Saturday, August 11, 2007

Hey, FAG! PC Question for you!

Duration: 461 seconds
Upload Time: 07-03-31 22:46:55
User: Gimmeabreakman
:::: Favorites

The original "offensive" video. Man and Sport Dirty Laundry: YouTube mails between SquirrelTales and me. First we wrote to one another through comments that we both erased. Then...SquirrelTales wrote: Homophobia Portrayed as Commonplace and Acceptable. Message: It's a shame you lack the understanding and humility of the video's creator 'Megalis', who was completely gracious (despite his video being rightly pulled from feature). You throw up a set of entirely disparate reminiscences in the hope they'll fall down with some semblance of order to prove you right, except they don't./Misrepresenting (particularly in an influential forum like this) a minority which has suffered ridicule, inequality and social prejudice for many decades is a VERY dangerous and VERY important topic indeed, and needs to be handled with responsibility and insight...what a shame you don't agree. Patronisingly suggesting that my concerns are misplaced within the wider world (of which I'm extensively travelled) just makes you sound vague beyond belief./Leaning on the fact you've managed to leave America and learn a different language (about which you're clearly bursting with self-congratulatory pride), doesn't somehow make your opinions any more globally proportionate than my own. Particularly when you have no knowledge of my cultural origins, my experiences, my friends or anything else you use so readily in your own defence. For one so supposedly worldly-awakened, you're obviously too busy showing-off your ability to speak Japanese whilst rifling through inane light entertainment in a pseudo-authoritarian way, to listen to reason./You're clearly happy to promote homophobic stereotypes just because they don't offend YOURSELF or the conveniently obligatory "gay friends" that people like you always have...and you elude to ME being narrow-minded?. Your choice was publicly irresponsible but the thinking public (that doesn't include you) spoke-out and the material was pulled from feature. 'Megalis' learned from this (he told me himself he was "glad" it was removed), Youtube learned from this (they pulled the video from feature)...but evidently YOU DID NOT./What do you teach, fucking Origami?. I answered from my Victorintheworld Channel: So you block me, huh? You actually made me think. And I wrote you a long nice email telling you that you may have a point. But blocking me just makes me realize that you are only interested in preaching YOUR point of view. PERIOD. You are RIGHT. And I am WRONG. And that is it. I left you a message on my page, as I cannot speak on yours as gimmeabreakman./BTW, I have lived in Japan for 16 years. Speaking Japanese for me is NOTHING to be proud of. But the fact that you read pride into that points more at your lack of self confidence and perhaps self-loathing./I was really psyched to do a video all about this. TO EXPLORE the issue./But now I doubt it. What for. You have already made up your mind./I will not block you. Go ahead and ignore me. OR try to engage in intelligent conversation./If not... try to find your happiness somewhere. And don't get it off putting other people down for not "getting" you when it SEEMS clear you have no intention of conversing.V SquirrelTales wrote: I made you think so much that you did a U-Turn and composed a "nice" message in response, but you then did another U-Turn just because you couldn't get the message to me?..that's some caring conscience you've got there. Try being yourself and removing me from the equation and then see how you feel about the issue./You are completely correct when you say I think I'm right, because I AM right and any altruistic person knows I'm right. The promotion of homophobia via homophobic terms (notice I said promotion and not just usage) in modern popular culture is unacceptable and wrong, if you think it isn't that's really your very sizeable problem./As for my self-confidence and state of personal happiness, both are entirely irrelevant to this issue but seeing as you ask they are intact thank you. Oh and the self-loathing thing is actually rather humorous, as what I'm trying to do is help (in the miniscule way that I can) to stop the unnecessary loathing and stereotyping of an important and much persecuted section of society, of which I'm one./Just to reiterate my point (I like to stay on point and not waffle on about my childhood and friends you see), YES I have made-up my mind you are 100% correct when you say that, through experience and my desire for society to move forward rather than backward, homophobia should NOT be tolerated nor nonchalantly promoted, I defend that and proclaim it fact - happily so./To be honest I don't wish to converse with you as your opinions swing hither and thither depending on how you're treated, it's horrible to be 'momentarily' treated unfairly isn't it?. Imagine if you had to deal with it every day, when your only crime was daring to live your life in truth.

BeatBuddy ::: Favorites
Fag? Here in America we call them cigarettes.
07-08-02 19:07:40
BeatBuddy ::: Favorites
Yes, we have to get away from using the word "fag". It's almost always used with negative connotations in denoting something undesirable, even when that undesirable thing has nothing to do with homosexuality. It ingrains in impressionable youth the association of anything undesirable with homosexuality. it contributes to the low self-esteem that many gays have to deal with.
07-08-02 19:25:39
BeatBuddy ::: Favorites
How well I remember the time when family members were listening to Tchaikovsky; I happened to mention that he was a "homo." My six-year-old niece perked her head up and said, "You mean he was a bad person?" She picked that idea up somewhere, but it certainly didn't come from this household. If that sounds PC, so be it.
07-08-02 19:30:14
Gimmeabreakman ::: Favorites
Hmm... too bad. Good points.
07-08-02 19:36:56
dielosersdie ::: Favorites
Ugly fag bitch, get a face lift!
07-08-03 13:36:52
lookingatstuff2007 ::: Favorites
Do you call Jews Kikes? do you cal blacks niggers? how about spics gor hispanics? Yes fag is still offensive because it is derrogatory and still strongly associated to homosexuality. Anyway, I hope I shed some light on the answer to your question, I wish you well. Lookingatstuff2007
07-08-03 16:10:10
Gimmeabreakman ::: Favorites
You are a genius.
07-08-05 03:01:48
Gimmeabreakman ::: Favorites
Another one!?
07-08-05 03:02:00
okodorifuto ::: Favorites
STFU Faggot! No one gives a shit about you weeaboo!!! Suck my big and salty cock! Bitch!
07-08-07 00:39:16
Sublett1923 ::: Favorites
No one gives a shit what u say. next time dont make documentary about fags or homosexuals or assholes
07-08-09 13:24:20

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