Saturday, August 4, 2007

Huey P. Newton Interview

Duration: 284 seconds
Upload Time: 06-10-11 18:32:24
User: Praylu
:::: Favorites

An audio interview featuring Huey P. Newton of over four minutes accompanied by video and pictures as well. By Praylu Productions

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chrometoyadome ::: Favorites
o yea and i like how mentioned tupac getting in shootouts with police, which he did not! but say...didnt someone else do that..HUEY NEWTON maybe....hhahahadhha hahahhhahaahh wow listen to leader of hipocrasy peeps.
07-07-13 04:00:55
chicago2005 ::: Favorites
CTYD, you are 16 telling me about history! You lied about you age on your page and now you speak of morals! You are confused! This being the case, it is easy to see why you would think 2pac was non-violent, and make him your hero. You aren't even old enough to have an opinion!
07-07-13 04:53:50
chicago2005 ::: Favorites
Cdumb, go study the Reconstructive Era is what I meant to say. It matters not because you knew nothing about the first electoral scandal of 1876 that changed everything for blacks! There has not been a black Senator since then, and Ford faced racist ads last year that rivaled racist ads about blacks last century. When you are old enough to go to college, I advise a class in Afro-American History because you are dead wrong, and your thought process reeks of historic white training!
07-07-13 06:38:20
paterson12 ::: Favorites
chicago2005 you speakas if you are truly aware of things that most people are not . if possible i would love to have an in depth chat with you . i am a 24 year old black male from jersey is there somewhere we can chat
07-07-13 15:45:13
chicago2005 ::: Favorites
P12, what is the deal? I live in MN and I'm 34 years old. There is so much out there my man, and it would be my pleasure to chat with you. I consider myself a truth seeker in every way. This would include ethnicity, politics, and theology. Blacks have been lied to for so long, and so many of us are trained to think certain ways without even knowing it! I will be out of town for a while on vacation with my son. Send me an E-mail, and we can talk when I return. Take care.
07-07-14 01:31:23
kidjoker187 ::: Favorites
chrometoyadome, you need to watcch MLK"s speech on economical empowerment. the i have a dream speech is shown and talked more than any of his other speaches because because it hand a calm. LISTEN TO MLK'S OTHER SPEECHES HOMIE AND YOU WILL SEE HIM AND MALCOLM WAS EXTREMELY SIMILAR IN VIEW. ASLO READ ABOUT MARCUS GARVEY AND KWAME NKRUMAH!!!!
07-07-22 01:32:24
chicago2005 ::: Favorites
P12, I am back, and it truly sucks! Waking up to Lake Superior every morning almost eradicated the memory of the racist ASSCLOWNS I engage on youtube. Hit me up whenever you like friend. I like what KJ187 had to say. Marcus Garvey was the first black man to tell us to be proud of who we are and the fact we come from powerful people! I will say it again and again, I LOVE that man and those that paved the way for us all. ONE
07-07-27 06:15:00
ss4gg092 ::: Favorites
im glad someone has huey on here i love him.the only thing the gov't understands is taking something by force like they took this land from the natives c'mon they where scared of the panthers why do you think they elminated them? Bcuz they where black ppl with organiztion, intelligence, and stuck together not against each other and nothing scares white men more then black ppl like that
07-07-28 09:57:52
ephemerol ::: Favorites
truly inspiring, thank you.
07-07-29 16:52:34
carlomtz ::: Favorites
Huey Newton is awesome
07-08-01 20:38:35

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