Friday, September 14, 2007

Being an Asian in America

Duration: 12:44 minutes
Upload Time: 07-01-29 11:04:53
User: LoneTreeStudios
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A short documentary about the challenges that Asian males face growing up in America. This video was made as the final project in an Intercultural Film class. It was shot here in Chicago with interviews from North Park students and faculty.

l7y2n2n ::: Favorites
this is very impressive... i as an asian american girl empathize with the asian guys in america. i got totally infuriated with the portrayal of the incompetent, nerdy asian man trying to ask out the white woman, but i see instances in the media like this all the time! no wonder asian guys got it bad... i really hope there will be a great surge of asian americans, both male and female, who would participate in the media and counter the negative stereotypes.
07-09-11 12:11:09
Funkifizied ::: Favorites
haha! anyway, its not racist. its stupid.. BUT, i'm indian and i think asian chicks are waaay hotter anyway;) so dating isn't a problem. But in reality, even the asian women want to be with western men.
07-09-07 12:50:56
Funkifizied ::: Favorites
this happens in australia too. i have a very poor opinion about western women mainly cause 80% of them DO think the asians are exactly the way they are potrayed in commercial cinema and it shows. its funny when they think you cant speak english. they say hi and lean forward and speak slower than usual like they're talking to an unknown species that might run away in fright or not be able to respond coherently.
07-09-07 12:50:41
BabyQuan89 ::: Favorites
"(I know it doens't adds to more than 100%)"...What the hell was I saying haha. I meant to say "I know it adds to more than 100%"
07-08-14 03:06:58
BabyQuan89 ::: Favorites
In my opinion that girl that asked you to stay away from her is either insecure and trying really hard to fit in OR she just didn't like you and use it as an excuse ;) hahaha
07-08-14 03:03:12
BabyQuan89 ::: Favorites
On a related matter. Both my girlfriend and I go to a school that's about 30% Chinese 30% Indian 10% Sri Lankin 15% Korean and 15% European. So it's a pretty good mix of people; and still people say "oh you guys look like siblings!". The reason is because although we're both asian we fall in a new category (I know it doens't adds to more than 100%) of people. It doesn't really phase us though.
07-08-14 03:03:00
BabyQuan89 ::: Favorites
My point here is that people will change their perspective on you really quicky, almost as soon as you say your first sentence. Nowadays, since I've been working there for a while, my entire perspective on stereotypes have changed. haha. If your wondering who the most polite customers are; it's the Canadians - we rock your socks.
07-08-14 02:39:19
BabyQuan89 ::: Favorites
for example: I work at a retail store in Toronto and I meet all kinds of people; and I make prejudgements about them all the time before I ask if could help them. By the way they dress, the way they look, just everything. I.e. Old, asian, man. You'd think "broken english, loud, deaf". After I asked "Hi there, can I help you?" and he starts speaking perfect english everything changes about them. "No thank you, I'm just browsing around, if I need any help I'll make sure to ask you =)"
07-08-14 02:30:32
BabyQuan89 ::: Favorites
Everyone will think your Chinese because to quote your niece "It's the most common" I mean even Chinese people start talking to my in Cantonese and I go: =) haha. My point is that people will always make assumptions about someone before the person opens their mouth. But once you start talking all previous assumptions will change.
07-08-14 02:28:01
BabyQuan89 ::: Favorites
Yeah it's true that ppl of Chinese nationality are usually insensitive to the issue. But as Americans - we should know better. Afterall, we're about 5 years ahead of them. Last time I checked anyway. And i think japan is 5 years ahead of us. Though times are changing and changing quick.
07-08-14 02:20:25

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