Wednesday, September 19, 2007

The Resistance

Duration: 02:06 minutes
Upload Time: 06-04-05 00:28:09
User: dustinsiskey
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The Resistance, a coalition of outcasts that started over 2000 years ago with the death, burial and resurrection of our leader, Jesus Christ. The Empire that is this flesh-filled world has tried to stop The Resistance with every economic, political, religious and social hindrance it could think of...but to no avail. A reminisce has risen from the ashes of the burned bibles, crosses and churches though out the years. I am part of that reminisce. I am this dark world's opposition. I will not be defeated or overtaken. I stand for love, righteousness, justice, faithfulness and self-control. I am taking back everything the enemy has stolen and will not quit fighting until the Empire's influence on His Kingdom has been completely vanquished. This is the final chapter of history. This is our time to act.

artdecocoz ::: Favorites
the physical heavens and earth are not what passed, the spiritual heavens and earth,The jewish system and the temple and the rebelious people who were guilty of all the rightious blood shed on the earth, they killed Jesus and his followers and the prophets for old, They indeed passed away,Jesus is now the new Temple.
07-07-22 11:29:28
artdecocoz ::: Favorites
Those 2 scriptures would fall under what is considered the old law. God still hates the abomination but he hates killing for it worse, I am of that opinion through my study of the scriptures, He no more hates the homosexual than he does the theif, the adulterer or the murderer. We have all sined and come short of the glory of God,and through our repentance,the realization of our sin, and our efforts to do good, we are saved by the grace of Jesus.
07-07-22 11:24:13
artdecocoz ::: Favorites
show me where (in scriptures) "HELL" as you see it, is part of Gods plan. I dont want bad interpretations or translations, and show me where the unrightous, after death, have an incoruptable, immortal soul, which is a gift,a reward, for rightousness.
07-07-22 11:15:03
artdecocoz ::: Favorites
Question: Why do you give satan credit? Christ died on the cross to defeat "satan" and he did. Its men and women that do injustice today, but even then look at all the good that has arisen in the past 2000 years since Christ victory,as he crushed satan under his feet. You have been brainwashed into believing satan is in control. STOP EVIL MEN should be your slogan.
07-07-22 11:08:32
redsquarecrazies ::: Favorites
Satan has attacked us. Demon's are in this thread.
07-07-05 08:51:44
PaganGod69 ::: Favorites
Very funny vid
07-05-05 10:41:21
satchito ::: Favorites
How do you know Jesus died and came back to life in the frist place? haha
07-03-13 04:21:33
cry0ut ::: Favorites
Power to the Resistance!
07-02-09 03:26:02
netsurge ::: Favorites
What god really hates is YouTube. Yes.. Youtube is where the devil really is. So stop posting videos. Stop posting comments. I'm going to repent just after I post this one, but see I'm part of the Resistance, so I'm really working for God. Right?
07-01-09 04:50:49
THEPAGANWOLF ::: Favorites
Who are you trying to convince? Yourself? Sure sounds like it. And there is no such thing as a soul. That's a myth.
06-10-29 18:36:17

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