Sunday, October 7, 2007

Black Crime - Crime In America

Duration: 05:15 minutes
Upload Time: 07-09-21 16:36:30
User: WhitePowerTV2
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According to statistics from the U.S. Department of Justice, Blacks are 8 times more likely to commit murder than their White counterparts! Extremely violent video!!!


kaneylg ::: Favorites
Please support the blacktoafrica fund. These people need some privacy.
07-10-06 19:39:19
lilchris700 ::: Favorites
white people doo wht worst thing they just dont get intruble for it
07-10-05 11:24:07
TheRealDrache ::: Favorites
Hurricane Katrina is my hero. I would name my first daughter Katrina to honor the natural disaster that helped wash away some of the plague called the black man that has stained America for all of these years. She washed away their crack houses and drowned those shit skins that are too lazy to learn how to swim (because you can't swim while smoking crack) so they were washed down the drain of the Earth's basin of justice.
07-10-03 20:51:29
scandinavianone ::: Favorites
That is EXACTLY true....couldn't have said it better myself!
07-10-03 18:36:54
none of this would have happened if you crackers weren;t so lazy! you just had to travel hundreds of thousands of miles to bring these people over here to pick ur cotton. you created the monster now your crying cause you can't kill the beast. so what have we learned here?? DON'T BE SO GOD DAMN LAZY!!! hahahahahahahahahhaha
07-10-02 18:37:21
lathom01 ::: Favorites
Weez only commits mo crimes becuz youz whities is holdin us down!! You makes us po so'z we aint got no money fo our drugs an bitches. So's we stealz it from you!! I'm just kidding---I'm white. :-) Really though...I have no probs with blacks...I just dont like the "niggers", or ANY worthless drug-dealing, English-butchering, welfare-sucking, jive-walking, uneducated, ignorant, unemployed, and uncivilized race....and we white have a few ourselves.
07-10-02 07:28:22
MER1688 ::: Favorites
Critiquing is exactly what I'm doing. It's important to use facts when doing so. The facts empirically show that blacks cause more crime than any other race; then it it's all other non-White immigrants. These are truthful facts that are presented in this video. You may not like the truth, but sometimes the truth hurts.
07-10-01 20:35:56
hottammalie ::: Favorites
wut is this suppose to be criticism on african americans?
07-10-01 18:53:43
ProudWhiteWoman ::: Favorites
Good video with credible sources. Way to go:)
07-09-30 16:52:50
TheRealDrache ::: Favorites
Yep, Detroit Michigan was white in the 1950's, now it's like 90% black racists that are pushing the whites out with their high crime rates. The city is falling apart and blacks are so violent they get tired of searching for whites to commit crimes against so they do "black-on-black" crimes in record numbers. I dare someone try to post proof showing that i'm wrong.
07-09-30 00:15:10

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