Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Native American Indian YHWH

Duration: 05:37 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-12-23 20:45:05
User: QuietBuck
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Many don't realize that the Native American Indians already knew YHWH's name before others came to this land. This has been a study of mine for some time now. YHWH's name is all through our history, songs, stories and ways of life. My studies only pertain to the E.Shawnee, E.Cherokee, Powhatan, Hopewell and Fort Ancient. For this is my family line. YHWH YHVH YaHWeH YaHVeH YeHoWaH YeHehaWaHeha YoHehaWavoHe Yodh Heh Wah Heh ... the Creator Shawnee Flag: 12 stars with center 13th for Jesus (Teacher to us) and the 12 disciples. Blue for heaven. Shawnee legend is identical to that of Moses and the Red Sea. Shawnees are believed to be the Danites. Hence the Shawnee Serpent Mound and the Moses tablets. Powhatan Flag: Phoenix rising in last cycle surrounded by the rainbow. The Legend of the Warrior of the Rainbow, for they will rise like the Phoenix within the Rainbow to bring back the old teachings. Rainbow in proper order, hell interior, heaven exterior. Cherokee Flag: 7 pointed Pleiades star. 7 stars for the 7 sisters. Unsure the black star, maybe the outcast himself?


Truth8Soul ::: Favorites  2008-01-06 17:36:48

almuhajir- Jesus Christ and YHWH are connected in the fact that Jesus Christ was the incarnation of YHWH. This is what I believe...I do not feel I am being a "fanatic".
someonewhocansee ::: Favorites  2008-01-06 10:14:11

beautiful ...
JadedIllusions27 ::: Favorites  2008-01-05 21:32:10

Hey there a friend--BoriChumba sent this to me. This awesome and beautiful I am part Native American myself. Wonderful work :o)
subiesisters ::: Favorites  2008-01-05 17:32:11

Think about how far we have not come since the native Americans were hurt. They know the answers to life. Susie of USA
Kenshi76 ::: Favorites  2008-01-05 17:06:55

WOW!! This is DEEP...:)
almuhajir007 ::: Favorites  2008-01-05 14:32:11

QTruth8Soul, you quoted: "Quietbuck, thank you for letting me know that some American Indians knew of the truth of Jesus." REPLY: How does this VIDEO(that emphasizing on YHWM) has got something to do with JESUS CHRIST? I think you're abit exagerating or playing fantasizing urself. So pls be rational. & i mean really rational as a person with a normal mind not FANATIC.
BoriChumba ::: Favorites  2008-01-05 14:11:58

Excellent video! Thank you for telling me about this QuietBuck! This is fascinating, its good to learn new things from one another so that we are not wrapped in ignorance.
Truth8Soul ::: Favorites  2007-12-31 21:27:59

I already know Jesus Christ is just a title, not his real name. I only call him this out of respect, I know his real name, and his real name meant salvation. As far as me being an Isrelite, Yahshuah came to save all that will believe in him. This is the scripture. My dna ancestry does not matter, and if it matters to you khammurabi then you are no better than any other racist.
khammurabi ::: Favorites  2007-12-31 10:15:49

Truth8Soul FYI Jesus is not the messiah true name.Because the letter J did no exist in Shemitic(Hebrew) language in ancient times. The letter J came into existence during the Middle Ages. I hope you know that only an Israelite can teach another Israelite. Are you 1 of us? what's your nationality?
Truth8Soul ::: Favorites  2007-12-31 10:01:02

I guess I will try to relax and chill khammurabi...although that is basically all I do anyways. Quietbuck, thank you for letting me know that some American Indians knew of the truth of Jesus. I was unaware of this fact. I do not see how chilling and relaxing will lead to less ignorance and more knowledge khammurabi, but I will try to see if it can. Quietbuck, thank you for filling me in. Now it is time for me to go "chill and relax".
QuietBuck ::: Favorites  2007-12-31 00:02:39

spark: then I am sure you know of the 4 Directions Teachings. I am posting them as vids as well. I have the first few up, bout 8 more to come. Doing all the Ojibwe items.
spark0987 ::: Favorites  2007-12-30 23:59:30

Wow what a great video. I am Ojibwe from the Great Lakes area (canada). spark
khammurabi ::: Favorites  2007-12-30 21:53:21

I meant sending you some videos. LOL! Sorry. lol!
khammurabi ::: Favorites  2007-12-30 21:52:41

Oh ok! I'll be ending you some videos tohelpm you out. I also have an club for Hebrew Israelites on facebook. We have Israelites from Africa,America,Europe,etc.
QuietBuck ::: Favorites  2007-12-30 21:49:32

Nope. All I know is from deep, non stop research.

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