Thursday, November 29, 2007

how to make r candy rockets

Duration: 05:45 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-11-08 10:31:21
User: oxdevinox
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i made a vid how to make these because theyve benn workin well so i might as well video tape how i do them so gimme some comments, feedback, and some video ideas DONT PAY ATTENTION TO THE FOLLOWING: M80 How to make smoke bomb flash powder black powder gunpowder gun powder anfo explosion explosive acetone peroxide high explosive H.E. thermite WTC thermate world trade center bold ira conspiracy theories theory iraq gun guns rifle mg machine gun boom bang huge powerful insane salute gram grain round airsoft softair magnesium aluminum firework fireworks grenade works bomb rocket fountain cannon damage magnalium quarter stick of dynamite tnt depth charge braniac firecracker fun ball match head sparkler fire fireball the 4th of July accident party sugar kno3 salt peter potassium nitrate alkali metal potassium sodium raw pyro pyrotechnics incendiary army military marines navy seals navy airforce operation irene black hawk down m-80 m80 m1000 pipe bomb guncotton nitrostarch mythbusters c-4 c4 plastic explosive discovery channel linear shaped charge bang powder bangsite calcium carbide cannon Chinese American visco cannon fuse homemade ball mill mortar and pastel green mix show store shop pyrodex musket pistol sniper rifle bf2 mine Vietnam battlefield 2142 combustion cannons rockets fountains binded bind coffee creamer fireball new years eve new years day parade celebration Chinese new year sulfur gasoline kerosene diesel atomic bomb smart bomb demo demonstration nuclear shrapnel pearl harbor desert storm deflagration detonation test experiment experimental bangers banger charcoal ball mill CIA method precipitation method huge cool insane powerful explosion blasting cap det cor petn ammonium nitrate gun cotton flashpowder drano bomb dry ice bomb works hydrochloric acid


mychemrokker ::: Favorites  2007-11-09 18:39:55

hmmm.. dont take this the wrong way. u did a good job buuuut - devin u need to be urself in front of the camera! it wud have very funny! ur voice was low and everything.. it only did that when u made oral reports or something. have some fun with it and it wud be a way better video. it was interesting tho! i wanna make one now... ex & oh
oxdevinox ::: Favorites  2007-11-09 18:41:57

k it was my first one and i had to hook some more serious viewers to watch all of dem
mychemrokker ::: Favorites  2007-11-09 18:43:03

p-s i loved the silly monkey thingy and the chipmunk made me giggle hehee
mychemrokker ::: Favorites  2007-11-09 18:48:19

can u make a silly one?? seriously i cud give u like a spoon, glue, and a beanie hat and hide with a camera and record u bein all casual and we have a hilarious hit here!
oxpyromonkeyox ::: Favorites  2007-11-09 18:50:36

duuuude! u rock wat is ur r candy like! make a vid!
jmecham ::: Favorites  2007-11-09 23:08:58

Hey, why does my curtain rod have black marks all over the side? -dad
frogy1752 ::: Favorites  2007-11-10 16:00:12

CATO - Catastrophe At Take Off Cat-Toe not Kay-Toe :D Nice vid...
oxdevinox ::: Favorites  2007-11-11 03:35:13

danks i dont like da end product, looks kinda sloppy my one with da interesting beggining has a waaay better end product
tittytwister5251 ::: Favorites  2007-11-20 14:26:19

cool! btw wer u get that fuse from? im from the uk so i cant buy it are you from te uk? or good old america?
Kinneticenergy ::: Favorites  2007-11-23 21:05:49

Crappy Ass Take Off?
rmoss15 ::: Favorites  2007-11-24 00:38:43

Isn't it Crappy Ass Take Off?

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