Monday, October 8, 2007

不能說的秘密 (Secret, 2007) 4/4

Duration: 01:02 minutes
Upload Time: 07-07-30 19:32:05
User: jummie
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周杰倫導演、2008/08/10 上映 高中生葉湘倫出身單親家庭,並且在父親任教的學校就讀。而在父親的耳濡目染下,他熱愛音樂並且琴藝過人。某日,班上來了一位同樣喜愛彈琴的新同學路小雨,投緣的兩人形影不離,情感也日漸加溫,然而路小雨總是相當神祕,還常彈奏一首未曾問世,但優美動聽的曲子。而每當葉湘倫想多了解路小雨一些,她常欲言又止,只都推說是秘密。但有一天,在一場誤會發生後,路小雨再也沒來上過課,思念路小雨又一頭霧水的葉湘倫決心要找出這個不能說的秘密......


evanvongkp ::: Favorites
that's love harmony, love this movie
07-10-03 11:46:57
zyunss ::: Favorites
anyone can tell me the title of this song and who composed it?? thanx~~~
07-09-27 12:15:50
thunderbaby5 ::: Favorites
rocked on! =DD luved the great harmony! the part whr they play their fingers on each other's hands! =D damn cute sia!! =DD jays a genius! =DD totalli pro!
07-09-11 18:51:22
pinkyl0ve123 ::: Favorites
tis song shoo cute!!!!!
07-09-04 07:23:23
cherrycandies ::: Favorites
jay composed this song, not chopin (:
07-09-03 12:15:12
deadpetals1408 ::: Favorites
so cute!!! (:(:
07-09-01 08:07:31
moguleong ::: Favorites
07-08-28 06:01:24
dereklasalle ::: Favorites
who composed this song? was it chopin or jay?
07-08-23 12:56:34
getsomelife ::: Favorites
i like the part where she put her hand on him and he put her hand on her and it goes tadatada~~~ on haha so cuuute! (: love this movie.
07-08-23 10:46:29
adidas021 ::: Favorites
hi limer123, do you know what's the score title
07-08-16 11:58:02

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