Thursday, September 13, 2007

Spitting Image Princess Di sings Morrissey

Duration: 02:58 minutes
Upload Time: 06-10-30 08:21:40
User: joolslee
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Spitting Image puppets - Princess Di sings Morrissey's Heaven Knows I'm Miserable Now introduced by Jimmy Saville

tudorengland ::: Favorites
It's actually rather funny. I enjoyed it when I saw it 20 years ago; I enjoy it now. You know, Diana, Princess of Wales, wasn't the tortured darling she worked so hard to make people think she was. She did many wonderful things. She was not and is not a saint.
07-09-10 14:35:04
milnzi81 ::: Favorites
its called british humour and is over 20 years old...
07-09-08 13:13:28
ioannisc ::: Favorites
how dare you????? making fun of the people's princess... despicable, i hope you find within yourselves to do the right thing and remove this trash from youtube... you are sub human
07-09-08 11:41:34
citroenfanatic ::: Favorites
this lady Di puppet looks a bit like the nancy reagan one..
07-09-04 12:05:08
comensplitzen ::: Favorites
how can you hate some one you don't know,how could should be greedy she born into a wealthy family.You really sound like nice person,not,ps see the e in hateful
07-08-30 17:53:13
paulsmartialarts ::: Favorites
No, but I wouldn't want to be near those pair of Swan-muching rapists either. Off with their heads. Oh and this was made several years before she died.
07-08-27 23:19:39
intotheseayouandme ::: Favorites
Being from the U.S. I don't get involved in English politics. But I liked The Smiths and this video was rather witty, pairing Lady Diana with that particular song. I don't think it was offensive in the slightest, and I hope her children would agree.
07-08-22 19:31:36
iJazy91 ::: Favorites
This was made before her death. You twat. Get a grip. Get a sense of humour. I doubt they will watch it. so stfu.
07-07-12 13:12:41
Houndog2007 ::: Favorites
"I was playing second fiddle to Camilla Parker Bowles and heaven knows she's such an old cow" LMFAO! classic stuff! i would give my right arm to see Spitting Image back on our screens!!!
07-07-10 03:51:25
Bonomaniac ::: Favorites
...they don't have to watch it...
07-07-02 12:11:38

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