Saturday, August 18, 2007

florence griffith joyner (part.3)

Duration: 04:26 minutes
Upload Time: 06-08-20 06:30:01
User: J88YanCey
:::: Favorites

I found an angel...

chigaloo2 ::: Favorites
she is the fastest sprinter thats for sure. But for me merlene ottey is the greatest female sprinter,got a lot of respect for merlene.
07-06-07 11:15:05
Warmachine300 ::: Favorites
Oh yeah I forgot Marion. Gwen Torrence is up there too. Along with Flo-Jo, Ashford, Devers, Ottey, Cuthbert & Privalova
07-06-19 13:00:50
zim83 ::: Favorites
Yeah, right. The aggressive Flo-Jo defender strikes again. Where do you rank the likes of Evelyn Ashford, Wilma Rudolph, Fanny Blankers-Koen and Wyomia Tyus? Just curious...Don't insult great athletes' legacy by placing that legendary cheater at the top. Shameful.
07-06-20 15:11:53
Dementedhighlander ::: Favorites
Wilma rudolph. Wow! theres a name from the past.
07-06-21 03:57:04
MrFreash24s ::: Favorites
Fl jo just kicks everybody ass!
07-06-22 22:30:52
lacheyrulez ::: Favorites
The agressive flo jo attacker strikes again. This is funny cause every sprint video you have psted on u say drugs helped and thats bull shit. You must be messed up somethin shockin because all test's say she passed there is the proof now please show us yours, oh wait you cant and dont have any because you arnt someone that examined her idiot.
07-06-23 04:48:50
lacheyrulez ::: Favorites
Clealr if Merlene was any good she would have one, but shes not
07-06-23 05:01:25
Dementedhighlander ::: Favorites
Why dont you show some respect merlene has been going longer than any female ever, moscow 1980 to be exact. And tell me why flojo never in her career won an individual world championship title, world cup, pan american, not even a us title. Merlene at least competed consistantly over the last 20 odd years and competed all over the world whether she won or lost merlene is a legend to this day, so quit talking like she doesnt warrent any respect because clearly she does.
07-06-23 05:42:02
lcvd1 ::: Favorites
How incredible, she won that race smiling half way to the finish line!! She knew she had it.
07-06-30 22:44:16
Grinta23 ::: Favorites
Grande Flo-Jo !!! Sarai sempre la regina dell look e la donna la piu veloce della storia ... Mitica Flo-Jo !
07-08-14 12:45:40

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