Monday, January 14, 2008

new, FINAL 300 trailer

Duration: 03:30 minutes
Upload Time: 2006-12-08 09:35:21
User: candlebougie
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new  FINAL  300  movie  trailer  


new FINAL 300 trailer (new scenes) released 07.12 HQ-Version:;_ylt=AtggdUp6.8ykL83W9CqY3opfVXcA


DarthBob2005 ::: Favorites  2007-11-06 23:43:33

Telling the story from both sides would be contrary to the films' goal: to pay tribute to the work of Frank Miller. Judging the film by its' goal, you'll find it a masterpiece.
DarthBob2005 ::: Favorites  2007-11-06 23:43:24

People who keep on criticizing this movie because of historical accuracy or because they didn't show more of Xerxe's side missed the whole point of the movie. You may as well criticize Frank Miller since its his telling of the story. The filmmakers just put his story into film, in that aspect they succeeded. If you don't like the way the story is told, then obviously you wouldn't like the graphic novel, which is the point of the movie.
DarthBob2005 ::: Favorites  2007-11-06 23:42:56

Yes, we can all agree that the battle actually took place. But the point of the movie wasn't to make something historically accurate, the point was to make a movie on Frank Miller's graphic novel and to make the shots look like they came from the novel.
angiehotbroadb ::: Favorites  2007-08-18 09:48:25

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JMtheCONQUERER ::: Favorites  2007-08-02 09:42:51

I think that whole song is called "just like you imagined" by Nine Inch Nails
biffboxer ::: Favorites  2007-05-27 22:54:20

what is the song in the background of the part where the little kids like "they came out of the blackness" and when the guys like "be afraid, sparta will burn to the ground"?
Moerby ::: Favorites  2007-05-13 22:31:26

If the Iranians want to host conferences for holocaust deniers and other assorted retards, idiots and fools, then yeah, they should expect some blowback from the Jews.
Moerby ::: Favorites  2007-05-13 22:26:09

"Kings wife run her mouth?" Oh the horror ... a woman who speaks her mind! Youknow, it's a pity that Xerxes didn't let the Persian woman fight the Spartans instead of the Persian men. I suspect the gals have much bigger balls than their male counterparts and probably would have put up a better fight.
Moerby ::: Favorites  2007-05-13 22:16:06

"Jew attack on Iranians"? What are you, fuckin' retarded? And the movie WAS told from both sides. Duh! The Persians had their fucking asses kicked. That's history saying so, not the movie. The fact that Xerxes is portrayed as a gay assclown doesn't change the fact that the Persians had their asses handed to them by a much smaller group of far superior warriors. Deal with it.
Bewm123 ::: Favorites  2007-04-18 18:49:11

I thought that was a great movie...special effects are killer :D And yes, I know it is real, but who cares about accuracy? Geez, it's a movie, give it a was BADASS
blockhead2210 ::: Favorites  2007-04-12 06:58:21

and if u h8 this film so much then stop going on about
blockhead2210 ::: Favorites  2007-04-12 06:57:03

we all like our own thing, ok, so shut the fuck up
zippo3434 ::: Favorites  2007-04-09 17:34:00

This would have been so much better and more spiced up if they tried to tell the tale, from both sides, instead of going cheap and doing the jew attack on Iranians. Ever watched a battle told from both sides? It rocks! But in this movie I just could care less about what Xerces thought since they made him a 9 foot tall Rupal cross dressing homo. Xerces in real life must have been amazed at these 300.
zippo3434 ::: Favorites  2007-04-09 17:31:56

Blockhead: the movie sucks. They failed to spice it up. Instead they spend a half hour showing us this transvestite wife showing us her man face. The Cgi just looked cheap and dark. This was an actual true story. Did you know that? Because it is in a comic book does not make it false. And I liked gollum in the lord of the rings. But in this movie it made no sense to have the wretched creatures just hanging around normal folks.
blockhead2210 ::: Favorites  2007-04-09 06:47:55

why r a lot of people slaging the movie off, its something new, its like lord of the rings in some parts

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