Friday, September 14, 2007

Phil Harrison and Sony Crew showing PS3 Store

Duration: 10:59 minutes
Upload Time: 06-10-25 04:25:19
User: Gamehelper
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Phil Harrison and Sony Crew showing PS3 Store at Sony's Gamers Day Oct 18 2006. More info at

shinobistyle86 ::: Favorites
No I get a PS3 myself if i get enough referals. But fuck knows about the camgirls people, maybee they get webcams
07-08-18 13:53:09
myco578 ::: Favorites
shinobi are you payed to say that cause its anoying as hell. we dont want to hear about porn sites or "free" ps3s cause it dosent work so shut up about camgrls or any of that other shit
07-08-15 11:08:35
lykmejoe ::: Favorites
i know phil harrisons online id its J_HOWARD
07-07-30 16:49:05
xxxxsoccerdude ::: Favorites
if u wanna join my folding at home team please join the number is 63597 and my online name is Alexanderthegret...please join and help cure cancer...thanks
07-07-04 15:02:04
jonboy460 ::: Favorites
ps3 won tgs so hahah
07-06-07 13:58:41
BADASSEDWIN ::: Favorites
o0 well i just want 2 have it
07-06-01 16:08:14
aerodynamic41 ::: Favorites
Why would you want phil harrison's id? I don't think he plays PS3 online that much
07-06-01 11:23:04
jambo247 ::: Favorites
hahahahaha thats lame really they think that killzone two is the next halo 3 and gears of war 2 i think they need to learn the basics on consols again they have forgot about what consols really are and have mainly gone for profit with this the cunts sony go burn in hell you cock bandit and anyone who supports them goooooooo die
07-05-22 08:53:41
jetsboy7 ::: Favorites
phill harisons laugh is gay
07-05-21 15:17:29
jetsboy7 ::: Favorites
hi i like chesse
07-05-21 15:16:23

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