Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Harry Truman on fighting international threats...

Duration: 01:07 minutes
Upload Time: 06-09-15 01:18:17
User: eblumrich
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I'm sure the right-wingers will refute this as an arcane artifact, but hey- doesn't it give you a shiver, listening to a guy long dead describing what we see happening, before our very eyes?

Piquichi123 ::: Favorites
Catch that: "right-wing totalitarian" vs. "left-wing totalitarian threat." Both sides equally dangerous, equally complicit. This is not an indictment of our present political circumstances no matter how much some may want it to be.
07-09-16 20:13:14
nakedjanet ::: Favorites
once again, shalowLawn completely distorts things. shadowLawn deeply admires marx and darwin, yet never studied the Torah. shadowLand is not educated. JESUS is a fake phony fraud. shadowLand mocks christians. debating with shadowLawn is a waste of time, because he argues not with facts but feelings, resorting to lies and name-calling, the refuge of the ignorant
07-09-02 16:53:22
nakedjanet ::: Favorites
shadowLawn cannot get facts straight even when it is written in front of him. shadowLawn knows nothing about the very same Torah he loves to hate. shadowLawn warps the facts to suit his ill considered ideas. the dhimmicrat party caused the greatest economic crisis in american history. history and truth reveals shadowLawn's utter lack of knowledge
07-09-02 16:53:10
shadowlawn3761 ::: Favorites
Once again you distort completely what I said. I do not deeply admire Marx or Darwin, I've read them, as should any educated person. I'm am not anti-Torah and while YOU call Jesus a fake, phony, fraud (such a gift for writing you have) you accuse me of mocking christians. Debate with you is a waste of time because you argue not with facts but feelings and resort to lies and name-calling, the refuge of the ignorant.
07-09-02 14:28:00
shadowlawn3761 ::: Favorites
Naked you cannot even get a fact straight when it is written in front of you. I stated very clearly that I was not a biblical scholar, but as with everything else you warp the facts to suit your ill considered ideas. The Republicans were in the White House and in control of the Congress long before the start of the Great Depression, so just how did the Democratic Party cause the greatest economic crisis in our history? History and truth reveal you utter lack of knowledge.
07-09-02 14:22:25
nakedjanet ::: Favorites
read Free to Choose by Milton Friedman, Basic Economics by Thomas Sowell, and Roosevelt by David Horowitz. shadowLawn claims to be a Biblical scholar. shadowLawn deeply admires darwin, marx, and any other anti-Torah thinker. marxism and darwinism are flawed philosophies. JESUS was a fake phony fraud. too bad shadowLawn and others feel the need to constantly mock American christians (most especially fundamentalists)
07-09-01 19:45:00
nakedjanet ::: Favorites
again shadowLawn lays bare his ignorance. the Great Depression was caused excessive governmental interference in the economy abetted by dhimmicrat policies. FDR gave the nation nothing but empty words and economy-destroying socialism, increasing unemployment and lengthening the Depression. the New Deal extended the Great Depression by more than a decade. fascists and communists, two sides of the same socialist coin, always jealously threaten violence against free-market capitalist economies
07-09-01 19:44:47
shadowlawn3761 ::: Favorites
Where did the study of the Torah come into this dialogue??? I said I've read the Bible 3 times, I've never claimed to be a Biblical scholar. As with Darwin and Marx I feel that one should acquainted with all ideas. Marx and the Bible are interesting, if somewhat flawed philosophies. I do think Christ's sermon on the mount is about as good as they get however. Too bad Christians (most especially fundamentalists) don't follow his teachings.
07-09-01 19:09:38
shadowlawn3761 ::: Favorites
Again janet you are laid bare in your ignorance. The Great Depression was caused by corporate greed abetted by Republican policies. Roosevelt, as I said, gave the nation hope and put it back work. Without the New Deal there would have been a violent revolution by both Fascists (Father Couglin) and Communists proponents. Read Crisis of the Old Order and Coming of the New Deal. Also Roosevelt by Conrad (hardly a liberal).
07-09-01 19:01:13
nakedjanet ::: Favorites
shadowLawn is a marxist-darwinist dittohead. the study of the Torah takes a lot more than a cursory reading of it using faulty translations
07-09-01 12:20:49

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