Wednesday, October 3, 2007

WTC First Plane Impact

Duration: 00:37 minutes
Upload Time: 06-09-20 08:33:34
User: nokalem
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CNN's first airing of the first plane impact on the World Trade Center.


MrAvenged ::: Favorites
u a neocon brother? hate my country man hate fredom do ya? want a fight ? do you want a fight ? u think that this wasnt an inside job ! DO YOU HATE Me ??
07-10-02 13:54:53
Yesenia0000 ::: Favorites
The reason the second plane impact was captured by multiple cameras and angles is because cameras were there to cover the first hit when the other happen, the first hit was hardly even captured only by one camera by a T.V station that was covering something on the New York streets nothing special when the first plane hit.
07-09-29 16:46:43
coolcanadiandude ::: Favorites
its not sarcasm necessarily unless we can here your tone of voice or something to make it obviously sarcastic
07-09-23 08:45:31
acavideo ::: Favorites
Conspiracy nuts: consider the simple possibility that Bush is corrupt in addition to those terrorists being bad. People get tunnel-vision and think "with us or against us" is the only possibility. In truth, there are a variety of stupid people on the planet. The terrorists are evil but America is also guilty of gluttony and greed. Both mindsets need to be halted for true world peace.
07-09-22 21:30:55
koubaisy911 ::: Favorites
Well matchbookd70 perhaps his face was following the motion of the plane but his camera wasn't ... the fact that really disturbs me is that nobody except bush and the cia had seen it coming, kinda scary
07-09-22 11:43:13
Vales23 ::: Favorites
hahaha it stings right?? i mean it is bad that all those people died ... but finally you will open your eyes you did this to yourselves... your own govenrement did it
07-09-22 11:42:35
koubaisy911 ::: Favorites
I hope you die peacefully because and eternity in hell lasts long enough
07-09-22 11:39:26
bigstuie2006 ::: Favorites
if u watch the conspiracies in MY OPINION g.w.bush & the goverment is in on it all what is the thing under the plane ppl said that it wasnt a commercial plane it was done by the goverment & also on several occasions ppl have also said that they heard explosions under them NOT ABOVE THEM everythin i have watched or heard makes me no 150% that the goverment was in it 1 more thing 1) g.w.bush said that he watched the first plane hit he never as the vid was on tv a day l8er so he cudnt of seen it
07-09-21 21:07:19
Vales23 ::: Favorites
well.. too bad... life goes on... now we that you re done with afghanistan kill the iraqi people :)
07-09-20 05:26:33
doktormert ::: Favorites
guilty is bush
07-09-18 08:15:44

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