Sunday, August 12, 2007

Christopher Hitchens on Charlie Rose 04-May-07 (Part 1)

Duration: 599 seconds
Upload Time: 07-05-28 07:53:19
User: berkeleyguy0
:::: Favorites

(Part 1 of 3) A conversation with author and journalist Christopher Hitchens about his book "god Is Not Great: How Religion Poisons Everything". Part 2: Part 3: Please let me know if you like the Christopher Hitchens videos. Thanks! - BerkeleyGuy

mjn76 ::: Favorites
Hitchens claimed that secularists would not destroy a building?! Communists annihilated 100 million innocents and its official credo was very much atheist.
07-08-05 01:59:48
mjn76 ::: Favorites
Charlie Rose interrupts Hitchens only 100 times in the first 8 minutes. What a pompous dork.
07-08-05 02:08:29
rubenchosan ::: Favorites
Agree 110% with Hitches...I was in Iraq and got the full image of it in Hussaybah, AlQaim, Al Asad,Ramadi, Baghdad, Waleed...etc. GOD DOES NOT EXIST, otherwise what the hell is the bastard doing? RDC, PhD.
07-08-07 14:58:19
rubenchosan ::: Favorites
Agree 110% with Hitches...I was in Iraq and got the full image of it in Hussaybah, AlQaim, Al Asad,Ramadi, Baghdad, Waleed...etc. GOD DOES NOT EXIST, otherwise what the hell is the bastard doing? RDC, PhD.
07-08-07 14:59:32
richardthripp ::: Favorites
And what would dear Hitch replace religion with? Pragmatism? Sun worship? Science? Shall the devout pray to Edison or Einstein's visage? Humans are spiritual, it separates us from tree-swinging primates.
07-08-08 13:01:17
nubiancerebra ::: Favorites
"I always ignore the diversionary intellectual gibberish of blaming God & religion for all the ills of human beings (Hitchens isn't even original in this), as if atheists don't also massacre MILLIONS over ideology. Yet blaming all such ills on atheists would be just as fallacious." The war in Iraq, like all wars, is a political war about land, resources & power and who gets to have it, the invaders or the invaded, where often both sides claim as a moral rally that God is on their side.
07-08-09 08:51:53
nubiancerebra ::: Favorites
Hitchens heartily supported an imperialist & neocon war that has turned into a military fiasco. There were no flowers thrown at the feet of U.S. soldiers & no dancing in the streets (except when a humvee was blown up). So, instead of blaming the policy he heartily supported (in spite of the fact that he knew it was based on LIES), he's blaming God or Islam. His UNORIGINAL book is an ex post facto ruse to divert blame for a foreign policy fiasco, yet still 'justify' the war.
07-08-09 09:05:56
nubiancerebra ::: Favorites
Hitchens BOLDLY, BLATANLY, UNABASHEDLY & UNAPOLOGETICALLY *TRUMPETED* before and at the start of the war: "YES! BLOOD FOR OIL! WHY *NOT*!!?" (Ask him whether he still says that now -- even after Abu-Ghraib, Guantanamo, secret prisons, state kidnappings & disappearances, torture by the U.S., sexual humiliation, rapes, murder of entire families, religious humiliation, mass sweeps & detentions without charges, trial or access to attorneys. Sounds a lot like Saddam.)
07-08-09 18:08:59
NorthernStorm8 ::: Favorites
Replacing superstition with reason is progress. It is reason that seperates us from the tree swingering primates.
07-08-10 17:49:45
richardthripp ::: Favorites
But reason's not enough. It was reasonable to assume in 1990 that 17 yrs. hence young men WOULD NOT be walking about in public with their pants worn 6 inches below the belt-line, same for piercings and a myriad of stupid, illogical things that mark this point in time. The U.S.S.R. replaced religion with a worship of the collective state. They are now defunct.
07-08-10 17:55:09

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