Sunday, September 16, 2007

Scotland vs France, national anthems

Duration: 02:08 minutes
Upload Time: 06-10-08 12:57:52
User: hunno1
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National anthems of both teams before, we humped them 1-0.

jahcore0 ::: Favorites
oh you lucky bastard filming that!!! ;o) Hope we do them same result as last night against the comedians!
07-09-13 11:31:02
ScottEmmo7 ::: Favorites
McGeady is a TRAITOR end of
07-09-10 09:56:02
rhodrunner ::: Favorites
yes he is. how can u justify him playing for ireland wen obviously he'd get a game for scotland at some stage. if ur born in scotland u shud be willing to give ur right arm to play for , tht goes for any country. because ireland and scotland are similiar well kind of..(robert the bruce did invade ireland n kik the shit ou of thm so so much for brotherly celtic love eh). doesnt change the fact he turned his back on scotland...scum
07-08-30 07:53:47
rhodrunner ::: Favorites
irelands doin pretty wats wrong with ireland? i dnt enjoy celtic flyin ther flag instead of the scottish one but wat can i do abt tht. 'absurd' listen to urself ya bawbag. u hav no passion, no pride and scottish ppl like u are the laughin stock of london and the world.
07-08-30 07:47:12
rhodrunner ::: Favorites
wats the ratio of scotlnd to irlnd flags id love to know.stil i wud guess therd be more at rangers games.cos i support rangers dusnt mean i accept the union jack. its calld the butchers apron cos britain (scotland included u kno) butchered ppl all over the world. know culloden but its aftermath was worse. jst annoys me seein all these celtic fans singin ira songs claimin to hate englnd or even britain!yet most of them vote labour not snp or similiar.i cudnt support a club wi fans like tht
07-08-30 07:40:35
hunno1 ::: Favorites
And if you want to have a go at Rangers fans for flying the Union flag then just think ... we are actually British, it is OUR flag. When the tims fly the tri-colours at Ireland (or even the red hand at Rangers games) I could guarentee to you that 99% of them have never even been to Ireland, so don't give us your "we're similar" rubbish.
07-08-19 09:58:25
hunno1 ::: Favorites
What a loada pish you talk...serious! I'm not a nationalist actually, I'm just as much proud to be British as I am proud to be Scottish. You see Scotland flags at Celtic Park? Well I've been to Celtic Park plenty times and the only time I've ever see a Soltaire was Scotland vs Faroes, or Scotland vs Latvia or Scotland vs Austria. Aye, he is a scumbag. He thought he'd be loved by Sellik fans for playing for Ireland. Hate him.
07-08-19 09:54:21
plus4489 ::: Favorites
Well if you must know Scotland never approached McGeady to play for them, Ireland did, so he only really had one option. Anyway, Ireland and Scotland are just the same, we have our similiar native languages, we have the pipes, we have the celtic gene, we both hate the english, and we both wear the kilt. Scotland and Ireland have gone hand in hand throughout history, so hes not really a scumbag for playing for Ireland.
07-08-17 16:20:23
plus4489 ::: Favorites
A club made by the Irish, for the Irish, thates why the fans wave ireland flags, scotland and ireland are very similar countries, i go to every home game at celtic park and i see ireland flasgs AND scotland flags. And if your a scottish nationalst then you are contradicting yourself by accepting the union jack, the butchers apron. Oh and btw its called the butchers apron because the scots were 'butchered' at culloden. some nationalist you are.
07-08-17 16:20:19
hunno1 ::: Favorites
"traitors that turned their back on Scotland" I'm a Rangers fan as are all my friends and we all support Scotland and are members of the Tartan Army. You don't see many Rangers players turning their back on Scotland but what about that wee shit McGeady, born and bred in Glasgow and decides to play for Ireland, scumbag.
07-08-17 12:26:54

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