Thursday, August 2, 2007

Cheney at AIPAC

Duration: 237 seconds
Upload Time: 07-06-04 02:32:23
User: desheik
:::: Favorites

Ben was right. Auto Pilot by Queens of the Stoneage.

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abathey ::: Favorites
So this gives Jews the right, with America's backing, to ethnically clense Lebabnon and Palestine and force out thousands upon thousands of it's nautrual occupants? And for clarification, the whole world didn't hate the jews, Nazi's did. And the only reason Muslims want to wipe Jews off the map now is because of their incursion into thier homeland and thier blatant and horrid acts, commited mostly in oppostion to the UN.
07-06-06 02:02:54
getplaning ::: Favorites
Cheney hasn't been right yet. Not once.
07-06-06 02:10:25
getplaning ::: Favorites
Israel is the 51st state.
07-06-06 02:10:29
krazycanuk ::: Favorites
New York brings in more revenue than all those third world cities combined. And New Orleans is also a historical tourist attraction. The parts your thinking make up a very small portion of black population centers. Kuwaiit, Dubaii, and Jordan on the other hand are primitive shitholes compared to any US city.
07-06-06 09:49:44
jean4you ::: Favorites
why are you jewish? like sarah fucking silverman?
07-06-06 10:32:48
ledouchebaggins ::: Favorites
It's de-lovely.
07-06-08 10:43:30
BigWetKiss ::: Favorites
Jews are not the victims they have been made out to be. Do your own research. You will see how deceptive and destructive these people are. This is not a religion. This is an organization hell bent on supremacism, and it has been for hundreds of years. The jews are guilty of genocide. Israel today is a terrorist state. How can the world turn a blind eye to the crimes that are played out by Israel each and every day? Educate yourself. Educate others. Your future depends on it.
07-06-18 19:11:47
andy371a ::: Favorites
Bush said Constitution "a goddamn piece of paper". Congress confirms a similar attitude by passing the Orwellian "Patriot" Act. Vote Dr Ron Paul for USA President! Register Republican for primary election! See Dr Ron Paul in Aaron Russo's 'America: Freedom to Fascism'. Also watch 'The Money Masters' and 'TerrorStorm', all free on Google.
07-06-18 21:04:21
johnsmdm ::: Favorites
antisemites! forewarned you are hereby on notice and contact of the youtube review board will be envoked.
07-07-05 23:13:48
rOaCh2000 ::: Favorites
you're psychotic. if you can't stand the heat don't get into the kitchen. that kitchen being posting videos about muhammed and the "satanicness" of islam.
07-07-25 12:43:12

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