

nandojr ::: Favorites
Yessssss...this will be good.
07-05-19 06:00:58
ISmellLikeASexyGuy ::: Favorites
her eye is lazy
07-05-20 02:03:44
UnklRudi ::: Favorites
"Let me tell you something, I read your script. How 'bout that?" haha.
07-05-21 14:35:22
imthebluesmurf ::: Favorites
can't wait to see this! it looks so funny!
07-05-23 15:13:59
goldenglow45 ::: Favorites
how come all i see on the website is the word welcome? argh.
07-05-24 08:20:26
MRTUMNUS6 ::: Favorites
yeeeaaaahhhh micael cera and tony hale and mitch!
07-05-26 02:28:04
danisbored ::: Favorites
Does anyone know what that song is?
07-05-29 01:49:04
ilovemichealcera ::: Favorites
07-06-03 17:59:18
jcoyne ::: Favorites
british sea power.- blackout.
07-06-19 17:36:26
conormang ::: Favorites
actually it's not "Blackout". That's the song that plays at the end of the actual show. What's the song in this video????
07-06-25 14:45:02

Real Tekken

Duration: 263 seconds
Upload Time: 06-03-06 08:32:04
User: miroshi
:::: Favorites

Its the famed playstation fighting game but this time with real people.

tedicus ::: Favorites
you guys are pretty good
07-08-03 08:22:37
TECHNOGUY44 ::: Favorites
how did u do this?
07-08-05 01:47:33
boyler77 ::: Favorites
You Guys are awesome. That was badass. A Fcuking Genius. You are my idols. I want to see part 2. Think about it.
07-08-06 06:35:40
insidethepain ::: Favorites
superrrr :)
07-08-06 09:05:29
onurarslanbas ::: Favorites
only a word GREAT!
07-08-07 07:59:46
dummy2k ::: Favorites
the end was pretty funny and cool. good job guys
07-08-07 09:18:48
PimpMatt0 ::: Favorites
now those are better moves in Tekken the game
07-08-08 00:37:25
xirons ::: Favorites
really good video
07-08-08 01:15:38
totorotototoro ::: Favorites
nice guys
07-08-08 23:14:29
daOriGinooGrapeBeer ::: Favorites
Great Job guys, you should be in Hollywood films
07-08-09 00:30:21

VW Tests

Duration: 130 seconds
Upload Time: 06-12-07 08:51:33
User: Trator500
:::: Favorites

VW Tests

BlackJack1803 ::: Favorites
M A D E I N G E R M A N Y! ! !
07-07-05 19:02:52
protonkid ::: Favorites
1st place - Japan 2nd place - Germany 3rd place - Ermmmmmmmm.......
07-07-06 05:43:17
BlackJack1803 ::: Favorites
A very interesting but who invented the car? Right! GERMANY and we still develop the best cars of this whole planet called earth!!!
07-07-08 15:35:07
dobryraper ::: Favorites
07-07-10 06:26:34
bigGTIdog ::: Favorites
that euro van was sailin,awsome
07-07-13 01:11:04
velocebooks ::: Favorites
A fan of Volkswagen? Why not check out velocebooks(dot)com to find out about our fantastic VW titles!
07-07-19 13:46:13
areatwozero ::: Favorites
that looks like so much fun, i went to the millbrook test track it was just like that. i had a dope time.
07-07-20 06:22:02
alaturka585 ::: Favorites
best of vw sivastuning........
07-07-29 04:44:40
roccoiiooii ::: Favorites
if i would need a job, thats the job i wanted to do!!
07-08-02 18:58:36
mordeth14 ::: Favorites
this is my dream job
07-08-08 15:18:05

David Hasselhoff Intoxicated

Duration: 28 seconds
Upload Time: 07-05-03 14:43:41
User: blahinsider
:::: Favorites

David Hasselhoff Intoxicated. The heartbreaking video shot by his daughter. For more go to

jethrotull78 ::: Favorites
jesus ,wonder what the bitch would do if she was jerry garcia's daughter
07-08-02 02:06:23
TheMotherbrain ::: Favorites
man I think everybody's been drunk before... But if hes a drunk ass every night @ the house i understand why the girl did that
07-08-02 09:46:07
tennisnutter1987 ::: Favorites
What the fuck? Are you guys actually defending David for his drunk behavior? It's not like he's only getting drunk once in a while, people. It's like that almost EVERY NIGHT. It's fucked up...she's trying to help him stop drinking so heavily, and he says "FUCK YOU", to his own daughter.
07-08-03 02:48:13
pritch84 ::: Favorites
07-08-04 00:21:45
getmeinyou ::: Favorites
why cant u ppl fucking get over the fact that he gets drunk everyday its his life and body he can do wtf he wants
07-08-05 20:43:49
eviLTripA ::: Favorites
i´ve be lookin for freeedom! LOL lalalalalalaaaaaala xD
07-08-07 10:46:10
Taneygrl ::: Favorites
Amen Jethro! Kid needs to chill and help not hassle!
07-08-07 12:14:17
RafaLisbon1986 ::: Favorites
poor guy. he is a good person but need to get fix.
07-08-08 02:11:15
WhyYouRunning ::: Favorites
he pwnt that burger.... thats why i wont have kids
07-08-08 04:10:04
ups570e800 ::: Favorites
Not bad. There are a ton of lovable girls at <B> _CAMAHOLIC.NET_ </B> -ups570e800
07-08-09 15:29:35

