Saturday, October 27, 2007

Support Our Troops?

Duration: 10:51 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-02-21 17:47:53
User: cortmeister262
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Call The White House (202) 456-1111 U.S. Capitol switchboard (202) 224-3121 Our wounded Veterans who have served proudly in Iraq and Afghanistan have to come back home for their follow-up surgeries and physical rehabilitation. Walter Reed Army Medical Center is a fine facility, but the funding for our Veterans simply NOT being spent! They are being forced to live in a rodent infested, mold and feces contaminated, former hotel in Washington D.C. known as "Building 18". This rundown, dilapidated housing is not fit for human habitation, let alone Veterans who are suffering unimaginable physical and mental torment! Our wounded Veterans deserve better than "Building 18", call Washington D.C. and let your Senator, Congress person and the President know that how you feel. I want to be proud to be an American again. If you don't know who your Senator or Congress-persons are, just give the U.S. Capitol switchboard operator your Zip code and they will tell you who they are and connect you directly with a staff member of your Senator and/or Congress person. I don't support this war in Iraq, but I'll always support our Troops. The Veterans of Iraq and Afghanistan need YOUR help, please call- U.S. Capitol switchboard (202) 224-3121 Or call The White House (202) 456-1111 Here's some links- Also- and- also- and -


cortmeister262 ::: Favorites
What's she like?
07-08-15 06:56:38
cortmeister262 ::: Favorites
I hope that we have sane political leaders in office by then who will not waste your talents or your life.
07-08-15 06:56:19
jonluke93 ::: Favorites
at least your not like shonnalyn
07-08-14 13:33:44
jonluke93 ::: Favorites
im joining the marines in a few years
07-08-14 13:32:21
cortmeister262 ::: Favorites
A soldier has to obey orders, we have a court system that is too gutless to say or rule that those orders are illegal and therefore wrong, If the soldier says, "No I'm not going to obey that order because it's wrong", they can be and are being thrown into Leavenworth military prison after they face a Courts Marshall. It's a catch-22, they are damned if they do and damned if they don't. Why would ANYONE join the Army or Marines or the National Guard with Bush in office?
07-07-09 02:33:31
cobalt100 ::: Favorites
Supporting the troops in Iraq is tantamount to supporting Bush's killing machines and take-over of Iraq oil fields. The new 660 million dollar U.S. Embassy in Baghdad is little more than a nerve center for CIA operatives. I cannot, and will not support anyone who kills people or destroys things.
07-07-08 17:22:41
SWAT518 ::: Favorites
WWI and WWII were necessary, the war in iraq... not so much, why even make such a stupid commment?
07-07-08 00:24:30
YaaDogg ::: Favorites
ill think about it
07-06-07 02:05:16
cortmeister262 ::: Favorites
Normally, I'd never give unsolicited advice, but with THIS President at THIS time in our history I have to. Do NOT join the military, not unless you value your life. We are entering a time of Constitutional crisis, this President does not give a shit about you or the troops, or this country. Why would anyone volunteer NOW and go into this meat-grinder in Iraq, it will be the biggest mistake of your life, don't do it. Think hard, there are other options, think about it.
07-06-03 14:15:34
YaaDogg ::: Favorites
Im enlisting when im out of senior year.
07-06-03 12:06:20

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