Friday, September 14, 2007

Marilyn Manson

Duration: 05:36 minutes
Upload Time: 07-07-22 12:30:25
User: monkeysnob
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Marilyn Manson Putting Holes In Happiness

PNDo6 ::: Favorites
probably 1 of the best songs in eat me drink me ofcourse after the song evidence
07-09-08 17:26:32
MeowMixxx666 ::: Favorites
wow TIM SKOLD is amazing manson is just sexy!
07-09-07 20:03:50
xDiseasexRiddenx ::: Favorites
I got to see Houston it was cool i was visiting San Antonio and the plane had to leave a few hours before that concert so my mom took me to Houston the day before
07-09-03 10:45:03
boundries ::: Favorites
sucks i didn't get to see them live when they came to houstan 2 days ago :( but i got to see this on tv it was awesome
07-09-02 12:32:55
frengo16 ::: Favorites
skold is great!
07-08-25 11:14:50
themozman ::: Favorites
i love the new album live, cant wait for the 18th!!! fuck yeah
07-08-23 18:28:25
themozman ::: Favorites
shut up fool.
07-08-23 18:28:05
countchaos99 ::: Favorites
Go to launch yahoo to see the whole music vid!! Its pretty darn amazing and throwback to some of his old videos!!
07-08-23 14:32:56
countchaos99 ::: Favorites
I love repeating words!!! ALBUM!!! Manson=God!
07-08-22 23:07:03
countchaos99 ::: Favorites
To me, there is no "best Marilyn Manson Album" even though I am still partial to AntiChrist Superstar. Each album is different. I love the depth and maturity on his new album! His lyrics, especially in this song are awsome! He can't rip on god and that kind of stuff every album, it would be boring after a few albums!
07-08-22 22:14:24

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