Brandy_Have u ever Instrumental

Duration: 264 seconds
Upload Time: 07-04-29 15:32:31
User: lisalovemusic
:::: Favorites

Lyrics (Chorus:) Have you ever loved somebody so much It makes you cry? Have you ever needed something so bad You can't sleep at night? Have you ever tried to find the words But they don't come out right? Have you ever? Have you ever? Have you ever been in love Been in love so bad You'd do anything To make them understand? Have you ever had someone Steal your heart away? You'd give anything To make them feel the same? Have you ever searched for words To get you in their heart But you don't know what to say And you don't know where to start? (Repeat chorus) Have you ever found the one You've dreamed of all your life? You'd do just about anything To look into their eyes? Have you fin'ly found the one You've given your heart to Only to find that one Won't give their heart to you? Have you ever closed your eyes and Dreamed that they were there And all you can do is wait For that day when they will care? (Repeat chorus) (Bridge:) What do I gotta do to get you in my arms, baby? What do I gotta say to get to your heart To make you understand How I need you next to me? Gotta get you in my world 'Cause, baby, I can't sleep (Repeat chorus twice) Have you ever?

brookliyna ::: Favorites
Nice song
07-06-12 03:29:01
VeryBerrie008 ::: Favorites
Gawjus Tune..Lurve it
07-06-12 05:37:17
75Lize57 ::: Favorites
this iz like ma all time fave song!!!!
07-06-18 14:03:28
cashching921 ::: Favorites
it the bestest song i luv u brandy
07-06-24 00:17:46
ihavetotellthetruth ::: Favorites
where did you find this instrumental?
07-07-05 13:50:04
sexiijones ::: Favorites
brandy come back cuz we miss u
07-07-20 15:36:34
brookliyna ::: Favorites
I like this song and I'm singing this song
07-07-26 14:19:36
bahmaboy ::: Favorites
search: bandy lip sync
07-07-29 00:57:52
SenoritaTJ ::: Favorites
I love this song. It's beautiful
07-07-30 22:25:13
rodasoccerwifeyt ::: Favorites
teens on webcam at YOURCAMSINGLES dot COM
07-08-07 11:39:31

Hefs Girls Next Door

Duration: 14 seconds
Upload Time: 07-03-05 13:17:34
User: bobbydias
:::: Favorites

Girls Next Door tv show intro Kendra deleted

mileyashleyrox ::: Favorites
yea what was the point?
07-05-05 15:37:27
Bananakins ::: Favorites
WTF? You didn't even fix the audio....
07-05-24 15:37:12
bobbydias ::: Favorites
The audio is as I taped it on live tv, converted that to mpg file and then converted that to wmv and then up loaded to youtube. I always heard better before, but I did not want to wait to see IF they would play the intro with the good audio.This clip was the 5th that I recorded. The first 4 they played only a bit of the intro. And then I cut out the Kendra solo part using Windows Movie Maker. I set Windows Movie Maker, I thought, to lower the volume by half.
07-05-24 20:51:31
criscsi ::: Favorites
kendra noooooooooooooooooooooooo
07-07-02 01:06:59
bunnyzuizide ::: Favorites
shut up, kendra is the best i hate this video!
07-07-28 21:21:56
KatieM101388 ::: Favorites
ah! ghetto person! (whos actually white and grew up in a nice neighborhood)
07-07-29 00:52:01
supervixen20 ::: Favorites
Kendra's the best, she'll always be the best
07-08-03 18:07:12
medandysandy ::: Favorites
Kendra always says she is the best- then goes to sit on her fat *ss after 30 seconds of whatever you say she is the best.
07-08-03 21:03:03
ljuba1986 ::: Favorites
holly is so stupid always wanted to be perfect
07-08-04 03:53:13
tomnguyeng262 ::: Favorites
Youtube isnt good for porn. I like the site <B> _CAMAHOLIC.NET_ </B>
07-08-04 10:43:15

50 Cent - 'Ski Mask Way' music video - PRODUCED BY DISCO D

Duration: 188 seconds
Upload Time: 06-04-24 17:46:11
User: dshayman
:::: Favorites

