Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Red State Update: Who's Running For President Now?

Duration: 228 seconds
Upload Time: 07-02-05 00:57:19
User: travisandjonathan
:::: Favorites

Jackie and Dunlap have a conversation with Hillary, discuss Obama's middle name, and handicap Brownback and Kucinich. Plus, how articulate is Joe Biden? And stick around 'til the end for a special announcement from the Jackie Broyles '08 Exploratory Committee!

lizzy44444 ::: Favorites
BARACK OBAMA HATES WHITES/JEWS, even though he is half-white and RAISED ENTIRELY BY THE GRACE/HARDWORK Of his white family. Don't LIE- HE ISN'T BLACK! CALL EM' WHAT U WANT- JUST NOT BLACK! HE BLAMES WHITES, all whites, for america's problems, even though 90% of whites are NOT DESCENDED FROM SLAVE-OWNERS... yet he wants us to be punished thru. affirmative action/endless, unlimited IMMIGRATION, to make whites (including jews) a MINORITY, therefore less politically powerful.
07-07-28 23:06:38
rhpaulite ::: Favorites
We don't need a band-aid, we need a surgeon! Ron Paul is gonna win. Check out gopstrawpolls . com and vote yourself. He is the clear winner! News of Ron Pauls success is being silenced. Everyone please register as a Republican (just a stupid label), it takes just 2 minutes on their site gop . com and vote in the primaries. We gotta get this guy on the ticket. Join the revolution! RON PAUL 2008!!! please donate dollars at ronpaul2008 . com also vote 2008horserace . com
07-07-29 11:03:51
HolyHellraiser ::: Favorites
Mike gravel is 2008!!!
07-07-30 22:55:41
shaqwade4 ::: Favorites
Oh I get it, it's not funny.
07-07-31 09:00:43
amsay76 ::: Favorites
wow, I never knew that... you have absolutely convinced me with all those facts and strong arguments...
07-08-01 00:17:05
LuciusBrutus ::: Favorites
BBC - "<b>Obama warns over Pakistan strike</b>" "<i>US presidential candidate Barack Obama has said he would order military action against al-Qaeda in Pakistan without the consent of Pakistan's government.</i>" Looks like the same old foreign policy, just moving the chess pieces.
07-08-01 17:35:39
mju675 ::: Favorites
"The New World Order will be built...an end run on national sovereignty, eroding it piece by piece will accomplish much more than the frontal assault" CFR, Council on Foreign Relations CFR Members: Giuliani, McCain, Romney, Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, John Edwards, David Rockefeller, Cheney, Condy Rice, B Clinton, Dodd, Biden, Volcker Google vid: Terrorstorm-2hr, America: Freedom to Fascism-2hr, Loose Change-2hr & 'Walt Mearsheimer Israel'
07-08-08 10:38:37
Vincentsdream ::: Favorites
Clinton = World war 3
07-08-09 21:08:20
goat909295 ::: Favorites
FLAWS OF THE REPUBLICAN CANDIDATES: Mitt Romney is a Scientologist. (You thought Mormon was bad?) Rudy Giuliani doesn't just cross-dress, she IS a woman, had an abortion. Fred Thompson, womanizer that he is, got her pregnant. John McCain died last week, staff is keeping it secret. Mike Huckabee can't have his name pronounced without everybody chuckling. The only people who've ever heard of Ron Paul are 43 nerdy computer geeks too young to vote.
07-08-10 12:59:30
WWWJTFORG ::: Favorites
Hillary Saddam Clinton is a vicious Jew-hater who wants to relentlessly pressure heroic little Israel to commit national suicide by creating an independent PLO-Hamas-Fatah Muslim terrorist state in Israel's Biblical heartland. רק חיים בן פסח והימין האמיתי מציעים פיתרונות מציאותיים כדי להציל את עם ישראל וארץ ישראל. תחפשו את חיים בן פסח והימין האמיתי בגוגל בעברית
07-08-11 14:03:13

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