Friday, October 19, 2007

the Passion of the CHRIST

Duration: 07:29 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-01-09 19:50:55
User: jehielunni06
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a clip from the movie "The Passion of the Christ" by Mel Gibson


brollyfreak ::: Favorites
van you send me the song
07-10-16 12:59:07
veerscha ::: Favorites
Jesus.. thank you for loving me with all you are.. Giving your self for redeem me.. You are the only God.. now forever and ever..
07-10-15 07:35:00
Ahav ::: Favorites
Did you know that YAHUSHUA (called "Jesus" or Yeshua) Died physically on the PASSOVER? thus HE is not only our redeemer from our sins, but also just like in the time of Mosheh/Moses when all Yisraelites had the blood of an unblemished lamb on their doorposts, we are covered in Hearts and souls as a sign so that the judgement (angel of death) will "pass-over" us in these end-times! When our former selves die in Him, our new Eternal beings live with him as YAHUSHUA IS LIFE Itself... Amen
07-10-12 11:40:59
Ahav ::: Favorites
Hallelu YAH for HIS Lovingkindness is everlasting In the Name of Yahushua ha'Mashiach (Jesus The Messiah) Amen.
07-10-11 11:05:13
gapatriot ::: Favorites
According to the scriptures he was beaten so badly he was almost unrecognizable. His entrails..guts.. were visible from his back.
07-10-03 23:33:38
NAAYAB28 ::: Favorites
no song plz in this video plz makes me mad smtimes
07-09-29 05:21:02
dagoberto23 ::: Favorites
Would u people please do me a favor and stop putting music on this videos it just makes me mad.
07-09-24 23:06:12
sahahar93 ::: Favorites
this is horrible. i can't watch this. god i love jesus
07-09-24 20:53:58
samuelbarber ::: Favorites
wow im proud to be catholic
07-09-11 23:14:35
ZigJackson5 ::: Favorites
He was rolded(flogged) for our sins!!
07-09-10 17:19:49

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