Here's the rare 'Ski Mask Way' music video - produced by Disco D (, this song was critically acclaimed as the hottest street record on 50's 5 times platinum 'The Massacre' album

lyrapg ::: Favorites
one nice mix.
07-08-03 02:40:16
rsheth3 ::: Favorites
check up my songs it has the number 1 remix in the world
07-08-03 11:03:22
FerrariSorry ::: Favorites
Disco D is a faggot and so is anybody from Ann Arbor
07-08-03 12:01:07
RIF25 ::: Favorites
The whole BAD NEWZ VA dont fuck with 50 cause of this song. He had to come to the rado station on 103 jams and apologize for dry snitching on A.I. A whole lot of underground diss songs came out about 50 in Bad Newz. I live here.
07-08-05 12:00:26
supreme199999 ::: Favorites
who gives a fuck lol
07-08-05 21:02:21
RIF25 ::: Favorites
Yeah you right. But fuck you anyway. LOL
07-08-06 09:29:51
rootsdubz ::: Favorites
r.i.p Disco D
07-08-06 09:48:33
ushanov ::: Favorites
Hecka tight song
07-08-06 14:23:54
tkktkt ::: Favorites
that dude was supposed to be ghostface killa lol.
07-08-08 05:35:15
locospanishguy ::: Favorites
lmao robs a guy while wearing a 50 cent shirt..
07-08-08 14:40:52


Duration: 65 seconds
Upload Time: 06-09-26 11:10:28
User: vitorgato
:::: Favorites


iRuneScape ::: Favorites
Lmao the ending was hilarious :P
07-08-04 21:10:00
mxcftw ::: Favorites
07-08-04 22:04:43
driftkingz109 ::: Favorites
07-08-05 20:59:18
garaof ::: Favorites
a face poped up on the comp
07-08-06 11:09:03
stinkyshoe ::: Favorites
:48 holy fuck id pee myself lol
07-08-06 16:15:26
Lach1234 ::: Favorites
LMAO!!!! the kid fighting that monster-thing, at the end hahahahahahahaha!!!!!!!!!!
07-08-07 03:27:00
lalalalala33333 ::: Favorites
the one at 29 seconds would scare the living fucking shit outa me no fucking kidding
07-08-07 14:38:25
RoboticChicken ::: Favorites
07-08-07 16:22:39
paarsemap ::: Favorites
07-08-07 18:53:27
SUX2bAFK ::: Favorites
ending owned! gj
07-08-07 21:01:05

Will To Love

Duration: 65 seconds
Upload Time: 06-11-05 12:32:27
User: WITCHcordeliabianca
:::: Favorites

My first video ever, I'm so glad it worked! Just a short movie I made about Winx, W.I.T.C.H., and Tokyo Mew Mew. The song is Will To Love from W.I.T.C.H. I don't like it very much and it's not that good, really. It was just an experiment.

favegirl13 ::: Favorites
i love this song i wish i knew who sang it and got the whole song
06-11-15 15:26:47
favegirl13 ::: Favorites
Noam Kaniel thats the guy who sang i found out
06-11-15 16:14:27
xosweetnessxo ::: Favorites
isn't it Jason Marsden..his voice actor
07-08-07 03:11:06
LittleMissCornelia ::: Favorites
love it
07-01-28 14:18:41
WITCHcordeliabianca ::: Favorites
07-01-28 18:45:25
luchykuchy ::: Favorites
I remember my first video.. I made better and worse videos than the first one.. but anyone similar to it. zzz.. I'm sleepy! Gotta go.. school tomorrow.. bye! :)
07-03-05 21:37:04

Not gonna get Us anime amv

Duration: 265 seconds
Upload Time: 06-10-04 21:25:20
User: peachgirlanime1
:::: Favorites

sailor moon chobits anime amv not gonna get ur I am peachgirlanime my other account got deleted so i am reloading my videos on here so please comment and rate! thanks

SweetAngel8294 ::: Favorites
It's Pretty Good!!! Great job 5 Stars :) Love it!
06-10-17 21:47:22
peachgirlanime1 ::: Favorites
06-10-21 21:39:17
kairi22goldielocks ::: Favorites
This is realy good! 5*! ^_^
06-11-05 12:32:40
EternalMoonShadow ::: Favorites
I love this video!
07-02-25 14:12:40
Xadreos ::: Favorites
could you please tell me which anime the clip of the girl pushing the guy out of the way of a truck was from? I really want to know!
07-03-16 18:09:23
peachgirlanime1 ::: Favorites
oo that was CHOBITS!
07-03-16 18:20:52
ifreakinh8sasuke ::: Favorites
07-03-21 01:31:49
animeXmad ::: Favorites
i thought this was salior moon whys chobits init lol
07-06-01 19:30:50
GAARApandaMEAW ::: Favorites
07-06-13 22:37:56