Friday, October 19, 2007

Serious Issue/Friend Problems

Duration: 09:40 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-06-01 06:01:29
User: Dynamiteskillsx
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Me talking along time about an issue with a friend... If u dont wanna hear me complain dont watch therefore since u have been warned i expect 0 negative comments


1jendora ::: Favorites
She slapped you? thats not good..take it from an ol lady...stop worrying about this "friend" cos she don't sound much like a friend to me. I get the impression thats the friendship has been a bit onesided and you have been taken advantage of. I suggest you just back off and time will heal your obvious hurt this young lady has caused you. Chin up.:-)
07-09-23 21:15:44
mcrloversp ::: Favorites
i know how feel, i lost a friend of 7 yrs, similar to your story, but ya, im new on here, and i really like your videos, can you add me as a friend, cuz ya, anyways, wat i did was i realized my time is better spend with the people who TRULY care for me no matter what, theres no soubt that she at times cared for you, but highly doubtful that she cared for you the whole time
07-08-24 23:06:57
chavez9422 ::: Favorites
SORRY, only watched the first 30 second
07-07-15 21:19:28
Dynamiteskillsx ::: Favorites
i told her to fuck off numerous times, yet cant stay away, dont call names...its rude
07-07-15 19:41:56
chavez9422 ::: Favorites
suck up and tell her to fuck off. or you just f off, pussy
07-07-15 19:26:25
erinnikole13 ::: Favorites
lol, you like me, u spill ur life out talkin to objects, like camra'
07-06-28 17:38:46
Dynamiteskillsx ::: Favorites
thanks much i dont call her though, i dont ever talk on the phone but id text her but idk ill figure it out eventually
07-06-07 01:46:27
rew3737 ::: Favorites
lol...well, you keep texting her and calling her more than it seems she calls you...That is what makes me think you have more feelings for her than she does you.....Good luck...Hope all turns out weel for ya!
07-06-06 18:54:30
maartsvenson ::: Favorites
keep it up mate/ just showing support- xxx m
07-06-06 13:17:27
Dynamiteskillsx ::: Favorites
lol its okay taht you comment alot, i like comments! and thanks for subscribing
07-06-05 14:09:35

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