Thursday, September 20, 2007

Jeffreys vs Witten Winning Chess Combo!

Duration: 07:40 minutes
Upload Time: 07-03-16 13:26:19
User: mjshark
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Michael Jeffreys: "Here is a breakdown of a combination I played as White at the Wilshire Chess Society in 2003 against Zack Witten (G-45). At the time young Zack was 1517 (and I was 1757), but today in 2007 he is 1914!" p.s. I've written three chess books: "250 Deadly Checkmates," "150 Deadly Opening Traps" & "Chess for Beginners." You can see them/order at: and you can check out sample chapters here:

taipan342 ::: Favorites
I thought the way it was explained and played was very welldone.
07-08-22 04:30:17
kreeshanman ::: Favorites
that's what i was thinking the whole time too hehe.
07-08-07 17:59:06
steamroller82 ::: Favorites
I hate to say this, but the combination that White initiated doesn't win any material by force. It just trades some pieces off the board. Queens get traded and two minor pieces each as well. It's just that after e4, Black blundered by playing Nxe4, after which he will lose a pawn because c4 hangs with check. He could just play Bg6 (after e4) and White has to go for e5 Kd5 ef6 gf6, when material is equal and the game might is pretty balanced.
07-07-16 07:38:50
Chessboy ::: Favorites
I love the way he says "hes now 1900" so i dont know if i could pull this off now - haha priceless comment
07-07-14 16:41:03
frank124c ::: Favorites
interesting position! the fastest way to improve one's chess game is to study chess positions like this one
07-07-03 07:15:46
frank124c ::: Favorites
d6 is controlled by the e pawn so the K cannot move back
07-07-03 07:01:19
nnachev5 ::: Favorites
I also think that despite of all Bxc4 is the correct move.Otherwise white's position is somehow restricted.One of my computer programs gave me an interesting variation 1.Bxc4 dxc4 2.e4 Bg6 3.e5 Kd5 4.exf6 gxf6 In this position the bishop should be stronger than the knight.The key position before the temporary piece sacrifice is curious and it's a good game.
07-06-15 05:54:04
nnachev5 ::: Favorites
I think the combination is nice but white is not actually winning a pawn.Instead ...Nxe4? black can play Rac8 for example and after recapturing the piece the material is equal.
07-06-14 15:12:52
DavidRunningMan ::: Favorites
I love how you commentate the "question mark," "exclamation point," and even "double-question mark" into your video. The combination was obvious, and certainly not worthy of making a 6 minute video to show the world.
07-06-13 22:59:42
HaloLvl43Legit ::: Favorites
hmm... whatever its what i enter at tornies and ive never been questioned about it
07-05-21 10:48:18

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