Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Happiness Machines (part 1 of 6) !!! MUST SEE !!!

Duration: 10:42 minutes
Upload Time: 07-03-05 08:36:27
User: melah65
:::: Favorites

THE CENTURY OF SELF(EPISODE 1):The story of the relationship between Sigmund Freud and his American nephew, Edward Bernays. Bernays invented the public relations profession in the 1920s and was the first person to take Freud's ideas to manipulate the masses. He showed American corporations how they could make people want things they didn't need by systematically linking mass-produced goods to their unconscious desires. Bernays was one of the main architects of the modern techniques of mass-consumer persuasion, using every trick in the book, from celebrity endorsement and outrageous PR stunts, to eroticising the motorcar. His most notorious coup was breaking the taboo on women smoking by persuading them that cigarettes were a symbol of independence and freedom. But Bernays was convinced that this was more than just a way of selling consumer goods. It was a new political idea of how to control the masses. By satisfying the inner irrational desires that his uncle had identified, people could be made happy and thus docile. It was the start of the all-consuming self which has come to dominate today's world. "He said, I am the master of all of these, for I eat the essence of all of these: WHEAT" visit http://www.soulcravings.net FEED YOUR SOUL!

Crander1962 ::: Favorites
Caucasians use over 70 percent of all illegal drugs in the U.S. ....think about it....
07-08-06 22:07:49
cometepiace ::: Favorites
Very simplistic, caucasians easily make up to 80 - 85% of the total population, so what you're really saying is that the "others" in the population are consuming way more illegal drugs than caucasians..... quit seeing things to make yourself comfortable, find the facts. They should be decriminalized anyway, pharmaceutical drugs are way worse than illegal drugs, with a lot more addiction.
07-08-09 19:53:44
hughtub ::: Favorites
Edward Bernays' studies are the basis of why universal suffrage equates with media control of the government. If the voters aren't rational, and the media can control their choices, then the media controls politics and whoever owns the media controls the nation.
07-07-15 23:13:57
setanta333 ::: Favorites
this is a very true statement,you can see evidence of this every day on Fox news.FAIR and BALANCED,I dont think so
07-07-21 14:59:07
hughtub ::: Favorites
Fox is definitely right-wing oriented, and was created to appeal to the growing mass of viewers who were disenchanted with the liberal orientation of the rest of the mass media.
07-07-21 15:35:40
LordBicen ::: Favorites
really? well they are number one in the news world. it's a fact. the mass of population are tired of a liberal slant on things. Theres always CNN and MSNBC for people like you that prefer to stay in the dark. So cry me a river for your bleeding heart ass.
07-08-01 20:50:23
skipperiffic ::: Favorites
CNN and MSNBC are hardly "Liberal"
07-08-02 16:28:22
LordBicen ::: Favorites
hahaha ok you can "think" that if you want. Just because they have maybe a handful of Independant reporters, like Chris Mathews and Dan Abrams, Does not mean that the whole network is that way. And CNN? Clinton News Network? Dont even get me started on CNN. I dont have enough space here. Point is, Fox News is Fair and Balanced as news Gets. Point = Hannity and Colmes. Why is it that Liberals Preach Tollerance, yet they are the first one to lash out when someone disagrees with them?
07-08-02 21:31:14
skipperiffic ::: Favorites
Liberals first to lash out...Well how do you explain Bill O'reilley,Rush,Savage or the many others who always resort to name calling when someone disagrees? Both of your posts here insult liberals. "Bleeding Heart Ass" "Clinton News Network". Anderson Cooper is the only TV news anchor who seems to have some credibility. As far as radio try Amy Goodman,David Barsamian or Lara Flanders for an actual liberal view.
07-08-03 11:42:42
skipperiffic ::: Favorites
This discussion is not focused on the right argument. We are not talking about Liberal/Conservative/Democrat/Republican. This is about rich/poor. More to the point it is about the power elite vs the masses. Just ask Ed Bernays.
07-08-03 11:46:38
LordBicen ::: Favorites
Ok so you wantg to rob "Peter" because he busts his ass day in and day out to have things in his life, and give it to some welfare looser names "Paul" that gets high and slaps his wife around and wont go out and make something of his life instead of being a burden on society? I work hard for my money pal and i dont think it's right that i have to carry some idiot because he's a highschool dropout. BTW im not an eliteist. Im a working class joe.
07-08-04 00:59:31
LordBicen ::: Favorites
no thanks. i'll pass. I didnt mention O'Reilly cause i think he is alittle nutty myself, guy. i prefer "center" standing myself. I got crazies to my right and chickens to my left, but since you brought up Bill, No news anchor does more for the rights of kids, and "Liberal" judges like to parole molesters and rapists, and yet lock people up for years over smoking weed?! Wheres the logic in that? Not that i smoke that stuff, but i figure the punishment should fit the crime.
07-08-04 00:55:37
hypnofan35 ::: Favorites
Being a person is big fun. HaHa. Sometimes it is a little crazy. Tra la. i don't think anyone knows what to do about it. Fa la. i'm pretty sure i did not have anything to say about it. i think i'm happy i haven't been thrown in a hole before i die. By now i'm pretty sure i should not push my luck on that. fah la. Ta da. La de dah.
07-06-15 20:42:23
bushuraloser ::: Favorites
Why you pickin on me?You know I try hard to put food on your family so man and fish and peacefully exist. Bubba dubbyah bush...and i approved this message
07-06-14 21:52:55
ElAurenz ::: Favorites
He is very aplomb, there are plums and plumbs and Fraud died because his jaw told lies.
07-06-06 02:45:34
tjgmacmillan ::: Favorites
so dont judge that
07-06-06 02:23:46
ElAurenz ::: Favorites
Why not, Fraud was full of judgments, what's wrong with that?
07-06-06 02:47:21
4Article1 ::: Favorites
Thank goodness some of Freud's crap was incorrect, now if we could only work on Bernays' crap as well. Choice, what a joke! All these products are made by the same companies but you pay more for the name on one over the other. Too bad they're the same product.
07-06-05 17:58:50
wiskawind ::: Favorites
This is a great video series! Much of this I studied in college and that knowledge has kept me thinking my own thoughts, instead of being turned into a mindless consumer. (grin) I have to admit it has saved me lots of money too.
07-06-05 10:54:27
tjgmacmillan ::: Favorites
07-06-05 07:55:22

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