Sunday, March 30, 2008

Naomi Klein: Shockingly Ignorant

Duration: 09:34 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-12-29 23:07:26

Naomi Klein, author of Shock Doctrine: The Rise of Disaster Capitalism is Shockingly Ignorant.


threeinthemorning  2008-03-27 23:26:27

I recommend actually reading the book, it answers all the "arguments" you've made here with an incredible body of research and first hand reporting. It's well written with a large swathe of citations to boot. Yes, it would be great if an ideology like free market capitalism really produced the kind of 'freedom' you talk about here, but unfortunately it produces the opposite when applied radically, like any unfettered ideology. Does corporate greed really = freedom? For corporations it does.
dieoom  2008-03-23 09:01:20

I don't need to look it up, sir. I am South African. I know the constitution amd why it's a horrible mess. I've been trying to warn my countrymen four ages, but nobody wanted to listen... Now it's coming to pass. Sigh...
EasyEs  2008-03-21 21:13:12

The reason the USSR never stabilized was because of communist hardliners holding the purse strings attempting to bankrupt the transition forcing it to collapse. After 7 days the communist tried to force a resignation of Gidar. Russia today is by no means a supply side economic system.
FloodPower  2008-03-18 13:06:12

don't act like Liberal doesn't say anything in north america
rudytooty00  2008-03-17 19:14:39

"typical" liberal... well, right back at you: just throw the 'L' word in there and your argument is complete, no need for substance. That's typical. your 2nd screen: 'soviet union: from communism to economic freedom overnight'. Really? And which night was that, exactly? That place never settled into any kind of stable system in the years after 1989, unless you're thinking of the mafia? Putin has brought in some weird contortion of capitalism, which seems to be stable, but free? No.

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