Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Bill is jealous of Barack

Duration: 02:31 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-03-25 03:13:16
User: TheBlueStateDOTcom
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Patrick Healy, who covers politics for the New York Times, noted on the Chris Matthews Show that the Clinton Campaign is "furious" about Barack Obama's popularity on the internet, and the perception that the Illinois Senator has been consistent on the war from the very beginning: HEALY: They're furious. And they're furious that they see that the media in collusion, to some extent with the Obama Campaign, is portraying him as dovish and consistent on the war from the very beginning.


jarvis1211 ::: Favorites  2008-01-13 18:58:46

Hey Bill! Shut the fuck up! Go play some shuffleboard or chase some fat women around, just go away!
pnollen ::: Favorites  2008-01-13 01:29:38

(StubbyPecker) ...Well, at least you openly admit that your "pecker" is a stub.
thesquonkstear ::: Favorites  2008-01-12 17:27:56

The dead guy in the park would have been enough to make anyone retire, except pigs, who are happiest when Ameica is a pig pen. A vote for Billary is a vote to keep America in decline, like Lee Country, Arkansas (home sweat home).
thesquonkstear ::: Favorites  2008-01-12 17:20:11

The night before the vote to impeach President Clinton he ordered the bombing of Serbia. The next morning before the vote his cronies were out spreading the message that it was unpatriotic to vote to impeach the President when we were at war. The fact that Christian Serbs had to die so that President Clinton could cover up his "I did not have sexual relations with that woman" lie is the most despicable act an American politician has ever stooped to in my humble opinion.
themountainviewguy ::: Favorites  2008-01-09 04:40:14

Obama is only gaining because of the Republicans crossing over to vote for him in the primary. Obama is a light-weight with no a great voice, good personality, but no experience, and unelectable.
Jmetalic ::: Favorites  2008-01-08 16:27:25

Chris Matthews is the best. He's just telling the truth, and you can't tell me Hillary's not chewing Bill out every second polls fall. Go Obama!!
Jmetalic ::: Favorites  2008-01-08 16:20:47

RustythePirate ::: Favorites  2008-01-03 21:23:08

If you wanted, you could find attacks on Clinton that are logical. It's not that hard to do. If you wanted, you could convince people not to like her. But your choice to flame her doesn't convince these things.
collins9 ::: Favorites  2007-12-31 16:36:17

Accept objectivity! The media, liberalism, and conservative biased has influenced us so much that we can't accept the truth. Fact: Hillary Clinton like many others, voted to authorize the war in Iraq; Sen. Obama did not! Little did she know that the war would turn sour and her vote would come back to haunt her, but Obama is well within his rights to emphasize the fact that he opposed the war in Iraq from the start. America, people, do the right thing, vote Obama 2008!
uglyusa ::: Favorites  2007-12-14 18:08:54

Matthews might as well don a "vote for Obama" t-shirt. He makes you wonder if he's on the Obama campaign payroll. He consistently over compensates the value of Obama's political agenda. Matthews needs to discontinue the political "game playing" discourse and focus on the major American issue -"if elected how are you going to clean up the mess that George W. Bush made?"
eldiablo10028 ::: Favorites  2007-12-14 11:06:07

lol pwned obama 08
StubbyPecker ::: Favorites  2007-12-01 15:50:00

Hitlery Sodom KKKlinton is a fat ass lesbo.
Jonnythehat57 ::: Favorites  2007-11-18 18:28:02

obama may not be a crook yet, but he has the same connections as does hillary bush and edwards. paul and kucinich are the ones without the inside activites, but i wouldnt want either of them in office, for they without those connections they will most likely be assassinated, like JFK.
Jonnythehat57 ::: Favorites  2007-11-18 18:23:15

hillary should never gain office. tell me why you think she has any reason to be there.
kim20062007 ::: Favorites  2007-11-05 11:29:41

choosing hillary would just be like choosing george bush. why r people so hell bent on making the same mistakes? cant anyone see through her cover-ups, lies and flipflops?? you choose george bush twice; dont tell me ur gona screw up again by choosing hillary. the nation will become a laughing stock! choose Obama. A real candidate!

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